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Key Decision is a quest in Kuki Shinobu's Hangout Event: Act I - The Gang's Daily Deeds.


  1. Talk to Mamoru and the others
  2. Go to the second floor of Uyuu Restaurant
  3. Talk to Arataki Itto
  4. Return to Uyuu Restaurant
  5. Talk to the merchants near the street
  6. Talk to Aoi, owner of Tsukomomono Groceries
  7. Go to the next person you need to apologize to
  8. Talk to the Arataki Gang Members

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Attempting to walk in the room at the second floor of Uyuu restaurant after listening to Kujou Sara, Kuki Shinobu and Norika's conversation will give the player the Memories of the Heart achievement "Upstairs..."


Back to Business[]

UI Quest Quest Description

Shinobu, her temper cooling for now, decides to go back to her real plans for the day...
Kuki Shinobu teaches the three a painful lesson...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 mamoru 01.ogg Mamoru: Ouch... Ouch...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 shinobu 01.ogg Kuki Shinobu: There we go... Whew... *exhale*...
Icon Dialogue Talk Now that you've taught them a lesson...
Icon Dialogue Talk You can get back to your original plan for today...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 shinobu 02.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Hmph... You got off lightly.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 shinobu 03.ogg Kuki Shinobu: I have more important things to do today. We'll finish this off tomorrow, is that clear?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 genta 01.ogg Genta: Huh? Tomorrow? ...Do we have to?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 shinobu 04.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Excuse me?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 genta 02.ogg Genta: Got it, got it! We'll, we'll, leave you to your other plans!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 shinobu 05.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...Hmph.
Kuki Shinobu leaves...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 mamoru 02.ogg Mamoru: (TravelerTraveler)! Why did you just stand there and watch?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 akira 01.ogg Akira: Don't you care about us at all?
Icon Dialogue Talk It was going to happen sooner or later...
Icon Dialogue Talk Better to get it out of the way...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 mamoru 03.ogg Mamoru: I guess that's true. And the longer she puts it off, the angrier she gets...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 genta 03.ogg Genta: But she said there'll be more to come tomorrow.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 mamoru 04.ogg Mamoru: Aaah! If only Shinobu was busy tomorrow, too!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 genta 04.ogg Genta: Hmm... Hey, how about we hold her up somehow, so she still has things left to do tomorrow?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 akira 02.ogg Akira: Uhh... that sounds kinda risky. If we end up sabotaging Shinobu's work... even boss wouldn't be able to protect us, would he?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 mamoru 05.ogg Mamoru: Yeah, if Shinobu ever found out it was us... Urgh, I don't even wanna think about it.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're not going to do anything awful, are you?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd put a stop to it long before Shinobu ever found out.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 genta 05.ogg Genta: No way, we won't do anything bad! We're just gonna go have a look and, y'know, hold things up if it's possible... Ahem, I mean, we can't just sit here and do nothing, can we?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 genta 06.ogg Genta: If you don't trust us, why don't you come and watch? Uh, y'know, to keep an eye on us!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 akira 03.ogg Akira: Yeah... there's nothing wrong with just taking a look? Who knows, maybe it'll give us some other ideas.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 akira 04.ogg Akira: Also, if (TravelerTraveler)'s there... we can probably talk our way out if we get discovered...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 mamoru 06.ogg Mamoru: Um, o—okay then... From what Shinobu was just saying now, she should be heading to the Uyuu Restaurant.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914401 mamoru 07.ogg Mamoru: Let's quietly follow her and just... see how it goes...
(Proceeds to Eavesdroppers)


