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Ways and Means is a quest in Kuki Shinobu's Hangout Event: Act I - The Gang's Daily Deeds.


  1. Go to the Police Station and talk to Uesugi
  2. Talk to Kuki Shinobu


The Arataki Support Group...?[]

UI Quest Quest Description

The Police Station's Uesugi is fretting about the Arataki Gang...
(Go to the Police Station and talk to Uesugi)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 01.ogg Kuki Shinobu: I do apologize. As I've explained before, it's a constant battle for Mr. Arataki with his mental instabilities. I know it's caused no end of problems for you, and I can assure you that he regularly feels very remorseful about that, too.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 02.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...Exactly, yes, and that's why he has such a big heart for other people struggling with similar issues. Uh, the Arataki Support Group was actually founded precisely to try and bring something positive out of that...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 03.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Yes, all of them are good, honest people underneath. It's just a shame that they still haven't found a cure, after all this time...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 04.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...Oh but — no no no, not me. I'm not a sufferer.
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you doing?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 05.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Hmm? Ah, (TravelerTraveler), just the person I need.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 06.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Mr. Uesugi, my friend here can confirm everything I've told you about Mr. Arataki. To put it simply, he experiences strong emotion more acutely than most, and easily becomes highly excitable.
Icon Dialogue Talk I guess that's true...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 07.ogg Kuki Shinobu: And, deep down inside, all the members of the Arataki Support Group are some of the most down-to-earth, kindhearted people you could ever meet.
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, I guess so...
Icon Dialogue Talk (But that seems besides the point...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (But that's not the full story...)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 uesugi 01.ogg Uesugi: Huh, even the Traveler is here to vouch for the Arataki Gang. So you're saying we've had them wrong all this time?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 08.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk (Shinobu is giving us the look which means "play along"...)
Icon Dialogue Talk Otherwise, why would Shinobu have stayed in the gang?
Icon Dialogue Talk Otherwise, how would the Arataki Gang have been able to keep Shinobu?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 uesugi 02.ogg Uesugi: You make a good point. You know, I heard Yoriki Owada saying how the Arataki Gang's deputy has studied abroad and is well-versed in the law... I was wondering why someone with that much talent would choose to stay with the Arataki Gang...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 uesugi 03.ogg Uesugi: Here's the thing, though: We have solid evidence that those three were illegally posting flyers everywhere, and we've received a lot of complaints from members of the local community. I appreciate what you're saying and everything, I'm just not sure I can let them off so easily...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 09.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Please accept my sincere apologies once again for all of that.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 10.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Mamoru and the others probably believed that they would be able to reach more people in need this way. Unfortunately, they were so eager to help that they ended up causing more problems than they solved.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 11.ogg Kuki Shinobu: The Arataki Support Group assumes full responsibility. We will work quickly to restore the clean and tidy living environment that the community quite rightly expects.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 12.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...But with only myself available, I'm afraid that it could take a very long time to remove all the flyers. Having their help would've made things much quicker...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 13.ogg Kuki Shinobu: I'm just a little concerned that if progress is too slow, the complaints will only keep coming, which ultimately only makes more work for you and your colleagues.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 uesugi 04.ogg Uesugi: I... Ugh, alright, fine. I'll go fetch them... but don't think I'm gonna make a habit of this!
Uesugi escorts the Arataki Gang out of the Police Station...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 mamoru 01.ogg Mamoru: Finally, we're saved...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 akira 01.ogg Akira: Hey, hey! I knew Shinobu wouldn't abandon us!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 genta 01.ogg Genta: What uuuup! The Arataki Gang is back in town!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 14.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Ahem! Sorry, they're getting a little over-excited at the prospect of being able to serve the community.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 uesugi 05.ogg Uesugi: Alright, guys... make sure you get every last one of those flyers back, okay?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 uesugi 06.ogg Uesugi: And don't forget to apologize to the residents and ask for forgiveness!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 shinobu 15.ogg Kuki Shinobu: I assure you, there won't be any problems — will there, guys?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 akira 02.ogg Akira: Uhh... Y—Yes! No problems!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 genta 02.ogg Genta: W—We'll be sure to get the job done!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 uesugi 07.ogg Uesugi: *sigh* ...I really hope letting them go was the right decision... They'd better not cause any more trouble...
(Talk to Uesugi again)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914101 uesugi 08.ogg Uesugi: I really hope letting them go was the right decision...

