Save JoonTorareta/f5e524f9745dee90b5ce8895fb8db1d8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#version 300 es | |
precision highp float; | |
#else | |
precision mediump float; | |
#endif | |
out vec4 fragColor; | |
uniform vec2 resolution; | |
uniform vec3 orientation; | |
uniform int frame; | |
uniform sampler2D backbuffer; | |
uniform float startRandom; | |
uniform sampler2D denjiro;///min:n;mag:l;s:c;t:c; | |
//------------Settings-------------- | |
float fov = 45.; | |
vec3 backgroundColor = vec3(0.09,0.03,0.09); | |
vec3 objectColor = vec3(0.22,0.45,0.32); | |
float movementSensitivity = 10.;//in degrees between 1~90 | |
bool scanlines = true; | |
float lineNum = 376.5;//best if it is a multiple of your phone's y resolution | |
vec3 scanlineColor = vec3(0.05,0.05,0.05); | |
float scoreSize = 11.; | |
vec4 scoreColor = vec4(0.8,0.3,0.3,0.5);//w is alpha | |
bool showBackground = false;//you can turn this off to increase fps | |
float pulseRadius = 350.; | |
float pulseThickness = 5.; | |
float pulseSpd = 0.02; | |
vec4 pulseColor = vec4(0.8,0.2,0.2,0.8); | |
float speed = 0.015; | |
//---------------------------------- | |
//2 vec3 per cube [position, size] | |
vec3[8] walls = vec3[](vec3(0.,25.,-50.), vec3(26.,1.,50.), | |
vec3(25.,0.,-50.), vec3(1.,26.,50.), | |
vec3(-25.,0.,-50.), vec3(1.,26.,50.), | |
vec3(0.,-25.,-50.), vec3(26.,1.,50.)); | |
vec3[16] cubes; | |
vec3 camPos = vec3(0.,0.,0.);//cam faces -z dir | |
float yRot = 0.;//In radians | |
float xRot = 0.;//In radians | |
mat3 rotMatrix; | |
vec3 rayDir; | |
vec3 rayPos = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
vec3 finalColor; | |
bool hit = false; | |
vec3 surfacePos = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
vec3 normal; | |
float depth = 0.; | |
float attenuation = 100.; | |
float gameOver = 0.;//1. if player dies | |
float score = 0.;//max score is 255 i think | |
float pulseTracker = 0.; | |
float screenShake = 0.; | |
float t = 10000.; | |
float ease(float a, float b, float t){ | |
float diff = b-a; | |
return a + diff * pow(t-1.,2.); | |
} | |
float remap(float x,float iMin, float iMax, float oMin, float oMax){ | |
float ans = min(max(iMin, x),iMax); | |
return (ans-iMin)/(iMax-iMin)*(oMax-oMin)+oMin; | |
} | |
vec3 pointLight(vec3 lightPos, vec3 pos, vec3 color, float radius){ | |
float dist = distance(lightPos, pos); | |
float alignment = clamp(dot(normal, normalize(lightPos-pos)),0.,1.); | |
float brightness = ease(0.,1.,clamp(remap(dist,0.,radius,0.,1.),0.,1.)) * alignment; | |
return floor(brightness*13.)/13.*color; | |
} | |
vec3 findRayDir(){ | |
float pixelSize = 1.; | |
if(scanlines){ | |
pixelSize = resolution.y / lineNum; | |
} | |
vec2 fragCoord = floor(gl_FragCoord.xy/pixelSize)*pixelSize; | |
vec2 centered = fragCoord - vec2(resolution.x,resolution.y)/2.; | |
float zDist = -(resolution.x/2.)/tan(radians(fov/2.)); | |
vec3 dir = normalize(vec3(centered, zDist)); | |
rotMatrix = mat3(cos(yRot) ,0. ,-sin(yRot), | |
sin(xRot)*sin(yRot),cos(xRot) ,sin(xRot)*cos(yRot), | |
cos(xRot)*sin(yRot),-sin(xRot),cos(xRot)*cos(yRot)); | |
dir = rotMatrix*dir; | |
return dir; | |
} | |
//Check for axis aligned plane collision. lower is the lower corner of the plane | |
void cubePlaneCheck(vec3 lower, vec3 upper, vec3 center){ | |
if(lower.x == upper.x){ | |
float t0 = (lower.x-camPos.x)/rayDir.x; | |
if(t0<0.){ | |
return; | |
} | |
//SP short for surface position | |
vec3 potentialSP = camPos + t0*rayDir; | |
if(potentialSP.y>lower.y && potentialSP.y<upper.y && potentialSP.z>lower.z && potentialSP.z<upper.z){ | |
hit = true; | |
if (t0<t){ | |