(Go to the second floor of Uyuu Restaurant)
(Upon entering Uyuu Restaurant)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 akira 01.ogg Akira: Looks like they're not on the first floor... Maybe they're upstairs?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 genta 01.ogg Genta: A—Are you sure we should go up there? I—I gotta psych myself up first...
(Talk to Okazaki Erika)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 okazakierika 01.ogg Okazaki Erika: Are they waiting to be served? Uh... somehow, it doesn't look like it...
(Talk to Akira or Genta)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 akira 02.ogg Akira: How about... you head up first?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 genta 02.ogg Genta: Uh... maybe I can watch the exits, keep them clear...
(Talk to Mamoru)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 mamoru 01.ogg Mamoru: We need to be super stealthy when we head up... mustn't make a sound...
(Go upstairs)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 kujousara 01.ogg Kujou Sara: ...This is Miss Kuki Shinobu, whom I've recommended to you before.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 shinobu 01.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Kuki Shinobu, I studied law in Liyue, so while I couldn't claim to be an expert, I do have a rudimentary grasp of the basics.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 norika 01.ogg Norika: Hehe, from what I've heard, Miss Kuki, I'm sure you're being very modest. I'm looking forward to working together.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 kujousara 02.ogg Kujou Sara: I can assure you that she is exceptionally capable. All the Doushin from the Police Station have vouched for her abilities.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 norika 02.ogg Norika: Well, with such a glowing endorsement, I'm almost tempted to ask you if you'd like to start right away, Miss Kuki.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 shinobu 02.ogg Kuki Shinobu: You flatter me, Madam Norika, but perhaps we can discuss the role in detail over our meal before deciding how well I'm suited to the role.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 norika 03.ogg Norika: Oh! Forgive me for getting ahead of myself. You're quite right, Miss Kuki. Let's continue this discussion as we dine, or the food will get cold.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 kujousara 03.ogg Kujou Sara: Heh, it's quite understandable to be hungry for top talent.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 mamoru 02.ogg Mamoru: Akira, Genta... did you hear that? Is Shinobu... at a job interview? And look who it's with — the Tenryou Commission tengu!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 akira 03.ogg Akira: Never thought I'd see that self-important tengu acting so polite... who's that other woman they're with? Some bigshot official?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 genta 03.ogg Genta: Well, duh! That tengu is the Shogunate's general! So that other lady has gotta be someone ridiculously high-up.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 akira 04.ogg Akira: Well, whoever it is — it looks like Shinobu is gonna take a new job with the Shogunate! You heard 'em, the job's practically hers already!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 genta 04.ogg Genta: But without Shinobu... what's gonna happen to the Arataki Gang...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 mamoru 03.ogg Mamoru: We gotta do something! Quick, let's go tell the boss! He should be looking for Onikabuto nearby...
(Attempt to walk in the room at the second floor)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 genta 05.ogg Genta: Hey! Don't let Shinobu and the tengu see you!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914402 mamoru 04.ogg Mamoru: Come on, let's head back and talk things through with the boss.
(Talk to Arataki Itto)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 mamoru 01.ogg Mamoru: Boss! Bad news, Boss! Really bad!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 01.ogg Arataki Itto: Hey, hey... What's with the panic vibes, huh? This is the Arataki Gang, remember? It ain't bad news till we show up, am I right! Haha, so come on, what's up?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 akira 01.ogg Akira: It's Shinobu... She, she...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 genta 01.ogg Genta: Shinobu's gonna go work for the tengu!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 02.ogg Arataki Itto: ...What? Shinobu found a new job!? You have got to be kidding me!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 mamoru 02.ogg Mamoru: No, it's true, Boss! We saw her at the interview with our own eyes, didn't we, (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk She was interviewing, but...