Ways and Means[]

(Talk to Kuki Shinobu)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 mamoru 01.ogg Mamoru: Alright then, Shinobu, we, uh... will go apologize then?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 akira 01.ogg Akira: Yeah, we'd better be quick, or...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 01.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Not so fast.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 genta 01.ogg Genta: Ahhh!!!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 02.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Last month, you almost got the fire brigade out when you were roasting Lavender Melons. Five days ago, you angered the whole neighborhood by hosting The Great Singalong in the middle of the night. And today, you go plastering flyers all over town...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 03.ogg Kuki Shinobu: How many times will you have to be arrested before this stops?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 mamoru 02.ogg Mamoru: But... we put up those flyers to tell everyone how great the Arataki Gang is...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 04.ogg Kuki Shinobu: No more excuses. You know, I had real plans at Uyuu Restaurant today... but it looks like you guys need a little slap on the wrist first.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 akira 02.ogg Akira: Eek! Help, (TravelerTraveler)!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 genta 02.ogg Genta: P—Please, you don't wanna do this... you could have just left us in jail instead!
Icon Dialogue Talk (Step forward to defend them.)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 05.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Don't feel sorry for them, (TravelerTraveler). They need to learn their lesson.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's more important that they apologize...
(Proceed to Branch 1)
Icon Dialogue Talk Oh? Then allow me!
(Proceed to Branch 2)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Slowly back away...)
(Proceed to Branch 3)

Branch 1[]

Icon Dialogue Talk It's more important that they apologize...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 mamoru 03.ogg Mamoru: Yes, yes! Shinobu, please just let us go apologize!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 akira 03.ogg Akira: If someone else complains, they'll only arrest us again...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 genta 03.ogg Genta: ...and then you'll be forced to help us out again.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 06.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Hmph... I suppose I'll have to teach you a lesson later.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 07.ogg Kuki Shinobu: So then. Where did you post all your flyers, hmm?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 akira 04.ogg Akira: Well... umm... we left a few on the counter at Shimura's...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 genta 04.ogg Genta: We figured that people might take a look while they're eating... Also, the Bulletin Board at Tsukumomono Groceries...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 mamoru 04.ogg Mamoru: And... uh... also... also, um...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 08.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Just say it.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 mamoru 05.ogg Mamoru: Right! Of course! ...Also, on the mountain path leading up to the Grand Narukami Shrine
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 akira 05.ogg Akira: We wanted to send the message, "Why pray to the gods when you can call for the Arataki Gang!" ...but we'd only distributed a few before a terrifying fox lady appeared right behind us!
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Really? How terrifying, exactly?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 genta 05.ogg Genta: Ahh! Don't make me relive the memory!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 mamoru 06.ogg Mamoru: ...W—Well anyway, by the time we'd recovered our wits, we were already at the Police Station...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 akira 06.ogg Akira: We were actually pretty relieved to be there, under the circumstances...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 genta 06.ogg Genta: Yeah, 'cause it meant we'd escaped from the fox lady... Huh? Shinobu, why are you looking at us like that...?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 09.ogg Kuki Shinobu: It looks like I need to knock some serious sense into you after all.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 mamoru 07.ogg Mamoru: Y—You said it was just gonna be a slap on the wrist!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 akira 07.ogg Akira: We've learned our lesson, honest!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 genta 07.ogg Genta: (TravelerTraveler), help!
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Let's go apologize at the shrine first!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 10.ogg Kuki Shinobu: No! Anywhere but the shrine!
Icon Dialogue Talk Shall we just get them to go apologize to Miko?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 akira 08.ogg Akira: No way! We're not going back there! We're gonna stay as far away from her as possible...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 genta 08.ogg Genta: Sh—Shinobu, w—we're gonna go apologize to Kanbei now, umm bye!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 mamoru 08.ogg Mamoru: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, and Aoi, too! Hey, wait up...
The three young rascals flee as fast as they can...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 11.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Huh, I swear I've never seen them run that fast before...
Icon Dialogue Talk Miko seems to have left a lasting impression on them.
Icon Dialogue Talk I think you may have scared them off...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 12.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Ugh... Of all the places they could cause a scene, they just had to pick the shrine...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 13.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...I guess I'll have to suck it up and go sort this out?
Icon Dialogue Talk I know a lot of people at the shrine...
Icon Dialogue Talk Why don't I come with you?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 14.ogg Kuki Shinobu: It's not that I don't know anyone there, it's just... *sigh* Okay, fine.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 15.ogg Kuki Shinobu: It'll probably go more smoothly with you there. The sooner this is over, the better... I don't want to spend a second longer at that place than I have to.
Icon Dialogue Talk (This reminds me... at The Chasm...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Shinobu said she doesn't like the shrine...)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 16.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...Anyway, thank you for coming with me, (TravelerTraveler).
(Proceeds to To the Shrine)

