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Last active October 21, 2016 20:24
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INFO 21 ott 2016 13:19:59,464 babel.english.demo: running demo: Dog noun phrases; 5 attempts.
running demo: Dog noun phrases; 5 attempts.
"Elapsed time: 99.353958 msecs"
Some old dogs.
"Elapsed time: 2372.836248 msecs"
Gianluca's small pupil's short man's second dog.
"Elapsed time: 1765.119643 msecs"
Luisa's mother's old professors' new dogs.
"Elapsed time: 496.159388 msecs"
Her tall womens' first womens' professor's first dog.
"Elapsed time: 86.068403 msecs"
Antonia's black dogs.
INFO 21 ott 2016 13:20:04,288 babel.english.demo: running demo: Very specific noun phrases: few-rules; 5 attempts.
running demo: Very specific noun phrases: few-rules; 5 attempts.
"Elapsed time: 4705.521617 msecs"
Luisa's first dogs.
"Elapsed time: 234.771054 msecs"
Luisa's first dogs.
"Elapsed time: 185.512184 msecs"
Luisa's first dogs.
"Elapsed time: 142.418691 msecs"
Luisa's first dogs.
"Elapsed time: 189.676966 msecs"
Luisa's first dogs.
INFO 21 ott 2016 13:20:09,747 babel.english.demo: running demo: Very specific noun phrases: small-lexicon; 5 attempts.
running demo: Very specific noun phrases: small-lexicon; 5 attempts.
"Elapsed time: 137.402705 msecs"
Luisa's second dogs.
"Elapsed time: 100.282808 msecs"
Luisa's second dogs.
"Elapsed time: 98.764591 msecs"
Luisa's second dogs.
"Elapsed time: 98.298805 msecs"
Luisa's second dogs.
"Elapsed time: 96.294632 msecs"
Luisa's second dogs.
INFO 21 ott 2016 13:20:10,280 babel.english.demo: running demo: Very specific noun phrases; 5 attempts.
running demo: Very specific noun phrases; 5 attempts.
"Elapsed time: 134.233774 msecs"
Luisa's first dogs.
"Elapsed time: 123.705629 msecs"
Luisa's first dogs.
"Elapsed time: 141.358924 msecs"
Luisa's first dogs.
"Elapsed time: 132.023112 msecs"
Luisa's first dogs.
"Elapsed time: 124.342317 msecs"
Luisa's first dogs.
INFO 21 ott 2016 13:20:10,937 babel.english.demo: running demo: Noun Phrases; 5 attempts.
running demo: Noun Phrases; 5 attempts.
"Elapsed time: 134.301637 msecs"
Antonia and Luisa's red cities.
"Elapsed time: 318.268693 msecs"
Her second meeting's sighs' first meetings.
"Elapsed time: 119.088211 msecs"
Juana's red city.
"Elapsed time: 876.125651 msecs"
That black salad's salads' new bird's red pizzas' small coffee.
"Elapsed time: 510.705433 msecs"
Her woman's intelligent mens' old professors' short keys.
INFO 21 ott 2016 13:20:12,898 babel.english.demo: running demo: Sentences about dogs eating; 5 attempts.
running demo: Sentences about dogs eating; 5 attempts.
"Elapsed time: 4692.430917 msecs"
Jean's mens' stupid mens' second dogs eat it.
"Elapsed time: 3265.977176 msecs"
His womens' short dog would eat their red cats' bread.
"Elapsed time: 2991.816829 msecs"
Her second dogs were eating it.
"Elapsed time: 2861.935486 msecs"
Gianluca's dog will eat some key's new pizzas.
"Elapsed time: 1090.394617 msecs"
Matteo's professors' small dog will eat Matteo's small birds' short word's new water.
INFO 21 ott 2016 13:20:27,810 babel.english.demo: running demo: Sentences about thinking; 5 attempts.
running demo: Sentences about thinking; 5 attempts.
"Elapsed time: 6842.677883 msecs"
Luisa's first women think that Antonia and Luisa keep you.
"Elapsed time: 32507.554731 msecs"
Some short pupils' second women would think that Gianluca and Luisa's bag warmed.
"Elapsed time: 1993.730698 msecs"
Some first fathers would think that Luisa and I walk Juan and me.
"Elapsed time: 15628.493128 msecs"
Our new men think that the table would be with itself with itself.
"Elapsed time: 6936.612125 msecs"
Gianluca's intelligent man's short woman will think that his professor would print it.
INFO 21 ott 2016 13:21:31,723 babel.english.demo: running demo: Sentences about believing; 5 attempts.
running demo: Sentences about believing; 5 attempts.
"Elapsed time: 3643.425193 msecs"
Juana believes that my bag would begin.
"Elapsed time: 2403.1004 msecs"
His new fathers believe that Antonio's first birds are missed.
"Elapsed time: 2659.026413 msecs"
Luisa's second pupils' mens' second men would believe that our cars manage.
"Elapsed time: 4417.070574 msecs"
Our tall professors used to believe that a first pupil left you all.
"Elapsed time: 4504.347176 msecs"
Gianluca's second pupils' tall father would believe that her short student's professor was chatting with you all.
INFO 21 ott 2016 13:21:49,364 babel.english.demo: running demo: Sentences about assuming; 5 attempts.
running demo: Sentences about assuming; 5 attempts.
"Elapsed time: 1561.041604 msecs"
Antonia's bags' old tables would assume that their second fathers' women would keep me.
"Elapsed time: 6263.464663 msecs"
Jean's small book assumes that you all would hurt yourselves.
"Elapsed time: 16505.035279 msecs"
Jean's tall mothers' small games will assume that Luisa and I are for ourselves for ourselves.
"Elapsed time: 1380.461267 msecs"
His old party was assuming that Gianluca and Giovanni's new bread endured him.
"Elapsed time: 28861.213152 msecs"
Jean's small parties' intelligent waters assume that Jean's man hopes that Gianluca wonders.
INFO 21 ott 2016 13:22:43,947 babel.english.demo: running demo: Sentences; 5 attempts.
running demo: Sentences; 5 attempts.
"Elapsed time: 431.129448 msecs"
Antonia and Luisa's stupid womens' stupid woman will set you all.
"Elapsed time: 397.581672 msecs"
Gianluca and Luisa's black waters were painting our new pupil's backpacks.
"Elapsed time: 738.811324 msecs"
Antonio's small man's small woman would understand Antonio's intelligent man's second cats.
"Elapsed time: 556.726304 msecs"
Luisa's pupils' new mens' tall mothers were avoiding him.
"Elapsed time: 233.459434 msecs"
Our short men showed you all.
INFO 21 ott 2016 13:22:46,306 babel.english.demo: running demo: Totally random expressions; 5 attempts.
running demo: Totally random expressions; 5 attempts.
"Elapsed time: 688.084293 msecs"
The mothers' small man's intelligent father will sigh Juana's second sigh.
"Elapsed time: 301.864012 msecs"
Antonio's first coffee understood her.
"Elapsed time: 399.785798 msecs"
Gianluca and Giovanni's old bread's small shoe displaces it.
"Elapsed time: 253.273687 msecs"
Antonio's small womens' small tables.
"Elapsed time: 649.11113 msecs"
Those small parties' tall water's second father would rest our small sigh's party.
babel demo is finished. JVM shutting down.
[Fri 16/10/21 13:23 PDT] <ekoontz@Eugen..:~/babel> 9299 (git)-[master]-
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