t = t0; | |
surfacePos = potentialSP; | |
normal = vec3(sign(lower.x-center.x),0.,0.); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if(lower.y == upper.y){ | |
float t0 = (lower.y-camPos.y)/rayDir.y; | |
if(t0<0.){ | |
return; | |
} | |
//SP short for surface position | |
vec3 potentialSP = camPos + t0*rayDir; | |
if(potentialSP.x>lower.x && potentialSP.x<upper.x && potentialSP.z>lower.z && potentialSP.z<upper.z){ | |
hit = true; | |
if (t0<t){ | |
t = t0; | |
surfacePos = potentialSP; | |
normal = vec3(0.,sign(lower.y-center.y),0.); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if(lower.z == upper.z){ | |
float t0 = (lower.z-camPos.z)/rayDir.z; | |
if(t0<0.){ | |
return; | |
} | |
//SP short for surface position | |
vec3 potentialSP = camPos + t0*rayDir; | |
if(potentialSP.y>lower.y && potentialSP.y<upper.y && potentialSP.x>lower.x && potentialSP.x<upper.x){ | |
hit = true; | |
if (t0<t){ | |
t = t0; | |
surfacePos = potentialSP; | |
normal = vec3(0.,0.,sign(lower.z-center.z)); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
void cubeCheck(){ | |
for (int i=0;i<cubes.length();i+=2){ | |
cubePlaneCheck(cubes[i]+cubes[i+1].xyz*vec3(1.,-1.,-1.),cubes[i]+cubes[i+1].xyz,cubes[i]); | |
cubePlaneCheck(cubes[i]-cubes[i+1].xyz,cubes[i]+cubes[i+1].xyz*vec3(-1.,1.,1.),cubes[i]); | |
cubePlaneCheck(cubes[i]+cubes[i+1].xyz*vec3(-1.,1.,-1.),cubes[i]+cubes[i+1].xyz,cubes[i]); | |
cubePlaneCheck(cubes[i]-cubes[i+1].xyz,cubes[i]+cubes[i+1].xyz*vec3(1.,-1.,1.),cubes[i]); | |
cubePlaneCheck(cubes[i]+cubes[i+1].xyz*vec3(-1.,-1.,1.),cubes[i]+cubes[i+1].xyz,cubes[i]); | |
cubePlaneCheck(cubes[i]-cubes[i+1].xyz,cubes[i]+cubes[i+1].xyz*vec3(1.,1.,-1.),cubes[i]); | |
} | |
} | |
void wallsCheck(){ | |
for (int i=0;i<walls.length();i+=2){ | |
cubePlaneCheck(walls[i]+walls[i+1].xyz*vec3(1.,-1.,-1.),walls[i]+walls[i+1].xyz,walls[i]); | |
cubePlaneCheck(walls[i]-walls[i+1].xyz,walls[i]+walls[i+1].xyz*vec3(-1.,1.,1.),walls[i]); | |
cubePlaneCheck(walls[i]+walls[i+1].xyz*vec3(-1.,1.,-1.),walls[i]+walls[i+1].xyz,walls[i]); | |
cubePlaneCheck(walls[i]-walls[i+1].xyz,walls[i]+walls[i+1].xyz*vec3(1.,-1.,1.),walls[i]); | |
cubePlaneCheck(walls[i]+walls[i+1].xyz*vec3(-1.,-1.,1.),walls[i]+walls[i+1].xyz,walls[i]); | |
cubePlaneCheck(walls[i]-walls[i+1].xyz,walls[i]+walls[i+1].xyz*vec3(1.,1.,-1.),walls[i]); | |
} | |
} | |
vec3 colorLerp(float x, vec3 a, vec3 b){ | |
vec3 c = b-a; | |
return a+x*c; | |
} | |
void setCubes(inout vec3[16] cubes, float dist, int index, int type){ | |
if(type == 0){ | |
cubes[index] = vec3(0.,4.,dist); | |
cubes[index+1] = vec3(6.,2.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+2] = vec3(4.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+3] = vec3(2.,6.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+4] = vec3(0.,-4.,dist); | |
cubes[index+5] = vec3(6.,2.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+6] = vec3(-4.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+7] = vec3(2.,6.,0.2); | |
} | |
else if(type == 1){ | |
cubes[index] = vec3(0.,4.,dist); | |
cubes[index+1] = vec3(6.,2.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+2] = vec3(2.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+3] = vec3(4.,6.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+4] = vec3(0.,-4.,dist); | |
cubes[index+5] = vec3(6.,2.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+6] = vec3(0,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+7] = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
} | |
else if(type == 2){ | |
cubes[index] = vec3(0.,4.,dist); | |
