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Last active February 12, 2025 23:04
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Setting up Arch Linux LXC on ProxMox
1. Edit the mirror list located at /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist and uncomment a preferred mirror (preferrably closest to you)
2. Initialize Pacman GPG Keys
- $> pacman-key --init
- $> pacman-key --populate archlinux
- $> pacman-key --refresh-keys -u --keyserver
*The use of the --keyserver flag is due to an error that currently occurs when using the default keyserver
3. Reinstall Arch keyring
- $> pacman -S archlinux-keyring
4. Install Yay (if desired)
- Create a user (you cannot run makepkg as root, you must be signed in as a user)
- $> sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel
- $> git clone
* if git fails, complaining about missing run $> pacman -S glibc
- $> cd yay
- $> makepkg -si
* during the install an error came up for a missing so file (libffi), resolve with $> sudo pacman -S libffi
5. Run a full system update
- $> yay -Syu
6. If after a full system update and reboot networking is missing from your container you can resolve it
by setting the nesting feature on Options of the container in your ProxMox datacenter admin.
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Thanks for this. I was having trouble with pacman after creating my container. These commands got me started!

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Chad for fixing an issue and teaching me about Keyrings 🥼 👍

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