Icon Dialogue Talk Yes, Sara was there, however...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 03.ogg Arataki Itto: Grr! That slimy... I knew that tengu had her greedy eyes on Shinobu!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 04.ogg Arataki Itto: I mean, she's obviously jealous of the Arataki Gang's top-class talent, but now she's trying to poach my people... Gah, that thieving tengu!
Icon Dialogue Talk Shouldn't we ask Shinobu about this first?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 akira 02.ogg Akira: But they're already asking her for a start date!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 genta 02.ogg Genta: It's in the bag, the interview is clearly just a formality!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 05.ogg Arataki Itto: Huh... Well, based on my experience of interviewing once every three days, I know for a fact that they will have been plotting this for a long time by now!
Icon Dialogue Talk I don't think Shinobu would switch jobs for no reason...
Icon Dialogue Talk Could this all just be a misunderstanding?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 06.ogg Arataki Itto: Oh! There is no way she— Well, actually, you know what, you could be right... she gets treated pretty well in the Arataki Gang. I mean, every time we win some snacks, she does get first pick...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 mamoru 03.ogg Mamoru: But I heard that a day's salary in the Shogunate is enough to buy a week's worth of snacks for the whole gang...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 07.ogg Arataki Itto: Yeah, but, still... in the Arataki Gang, we have a more relaxed working environment, don't we? Seriously, have you ever seen that tengu smile? No! She always has that same sour look on her face...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 akira 03.ogg Akira: But we seem to be the only ones who're relaxed, no? Every time we get caught, Shinobu's the one who has to come and get us out.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 genta 03.ogg Genta: Do you think maybe... after we got arrested for posting flyers this time... Shinobu finally had enough?
Icon Dialogue Talk If it were me, I'd be looking for a new job.
Icon Dialogue Talk Those flyers drive me mad too.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 08.ogg Arataki Itto: Wait, so it's not a misunderstanding then?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 akira 04.ogg Akira: It's all our fault! We made Shinobu angry and now she's found a new job!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 mamoru 04.ogg Mamoru: Boss! What are we gonna do? Without Shinobu... the Arataki Gang won't survive!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 09.ogg Arataki Itto: Alright, you guys. Come with me, we'll go door to door and apologize! And we'll... we'll tear down all the flyers!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 genta 04.ogg Genta: What? But boss, it took you months to make those!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 10.ogg Arataki Itto: Don't you think I know that, I know what it took! But... but we have to show Shinobu we're truly sorry, and this is... it's the only way...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 akira 05.ogg Akira: Boss! *sobs*
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 11.ogg Arataki Itto: Also, (TravelerTraveler), I need you to do something for me.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's hear it.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 12.ogg Arataki Itto: Go find Shinobu and tell her you want an interview!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 13.ogg Arataki Itto: If you tell Shinobu that you want to join us, suddenly she'll have a whole different outlook on the future of the Arataki Gang!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 14.ogg Arataki Itto: With you and Shinobu as my trusty number two's and, Arataki "Numero Uno" Itto running the show, we'd be unstoppable! The Shogunate would have a tough time competing with us then, huh!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 mamoru 05.ogg Mamoru: Whoa, nice one, Boss!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 genta 05.ogg Genta: The Arataki Gang rules!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 15.ogg Arataki Itto: What do you say, partner?
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright, but just this once...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 16.ogg Arataki Itto: Haha, okay, I'll leave Shinobu to you then. Boys, we've got some apologies to make!
(Talk to Arataki Itto again)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 17.ogg Arataki Itto: Man, at second glance... I really outdid myself with the artwork on these flyers! Ugh, now I'm having second thoughts...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914403 itto 18.ogg Arataki Itto: No, no, I said I'm gonna tear them down, and I'm an oni of my word! Let's do this!

