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Last active December 13, 2024 04:25
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Howto: Create a Manjaro Linux USB Boot Drive on MacOS

Create a Manjaro Linux USB Boot Drive on MacOS

  1. Download Manjaro Distribution

    Download page

  2. Format USB Drive

    To find the volume identifier of our USB stick, we run

    $ diskutil list
    # ...
    /dev/disk4 (external, physical):
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:                                                   *31.7 GB    disk4

    Erase disk (e.g. volume_identifier=disk4)

    $ diskutil secureErase 1 ${volume_identifier}
    Started erase on disk4
    Finished erase on disk4
  3. Convert ISO to IMG

    $ hdiutil convert ${input_path} -format UDRW -o ${output_path}

    Note: input_path and output_path are the locations of the downloaded Manjaro ISO file respectively the output path for the image (latter without file suffix).


    $ input_path=~/Downloads/manjaro-xfce-18.1.5-191229-linux54.iso
    $ output_path=~/Desktop/manjaro-xfce-18.1.5-191229-linux54
    $ hdiutil convert ${input_path} -format UDRW -o ${output_path}
    # ...
    created: /Users/main/Desktop/manjaro-xfce-18.1.5-191229-linux54.dmg
  4. Burn to USB Drive

    $ diskutil unmountDisk /dev/${volume_identifier}
    Unmount of all volumes on disk4 was successful


    sudo dd if=${output_path}.dmg of=/dev/${volume_identifier} bs=1m 
  5. Restart Mac and hold alt key after startup chime to select boot drive. Choose the USB Drive.

  6. Enjoy Manjaro!

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megasuperlexa commented Jul 28, 2024

Too many steps imo. You dont need to format or convert iso.
It is only 2 commands for me:

diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk4
sudo dd bs=4M if=manjaro-i3-24.0.2-240710-linux69.iso of=/dev/disk4

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