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A feather left behind by a long-extinct bird species. It was inlaid with gold and gems by the ancient adherents of the Goddess of Flowers.

Wilting Feast is an Artifact in the set Flower of Paradise Lost.


In a bygone time of which only the Jinn weep, the Mistress of Oases made a final choice.
At that moment, she learned that her fate was no riddle, but the key to opening a mysterious doorway.

Through King Deshret's words and aspirations, she saw the possibility to transcend the absurd shackles that governed this world.
Rejecting the gift granted by the divine throne, the red-crowned king sought a new path of his own volition...
Though the future she revealed was ruinous and bleak, the king refused to yield an inch.
Even knowing that the journey was to be fraught with peril, even knowing those dearest to him were certain to fade before his very eyes...
The Red Lord chose a noble lie, shepherding his followers on a path toward oblivion.

"You seek but to chain the winds. Upon the tombstone of divinity shall humanity become the god of gods."
"Such a carefree dream was certain to be unmade. In ruins where lies are sundered, humanity will become the king of kings."

The Lord of Flowers capitulated to her friend's folly, finding a most admirable rebellion burning within the ambitions of the god.
An idea that joined the wisdom of thousands, and the great attempt at binding their dreams to power.
What hides here is more than lies, but also the future of humanity, burning like the sparks of hope...

Dreams will always dissolve, their landscapes fated to collapse — this is the true meaning of the blooming flowers.
Only by suffering through the destruction of a god's delusions can humanity learn to rise against divine will...
Just as the stubborn God King orchestrated this secret rebellion, surviving on the strength of individual will alone.
However, the Lord of Flowers never knew a love that could be as sweet as wine, let alone the paltriness of human emotion.
Brilliant as she was, even she could not easily predict when these little beings would finally realize the truth...

"... Have these so-called gods not been superfluous to you since the beginning?"

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWilting Feast
Xièluò de Yánxí
Xièluò de Yánxí
Rakusha no Enseki‍[!][!]
Wilting Banquet
Korean시들어버린 연회
Sideureobeorin Yeonhoe
Wilting Feast
SpanishFestín del MarchitamientoFeast of the Withering
FrenchFête du flétrissementFeast of Wilting
RussianУгасающий пир
Ugasayushchiy pir
Wilting Feast
ThaiWilting Feast
VietnameseTiệc Rượu Suy Tàn
GermanFestmahl des VerfallsFeast of Decay
IndonesianWilting Feast
PortugueseBanquete dos Agradecimentos
TurkishSoğuk ZiyafetCold Feast
ItalianBanchetto appassitoWithered Banquet

Change History[]