Not Quite Your Daily Deeds[]

Icon Quest Step Step Description

Kuki Shinobu decides to take you out to the street to help you further consider joining the Arataki Gang...
(Return to Uyuu Restaurant)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914404 norika 01.ogg Norika: ...Alright then, you can expect us to be in touch very soon to follow up, Miss Kuki.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914404 kujousara 01.ogg Kujou Sara: It's getting late, I should get back. I hope that the next time we meet will be at the headquarters of the Tenryou Commission.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914404 shinobu 01.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Thank you, I'm truly honored.
Sara and the others say goodbye to Kuki Shinobu.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914404 shinobu 02.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Huh? (TravelerTraveler)? When did you get here?
Icon Dialogue Talk I just arrived...
Icon Dialogue Talk I saw nothing!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914404 shinobu 03.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Huh...? Whatever. What did you want? Ugh, have Genta and the guys caused a scene again?
Icon Dialogue Talk Actually... I came to request an interview with you.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'd like to join the Arataki Gang.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914404 shinobu 04.ogg Kuki Shinobu: An interview? You wanna join the Arataki Gang? ...You haven't consumed any strange substances, have you?
Icon Dialogue Talk Of course not.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm being serious.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914404 shinobu 05.ogg Kuki Shinobu: So this isn't a joke... huh, that kinda makes this even more concerning.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914404 shinobu 06.ogg Kuki Shinobu: It's not like you don't know the Arataki Gang, so what's gotten into you, (TravelerTraveler)? ...Ahem, I mean, what sparked your interest in joining?
Icon Dialogue Talk I like the people.
Icon Dialogue Talk I like the culture.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914404 shinobu 07.ogg Kuki Shinobu: I see... Well, enjoying it from the outside is one thing, but actually being in the gang is a whole different story.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914404 shinobu 08.ogg Kuki Shinobu: I have to go into town to take care of some routine gang business. You can come with me — consider it your internship.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914404 shinobu 09.ogg Kuki Shinobu: After that, if you still want to join us...
Icon Dialogue Talk Then I'm in?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914404 shinobu 10.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...We'll see how it goes.
(Talk to the merchants near the street)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914405 shimurakanbee 01.ogg Shimura Kanbei: Ah, Shinobu. Can I get you anything?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914405 shinobu 01.ogg Kuki Shinobu: No thanks, Mr. Shimura. I'm actually here to apologize on behalf of the Arataki Gang for the whole posting flyers incident...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914405 shimurakanbee 02.ogg Shimura Kanbei: Oh, that? Don't worry about it, your boss and his pals already came to apologize.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914405 shimurakanbee 03.ogg Shimura Kanbei: Not only did they take down all the flyers, they cleaned up the shop for me, too...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914405 shinobu 02.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Wait, are you sure that was the Arataki Gang? Did the leader have horns on his head?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914405 shimurakanbee 04.ogg Shimura Kanbei: Sure did. Ah, it looks like at long last, they've turned over a new leaf...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914405 shinobu 03.ogg Kuki Shinobu: How is this possible...?
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe it's your influence at work.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914405 shinobu 04.ogg Kuki Shinobu: I find this all very hard to believe, (TravelerTraveler)... Let's head to Tsukumomono Groceries.
(Talk to Aoi, owner of Tsukomomono Groceries)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914406 aoi 01.ogg Aoi: Welcome to Tsukumomono Groceries. What can I do for you?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914406 shinobu 01.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Sorry, Miss Aoi. I'm here on behalf of the Arataki Gang, regarding the incident with the flyers...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914406 aoi 02.ogg Aoi: Oh, the flyers? A bunch of guys came by and cleaned them up already. They also kept loudly proclaiming that they were gonna compensate me in full if it was the last thing they did...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914406 aoi 03.ogg Aoi: This whole thing really wasn't a huge deal, so I told them that if they really wanted to make it up to me, they could just buy something from the shop.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914406 aoi 04.ogg Aoi: They huddled together and discussed it for a while, and in the end they bought the most expensive item in the store... Even though all four of them had to empty their pockets to get enough Mora.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914406 shinobu 02.ogg Kuki Shinobu: What the... Have they really had a change of heart?
Icon Dialogue Talk See, your teaching was not in vain!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914406 shinobu 03.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...There's one more person we need to apologize to, let's go.
(Go to the next person you need to apologize to)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914407 shouta 01.ogg Shouta: Hey! Girl in the mask!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914407 shouta 02.ogg Shouta: Guess what? The guy with the horns came to see me... and he gave me back all the snacks he won off me yesterday! Haha!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914407 shinobu 01.ogg Kuki Shinobu: W—Wow, did he? ...Well, I also brought some snacks, you can take them, too. Then you'll have extra in case they come to play cards with you again...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914407 shouta 03.ogg Shouta: No need! They promised they're never gonna take my snacks again!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914407 shinobu 02.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Is this really the same Arataki Gang I know...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914407 shinobu 03.ogg Kuki Shinobu: No, I have to see it with my own eyes...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914407 shouta 04.ogg Shouta: Huh? Look, they're down there right now.
(Talk to Shouta again)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shouta 01.ogg Shouta: They're down there right now.

Key Decision[]

