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goal inclusion matching from jason
Definition tmp {T} (x : T) := x.
Ltac first_goal_occurs_in_other_goal :=
unshelve (
repeat (let y := multimatch goal with
| [ |- context[?y] ] => y
| [ H : context[?y] |- _ ] => y
| [ H := context[?y] |- _ ] => y
end in
is_evar y;
lazymatch goal with
| [ H : tmp (y = y) |- _ ] => fail
| _ => pose proof (eq_refl y : tmp (y = y))
[ > | shelve_unifiable.. ];
let n1 := numgoals in
let n2 := numgoals in
guard n2 < n1;
(* cleanup now *)
repeat match goal with
| [ H : tmp (_ = _) |- _ ] => clear H
Goal True.
unshelve epose (_:nat) as n.
all: first_goal_occurs_in_other_goal.
2: clear.
all: first_goal_occurs_in_other_goal. (* Error: Condition not satisfied: 2<2 *)
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