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Server pagination example
// page.tsx
import PaginationControls from '@/components/PaginationControls'
import Image from 'next/image'
const data = [
'entry 1',
'entry 2',
'entry 3',
'entry 4',
'entry 5',
'entry 6',
'entry 7',
'entry 8',
'entry 9',
'entry 10',
export default function Home({
}: {
searchParams: { [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined }
}) {
const page = searchParams['page'] ?? '1'
const per_page = searchParams['per_page'] ?? '5'
// mocked, skipped and limited in the real app
const start = (Number(page) - 1) * Number(per_page) // 0, 5, 10 ...
const end = start + Number(per_page) // 5, 10, 15 ...
const entries = data.slice(start, end)
return (
<div className='flex flex-col gap-2 items-center'>
{ => (
<p key={entry}>{entry}</p>
hasNextPage={end < data.length}
hasPrevPage={start > 0}
// PaginationControls.tsx
'use client'
import { FC } from 'react'
import { useRouter, useSearchParams } from 'next/navigation'
interface PaginationControlsProps {
hasNextPage: boolean
hasPrevPage: boolean
const PaginationControls: FC<PaginationControlsProps> = (
) => {
const router = useRouter()
const searchParams = useSearchParams()
const page = searchParams.get('page') ?? '1'
const per_page = searchParams.get('per_page') ?? '5'
return (
<div className='flex gap-2'>
className='bg-blue-500 text-white p-1'
onClick={() => {
router.push(`/?page=${Number(page) - 1}&per_page=${per_page}`)
prev page
{page} / {Math.ceil(10 / Number(per_page))}
className='bg-blue-500 text-white p-1'
onClick={() => {
router.push(`/?page=${Number(page) + 1}&per_page=${per_page}`)
next page
export default PaginationControls
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