(Approach the Arataki Gang Members)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 01.ogg Kuki Shinobu: It's really them... Huh, unbelievable.
(Talk to the Arataki Gang Members)
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 amano 01.ogg Amano: Hey! Are you posting flyers again?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 mamoru 01.ogg Mamoru: No, no, we're innocent! We're cleaning them up!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 01.ogg Arataki Itto: You Tenryou Commission types... maybe if you opened your eyes, you'd see that people can change, ever think of that?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 02.ogg Arataki Itto: Playing the blame game before you even understand the situation... No wonder you're always catching the wrong people.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 02.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Ahem, sorry, Doushin. Please don't mind them, they're just a little over-excited.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 akira 01.ogg Akira: Ah, Shinobu and (TravelerTraveler)! We're saved!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 03.ogg Kuki Shinobu: I know how preposterous it sounds, but they have, in fact, been cleaning up the flyers. Numerous witnesses in this area can attest to that.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 amano 02.ogg Amano: But I just heard about a street gang who've been reported for posting flyers. And look at this thing...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 amano 03.ogg Amano: ...This is clearly the guy with the horns! Even the expression is identical!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 03.ogg Arataki Itto: Ohohoho! Turns out this Tenryou blockhead's a real art connoisseur! Yeah, really captures my style, doesn't it?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 amano 04.ogg Amano: So you admit it, then? Right, that's it, you're coming with me to the Police Station!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 04.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Wait, please! I can explain...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 norika 01.ogg Norika: What's going on?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 amano 05.ogg Amano: So sorry, Madam Norika. I'm just stopping some hooligans from posting flyers...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 04.ogg Arataki Itto: We already told you, we are innocent! Are you even listening?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 amano 06.ogg Amano: You've been detained at the Police Station for graffiti countless times. You're really trying to tell me you're an innocent man?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 05.ogg Arataki Itto: Well, oni... but that's beside the point. It's different this time, I swear!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 norika 02.ogg Norika: Doushin, this is Miss Kuki, a business partner of mine. I can vouch for her honest and forthright character.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 norika 03.ogg Norika: If her friends have done anything wrong, she will not hide it. Perhaps we could hear her out first?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 norika 04.ogg Norika: After all, since we're gonna be working together in a few days... it would be a shame to let something like this come between us, don't you think?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 amano 07.ogg Amano: Working together... Oh, you mean, the thing Madam Kujou Sara briefed us on?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 amano 08.ogg Amano: Understood. We will hear your explanation.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 05.ogg Kuki Shinobu: *sigh* Alright...
Kuki Shinobu explains the situation to Doushin Amano...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 amano 09.ogg Amano: I see. So you did post the flyers, but then you did the responsible thing and came back to clear them up...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 amano 10.ogg Amano: It seems I jumped to conclusions on this occasion. Please accept my apologies.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 06.ogg Kuki Shinobu: No apology needed. We know how much trouble we've created for you in the past.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 norika 05.ogg Norika: *sigh* Well, I'm glad to see that the misunderstanding is resolved. Well, I will see you soon — I hope we can work together effectively.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 amano 11.ogg Amano: Most certainly, Ma'am.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 genta 01.ogg Genta: Boss... did you hear what they said...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 mamoru 02.ogg Mamoru: This means... Shinobu has already made her decision?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 06.ogg Arataki Itto: Yep, looks like it's time for us to make a decision, too...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 07.ogg Arataki Itto: Move to the backup plan!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 07.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Guys, chill... What are you up to now?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 together 01.ogg Arataki Gang Members: Shinobu... Thank you for everything!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 08.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Hey, what's this all about?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 08.ogg Arataki Itto: Shinobu, this is a parting gift from all of us in the Arataki Gang. We all pitched in and bought you this from Tsukumomono Groceries.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 09.ogg Arataki Itto: We know it's nothing compared to your salary in the Shogunate, but...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 09.ogg Kuki Shinobu: A Naku Weed bracelet...? What am I supposed to do with this?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 genta 02.ogg Genta: Shinobu! Don't forget about us when you're in the Tenryou Commission!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 mamoru 04.ogg Mamoru: We'll all try and be better people... and better oni. We promise to stay out of trouble and not make your job difficult!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 10.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Wait... who said I'm leaving?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 akira 02.ogg Akira: Also, Shinobu, when you couldn't find your snacks last week, the truth is... I ate them...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 genta 03.ogg Genta: And last month, I stole that toy we won, and when you came and asked me for it, I... I lied and I told you it was broken... *sobs*