cubes[index+1] = vec3(6.,2.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+2] = vec3(-2.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+3] = vec3(4.,6.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+4] = vec3(0.,-4.,dist); | |
cubes[index+5] = vec3(6.,2.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+6] = vec3(0,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+7] = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
} | |
else if(type == 3){ | |
cubes[index] = vec3(0.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+1] = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
cubes[index+2] = vec3(4.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+3] = vec3(2.,6.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+4] = vec3(0.,-2.,dist); | |
cubes[index+5] = vec3(6.,4.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+6] = vec3(-4.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+7] = vec3(2.,6.,0.2); | |
} | |
else if(type == 4){ | |
cubes[index] = vec3(0.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+1] = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
cubes[index+2] = vec3(2.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+3] = vec3(4.,6.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+4] = vec3(0.,-2.,dist); | |
cubes[index+5] = vec3(6.,4.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+6] = vec3(0.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+7] = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
} | |
else if(type == 5){ | |
cubes[index] = vec3(0.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+1] = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
cubes[index+2] = vec3(0.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+3] = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
cubes[index+4] = vec3(0.,-2.,dist); | |
cubes[index+5] = vec3(6.,4.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+6] = vec3(-2.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+7] = vec3(4.,6.,0.2); | |
} | |
else if(type == 6){ | |
cubes[index] = vec3(0.,2.,dist); | |
cubes[index+1] = vec3(6.,4.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+2] = vec3(4.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+3] = vec3(2.,6.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+4] = vec3(0.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+5] = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
cubes[index+6] = vec3(-4.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+7] = vec3(2.,6.,0.2); | |
} | |
else if(type == 7){ | |
cubes[index] = vec3(0.,2.,dist); | |
cubes[index+1] = vec3(6.,4.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+2] = vec3(2.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+3] = vec3(4.,6.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+4] = vec3(0.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+5] = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
cubes[index+6] = vec3(0.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+7] = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
} | |
else{ | |
cubes[index] = vec3(0.,2.,dist); | |
cubes[index+1] = vec3(6.,4.,0.2); | |
cubes[index+2] = vec3(0.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+3] = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
cubes[index+4] = vec3(0.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+5] = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
cubes[index+6] = vec3(-2.,0.,dist); | |
cubes[index+7] = vec3(4.,6.,0.2); | |
} | |
} | |
float rand(float x){ | |
return fract(sin(x+startRandom*100.)*43758.5453123); | |
} | |
bool hitCheck(int type){ | |
if(type == 0){ | |