Branch 2[]

Icon Dialogue Talk Oh? Then allow me!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 17.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...Really?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 genta 09.ogg Genta: Ah!?
Icon Dialogue Talk Punishment isn't necessary to teach them a lesson.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sometimes, rules are more effective.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 18.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Rules? You're saying... we should lay down some rules for the guys?
Icon Dialogue Talk The Knights of Favonius have a handbook...
Icon Dialogue Talk The Millelith also abides by a strict contract...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 19.ogg Kuki Shinobu: It's true, having a clear set of regulations and penalties could help establish behavioral norms for our members.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 20.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Is that really why I can never get them to change? Because the Arataki Gang doesn't have any written rules and regulations?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 mamoru 09.ogg Mamoru: Hey, are you getting this? What do they mean?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 akira 09.ogg Akira: I'm not sure, but it sounds like... it doesn't involve us getting beaten up?
Icon Dialogue Talk You could write an "Arataki Gang Handbook" for them to study.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 21.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Hmm... let me think about it. The "Arataki Gang Handbook"...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 mamoru 10.ogg Mamoru: S—Study? They're not gonna make us memorize a whole book, are they?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 akira 10.ogg Akira: No way... I'd take the beating over that!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 genta 10.ogg Genta: Hey, guys — Shinobu seems distracted. Maybe we should slip away while we can...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 22.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...Yes, if we can make them learn the rules by heart, it's sure to have some amount of influence on their behavior.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 23.ogg Kuki Shinobu: But knowing what they're like, to really get it into their heads... I'll have to assign plenty of homework assignments and give them pop quizzes each day... Huh?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 24.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Where'd they go?
Icon Dialogue Talk I... I didn't see...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 25.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Tsk... Well, given that this way is Tenshukaku and the Police Station, you can bet they'll have fled in the opposite direction!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 26.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Who knows what chaos they'll cause next if we leave them to their own devices...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 shinobu 27.ogg Kuki Shinobu: I'm gonna need your help, (TravelerTraveler). Let's catch these kids before they do something stupid.
(Proceeds to Gang Bylaws)

Branch 3[]

Icon Dialogue Talk (Slowly back away...)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 genta 11.ogg Genta: (TravelerTraveler)? Are you serious!?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914102 akira 11.ogg Akira: Shinobu... please, calm down... calm down!
Kuki Shinobu teaches the three a painful lesson...
(Automatically proceed to Back to Business)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWays and Means
Chǔzhì zhī Fāng
Chǔzhì zhī Fāng
Shochi no Houhou
Korean처리 방법
Cheori Bangbeop
Handling Way
SpanishForma de castigoForm of Punishment
FrenchVoies et moyensWays and Means
RussianСредства и методы
Sredstva i metody
Means and Methods
VietnameseCách Thức Xử Lý
GermanZorn und StrafeWrath and Punishment
IndonesianCara dan UpayaWays and Efforts
PortugueseForma de castigo
TurkishYol Yordam
ItalianMille risorse

Change History[]