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 11.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 10.ogg Arataki Itto: Hey, no crying! We talked about this, send her off with a smile, alright? Who are we? We're... t—the Arataki Gang!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 11.ogg Arataki Itto: Shinobu is moving on to better things. We should be happy for her!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 mamoru 05.ogg Mamoru: *sobs* ...You're right... You're right, Boss... *sobs*
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 genta 04.ogg Genta: The Arataki Gang... rules... *sobs*
Icon Dialogue Talk Ugh...
Icon Dialogue Talk Sh—Shinobu...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 12.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Hey, don't you start, too.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 norika 06.ogg Norika: Ah... Is this the Arataki Gang you mentioned, Miss Kuki? What an interesting group of people...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 13.ogg Kuki Shinobu: ...Yes. Sorry for making a scene.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 norika 07.ogg Norika: Hmm, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Norika, a merchant who does business between Inazuma and Liyue. Recently, I've been negotiating a business deal with the Tenryou Commission regarding medical supplies.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 mamoru 06.ogg Mamoru: *sniff*... Huh? A merchant? Wait, so... you're not a Shogunate official?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 norika 08.ogg Norika: Of course not, I'm just a merchant. I was lucky enough to secure exclusive sales rights for some new first aid supplies from Bubu Pharmacy recently.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 norika 09.ogg Norika: So I thought I would ask the Tenryou Commission if they would be interested in establishing a long-term supply relationship. Injuries are a regular occurrence in the army, after all.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 norika 10.ogg Norika: Cross-border trade is a complicated affair, but fortunately, Madam Kujou Sara was able to bring in a legal consultant proficient in the laws of both nations.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 genta 05.ogg Genta: Oh... You mean... Shinobu?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 norika 11.ogg Norika: That's right. Thanks to Miss Kuki, our negotiations went very smoothly.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 norika 12.ogg Norika: The rest of the process will probably take another 10 to 15 days, after that, I will have to borrow Miss Kuki from you again for a while.
Icon Dialogue Talk I knew it...
Icon Dialogue Talk I thought so.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 14.ogg Kuki Shinobu: I can definitely spare the time — so long as these guys stay out of trouble.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 norika 13.ogg Norika: Ah, yes, I have a little compensation for you all: here, some trial packs of our new supplies.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 norika 14.ogg Norika: Miss Kuki tells me that you often find yourselves in injury-prone situations... I heartily recommend our product!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 mamoru 07.ogg Mamoru: This is unexpected...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 akira 03.ogg Akira: So she's really a merchant...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 12.ogg Arataki Itto: Uh... hehe... Hahaha! Oh, you guys, I knew you must have gotten the wrong idea! Shinobu would never quit!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 13.ogg Arataki Itto: Look at all this fuss you made over nothing! Pfft, planning a whole leaving ceremony...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 genta 06.ogg Genta: But... wasn't the backup plan your idea, Boss?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 14.ogg Arataki Itto: Ahem! Alright, well, if we're done here, I'm gonna head to Tsukumomono Groceries and see if they'll let me return the bracelet...
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 akira 04.ogg Akira: Wait up, Boss, we'll come with you!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 15.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Hold it right there.
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 mamoru 08.ogg Mamoru: Eek!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 16.ogg Kuki Shinobu: Last week's snacks, last month's toy... What else aren't you telling me?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 genta 07.ogg Genta: Oh, uh... the thing is... you see...
Icon Dialogue Talk Shinobu, let it slide!
Icon Dialogue Talk Calm down, Shinobu!
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 shinobu 17.ogg Kuki Shinobu: You've all got your new first aid supplies — don't you want to test them out?
Media:vo jqrcop001 1914408 itto 15.ogg Arataki Itto: Run... Run... Run!

Ending: The Arataki Gang Community Service Chronicle[]

The Arataki Gang Community Service Chronicle
Aether Lumine
Hangout Kuki Shinobu Act 1 The Arataki Gang Community Service Chronicle Aether Hangout Kuki Shinobu Act 1 The Arataki Gang Community Service Chronicle Lumine
The Arataki Gang's path is never short of bumps along the way, even in such matter as sweeping the streets.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishKey Decision
Zhòngdà Juédìng
Major Decision
Zhòngdà Juédìng
Daiji-na Ketsudan
Important Decision
Korean중대 결정
Jungdae Gyeoljeong
Important Decision
SpanishUna decisión importanteAn Important Decision
FrenchDécision crucialeCrucial Decision
RussianВажное решение
Vazhnoye resheniye
Important Decision
VietnameseQuyết Định Quan Trọng
GermanWichtige EntscheidungImportant Decision
IndonesianKeputusan PentingImportant Decision
PortugueseUma Decisão ImportanteAn Important Decision
TurkishÖnemli Karar
ItalianDecisione cruciale

Change History[]