return camPos.x>2. || camPos.x<-2. || camPos.y>2. || camPos.y<-2.; | |
} | |
else if(type == 1){ | |
return camPos.x>-2. || camPos.y>2. || camPos.y<-2.; | |
} | |
else if(type == 2){ | |
return camPos.x<2. || camPos.y>2. || camPos.y<-2.; | |
} | |
else if(type == 3){ | |
return camPos.x<-2. || camPos.x>2. || camPos.y<2.; | |
} | |
else if(type == 4){ | |
return camPos.x>-2. || camPos.y<2.; | |
} | |
else if(type == 5){ | |
return camPos.x<2. || camPos.y<2.; | |
} | |
else if(type == 6){ | |
return camPos.x<-2. || camPos.x>2. || camPos.y>-2.; | |
} | |
else if(type == 7){ | |
return camPos.x>-2. || camPos.y>-2.; | |
} | |
else{ | |
return camPos.x<2. || camPos.y>-2.; | |
} | |
} | |
void box(vec2 pos,float size){ | |
vec2 disp = abs(gl_FragCoord.xy-pos); | |
if(disp.x<=size&&disp.y<=size){ | |
finalColor += scoreColor.rgb*scoreColor.a; | |
} | |
} | |
void displayDigit(float digit,vec2 pos,float size){ | |
vec3 row1 = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
vec3 row2 = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
vec3 row3 = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
vec3 row4 = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
vec3 row5 = vec3(0.,0.,0.); | |
if(digit==0.){ | |
row1 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
row2 = vec3(1.,0.,1.); | |
row3 = vec3(1.,0.,1.); | |
row4 = vec3(1.,0.,1.); | |
row5 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
} | |
else if(digit==1.){ | |
row1 = vec3(1.,1.,0.); | |
row2 = vec3(0.,1.,0.); | |
row3 = vec3(0.,1.,0.); | |
row4 = vec3(0.,1.,0.); | |
row5 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
} | |
else if(digit==2.){ | |
row1 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
row2 = vec3(1.,0.,1.); | |
row3 = vec3(0.,0.,1.); | |
row4 = vec3(0.,1.,0.); | |
row5 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
} | |
else if(digit==3.){ | |
row1 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
row2 = vec3(0.,0.,1.); | |
row3 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
row4 = vec3(0.,0.,1.); | |
row5 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
} | |
else if(digit==4.){ | |
row1 = vec3(0.,1.,1.); | |
row2 = vec3(1.,0.,1.); | |
row3 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
row4 = vec3(0.,0.,1.); | |
row5 = vec3(0.,0.,1.); | |
} | |
else if(digit==5.){ | |
row1 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
row2 = vec3(1.,0.,0.); | |
row3 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
row4 = vec3(0.,0.,1.); | |
row5 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
} | |
else if(digit==6.){ | |
row1 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
row2 = vec3(1.,0.,0.); | |
row3 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
row4 = vec3(1.,0.,1.); | |
row5 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
} | |
else if(digit==7.){ | |
row1 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
row2 = vec3(1.,0.,1.); | |
row3 = vec3(0.,0.,1.); | |
row4 = vec3(0.,0.,1.); | |
row5 = vec3(0.,0.,1.); | |
} | |
else if(digit==8.){ | |
row1 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
row2 = vec3(1.,0.,1.); | |
row3 = vec3(0.,1.,0.); | |
row4 = vec3(1.,0.,1.); | |
row5 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
} | |
else if(digit==9.){ | |
row1 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
row2 = vec3(1.,0.,1.); | |
row3 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
row4 = vec3(0.,0.,1.); | |
row5 = vec3(1.,1.,1.); | |
} | |
box(pos+vec2(-size*2.,size*4.),size*row1.x); | |
box(pos+vec2(0.,size*4.),size*row1.y); | |
