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Friedrich Kurz fkurz

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fkurz /
Last active April 8, 2024 07:58
# --
# Test if Docker daemon disk space usage is above a given limit in bytes.
# Example 1: Docker disk space usage is above limit
# $ source
# $ is_docker_disk_space_usage_above_limit 1
# Docker disk space usage is above limit (actual: 1050000005B, limit: 1B)
# $ printf $?
fkurz /
Last active June 7, 2021 17:37
tfsec: how to ignore multiple errors

How To Ignore Multiple tfsec Errors

I stumbled upon this today when I wanted to get a precommit hook running again that runs tfsec.

If we want to ignore multiple errors with tfsec, then we can use the -e flag and a comma separated string.

E.g. if we have a violating AWS001, AWS002, and AWS017, we'll get the following output from tfsec:

$ tfsec
fkurz /
Last active February 17, 2021 14:40
Haskell Shell Scripting with GHCI and Turtle

Shell scripting with Haskell


Shell scripting is kinda broken:

  • Shell scripting languages differ or are interpreted with subtle differences
  • Higher level language concepts are typically missing

Can Haskell be a good replacement for Bash—or similar languages—as a shell scripting language?

fkurz /
Last active January 10, 2025 04:11
Mermaid Diagram Image Export

We can export a mermaid diagram to PNG very simply using the official Mermaid CLI Tool.

Installation via npm

npm i -g mermaid.cli


fkurz /
Last active June 28, 2021 15:51
ZSH Compaudit Insecure Directories Fix

This is more or less a note-to-self.

Note: this doesn't seem to be the simplest solution. See edit from 27th June 2021 below.

If ZSH's compaudit complains about insecure directories on a Mac, removing write permissions will fix the issue (see this SO answer):

chmod g-w ${insecure-directories}
fkurz /
Last active June 27, 2021 13:26
Brew Permissions on macOS for Multiple Users

If you run a multi-user setup, [Brew][brew-home]'s doctor command will likely report lack of write permission on directories under /usr/local (e.g. /usr/local/etc).

The suggested fix is to chown -R $(whoami) ${directory} for all directories ${directory} without write permission by the current user. While this is a quick fix, it will force us to do the same procedure over again when we change to another user.

A better solution is to create a brew user group and add every user to this group that uses Brew as detailed [in this blog post][brew-multi-user]. While it's possible to add a user group via the command line. The simpler solution is to just use System Preferences > Users & Groups.

Once the group is created — called brew-users in this example — we can run the following to change the group for all files/directories managed by Brew (i.e. those stored under $(brew --prefix)) to the Brew user group and give the group writing

fkurz /
Last active December 13, 2024 04:25
Howto: Create a Manjaro Linux USB Boot Drive on MacOS

Create a Manjaro Linux USB Boot Drive on MacOS

  1. Download Manjaro Distribution

    Download page

  2. Format USB Drive

    To find the volume identifier of our USB stick, we run

fkurz /
Created June 24, 2019 13:02
Snippet: Creating instant vectors with arbitrary labels in PromQL

Creating Instant Vectors with Arbitrary Labels in PromQl


We need to create an instant vector with a given label set.

An example use case would be supplying a default value in combination with or.


fkurz /
Last active June 22, 2019 19:51
Snippet: Protobuf Python Generation With Working Import Statements

Protobuf Python: Generating Code With Working Import Statements


The import statements in Python code generated from factored Protobuf files do not correctly point to the modules to be imported.

Note: By factored, I mean at least two files a.proto and b.proto with potential of mutual dependencies.


fkurz /
Last active May 18, 2019 13:30
Snippet: Generating Protobuf Message Serializations from the Command Line

Snippet: Generating Protobuf Message Serializations from the Command Line


We want to send some protobuf serialized data to an implemented RPC API endpoint for testing.

Note: This is especially helpful if you work with [Twirp][3] and code in Python since the code generator does not yield a JSON Protobuf client.


You can use the protoc command to generate binary data and then pass them to curl (see [1] and [2]).