box(pos+vec2(size*2.,size*4.),size*row1.z); | |
box(pos+vec2(-size*2.,size*2.),size*row2.x); | |
box(pos+vec2(0.,size*2.),size*row2.y); | |
box(pos+vec2(size*2.,size*2.),size*row2.z); | |
box(pos+vec2(-size*2.,0.),size*row3.x); | |
box(pos+vec2(0.,0.),size*row3.y); | |
box(pos+vec2(size*2.,0.),size*row3.z); | |
box(pos+vec2(-size*2.,-size*2.),size*row4.x); | |
box(pos+vec2(0.,-size*2.),size*row4.y); | |
box(pos+vec2(size*2.,-size*2.),size*row4.z); | |
box(pos+vec2(-size*2.,-size*4.),size*row5.x); | |
box(pos+vec2(0.,-size*4.),size*row5.y); | |
box(pos+vec2(size*2.,-size*4.),size*row5.z); | |
} | |
void displayNum(float num,vec2 pos, float size){ | |
float exponent = 0.; | |
float temp = num; | |
while(temp>=1.){ | |
temp/=10.; | |
exponent++; | |
} | |
temp=num; | |
for(int i=0;i<int(exponent);i++){ | |
displayDigit(floor(temp/pow(10.,exponent-float(i)-1.)),pos+vec2(float(i)*size*8.,0.),size); | |
temp-=floor(temp/pow(10.,exponent-float(i)-1.))*pow(10.,exponent-float(i)-1.); | |
} | |
if(exponent==0.){ | |
exponent = 1.; | |
displayDigit(0.,pos,size); | |
} | |
} | |
void playPulse(){ | |
float pixelSize = 1.; | |
if(scanlines){ | |
pixelSize = resolution.y / lineNum; | |
} | |
vec2 fragCoord = floor(gl_FragCoord.xy/pixelSize)*pixelSize; | |
float dist = length(fragCoord-resolution/2.); | |
if(dist<pulseRadius*(1.-pow(pulseTracker,2.)) | |
&& dist>pulseRadius*(1.-pulseTracker)-pulseThickness*pulseTracker){ | |
float edge = dist - (pulseRadius*(1.-pulseTracker)-pulseThickness*pulseTracker); | |
finalColor += pulseColor.rgb * pulseColor.a * clamp(edge/(pulseRadius*(-pow(pulseTracker,2.)+pulseTracker)+pulseThickness*pulseTracker),0.,1.) * pulseTracker; | |
} | |
} | |
void resetPulse(){ | |
pulseTracker = 1.; | |
} | |
void main(void) { | |
//Get score | |
if(frame != 0){ | |
score = round(texture(backbuffer, vec2(2.5+float(cubes.length())/8., 0.5)/resolution.xy).x*200.); | |
} | |
//Get pulseTracker | |
pulseTracker = texture(backbuffer, vec2(0.5,1.5)/resolution).x; | |
//Get screenShake | |
if(frame != 0){ | |
screenShake = texture(backbuffer, vec2(0.5,2.5)/resolution).x; | |
} | |
//Scan lines | |
if(scanlines && mod(floor(gl_FragCoord.y*lineNum/resolution.y),2.)==1.){ | |
fragColor = vec4(scanlineColor,0.); | |
return; | |
} | |
float xInput = clamp(orientation.z/radians(movementSensitivity),-1.,1.); | |
float yInput = clamp(orientation.y/radians(movementSensitivity),-1.,1.); | |
//Find camera position | |
camPos = vec3(xInput*5.,yInput*5.,0.); | |
//Find rotation | |
xRot = -yInput*radians(10.); | |
yRot = xInput*radians(10.); | |
//Set gameOver variable | |
gameOver = texture(backbuffer, vec2(1.5+float(cubes.length())/8., 0.5)/resolution.xy).x; | |
//Set cubes | |
if(frame == 0){ | |
for(float i=0.;i<float(cubes.length())/8.;i++){ | |
if(gl_FragCoord.xy == vec2(0.5+i, 0.5)){ | |
fragColor = vec4(rand(i),(50.+50.*i)/100.,0.,0.); | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
vec2 info; | |
for(float i=0.;i<float(cubes.length())/8.;i++){ | |
//x contains the type, y contains the distance | |
info = texture(backbuffer, vec2(0.5+i, 0.5)/resolution.xy).xy; | |
if(info.y == 0. && frame != 0){ | |
//check for game over | |
if(hitCheck(clamp(int(info.x*8.),0,8))){ | |
if(gl_FragCoord.xy == vec2(1.5+float(cubes.length())/8.,0.5)){ | |
fragColor = vec4(1.,0.,0.,0.); | |
return; | |
} | |
else if(gl_FragCoord.xy == vec2(0.5,2.5) && gameOver==0.){ | |
fragColor = vec4(1.,0.,0.,0.); | |
screenShake = 1.; | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
else{ | |
if(gameOver == 0.){ | |
score++; | |
resetPulse(); | |
} | |
} | |
if(gl_FragCoord.xy == vec2(0.5+i, 0.5)){ | |
//Move the obstacle back and give a new shape | |
fragColor = vec4(rand(float(frame)),1.,0.,0.); | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
if(gl_FragCoord.xy == vec2(0.5+i, 0.5)){ | |
fragColor = vec4(info.x,info.y-speed,0.,0.); | |
return; | |
} | |
setCubes(cubes, -info.y*100., int(i)*8, clamp(int(info.x*8.),0,8)); | |
} | |
//Set gameOver pixel | |
if(gl_FragCoord.xy == vec2(1.5+float(cubes.length())/8.,0.5)){ | |
fragColor = vec4(gameOver,0.,0.,0.); | |
return; | |
} | |
//Set score pixel | |
if(gl_FragCoord.xy == vec2(2.5+float(cubes.length())/8.,0.5)){ | |
fragColor = vec4(score/200.,0.,0.,0.); | |
return; | |
} | |
//Set screenShake pixel | |
if(gl_FragCoord.xy == vec2(0.5,2.5)){ | |
screenShake -= 0.02; | |
fragColor = vec4(screenShake,0.,0.,0.); | |
return; | |
} | |
rayDir = findRayDir(); | |
cubeCheck(); | |
wallsCheck(); | |
finalColor = backgroundColor; | |
if (hit == true && gameOver == 0.){ | |
finalColor = objectColor; | |
finalColor += pointLight(camPos+vec3(0.,0.,-0.5), surfacePos,vec3(0.7,0.1,0.1),50.); | |
finalColor = colorLerp(remap(distance(surfacePos, camPos),0.,attenuation,1.,0.),backgroundColor,finalColor); | |
} | |
if(gameOver == 1.){ | |
//game over jumpscare | |
float pixelSize = 1.; | |
if(scanlines){ | |
pixelSize = resolution.y / lineNum; | |
} | |
vec2 uv = floor(gl_FragCoord.xy/pixelSize)*pixelSize / resolution.x + vec2(0.03+screenShake*0.03*(rand(float(frame)+floor(gl_FragCoord.y/pixelSize)*pixelSize)-0.5),-0.6); | |
finalColor += texture(denjiro,uv).rgb*0.2; | |
} | |
//Display score | |
float temp = score; | |
float exponent = 0.; | |
while(temp>=10.){ | |
temp/=10.; | |
exponent++; | |
} | |
vec2 randomDir = normalize(vec2(rand(float(frame))-0.5,rand(float(frame+69))-0.5)); | |
displayNum(score, resolution.xy/2.-vec2(scoreSize*4.*exponent,0.5)+randomDir*screenShake*50.,scoreSize); | |
//Update pulseTracker and show pulse effect | |
if(gl_FragCoord.xy == vec2(0.5,1.5)){ | |
pulseTracker -= pulseSpd; | |
fragColor = vec4(pulseTracker,0.,0.,0.); | |
return; | |
} | |
playPulse(); | |
fragColor = vec4(finalColor, 1.0); | |
} |
also remade the camera dithering
precision highp float;
precision mediump float;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform vec2 cameraAddent;
uniform mat2 cameraOrientation;
uniform samplerExternalOES cameraBack;
void main(void) {
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution.xy;
vec2 st = cameraAddent + uv * cameraOrientation;
vec3 color = texture2D(cameraBack, st).rgb;
float br = (color.x + color.y + color.z) / 3.0;
float white;
if (br < 0.2) {
white = 0.0;
} else if (br < 0.4) {
white = 0.0;
if (mod(gl_FragCoord.x, 2.0) < 1.0 &&
mod(gl_FragCoord.y, 2.0) < 1.0)
white = 1.0;
} else if (br < 0.5) {
white = mod(gl_FragCoord.x + gl_FragCoord.y, 2.0);
} else if (br < 0.75) {
white = 1.0;
if (mod(gl_FragCoord.x, 2.0) < 1.0 &&
mod(gl_FragCoord.y, 2.0) < 1.0)
white = 0.0;
} else white = 1.0;
float I = 0.8; // orange blue
float Q = -0.55; // purple green
color = vec3(
white + 0.956 * I + 0.619 * Q,
white - 0.272 * I - 0.647 * Q,
white - 1.106 * I + 1.703 * Q) * 0.5;
gl_FragColor= vec4(color, 1.0);
tried the app because of you and i made a falling sand "game" (:
#version 300 es
precision highp float;
precision mediump float;
out vec4 COLOR;
uniform int pointerCount;
uniform vec3 pointers[10];
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform sampler2D backbuffer;
uniform int frame;
void main(void) {
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / resolution;
vec2 texel = 1. / resolution;
vec3 empty = vec3(0.0);
vec3 color = empty;