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Versus Ookubo Sanzaemon is an Event Quest that unlocks the first challenge of Clash of Lone Blades during the Hues of the Violet Garden event.


  1. Talk to Ookubo Sanzaemon


UI Quest Quest Description

Ookubo Sanzaemon, a former main clan estate guard who was fired for failing to prevent thieves from jumping over the wall, wishes to battle!
(Talk to Ookubo Sanzaemon)
Ookubo Sanzaemon: Are you (TravelerTraveler)?
Icon Dialogue Talk That's right.
Ookubo Sanzaemon: Very good. Allow me to test my skills against you.
Ookubo Sanzaemon: I shall take this as a rehearsal for my duel against the "mightiest warrior."
Icon Dialogue Talk The "mightiest warrior"?
Ookubo Sanzaemon: You need not know who that is, for you shall be defeated here by my hand. Come, let us begin!
Icon Dialogue Talk Let us cross swords.
Ookubo Sanzaemon: Excellent! My sword shall show no mercy.
Icon Dialogue Talk Give me a second to prepare.
Ookubo Sanzaemon: Fair enough, but do not make me wait too long.
(Talk to Ookubo Sanzaemon again)
Ookubo Sanzaemon: Let us begin!
Icon Dialogue Talk Bring it on.
Ookubo Sanzaemon: Excellent! My sword shall show no mercy.
Icon Dialogue Talk Give me a second to prepare.
Ookubo Sanzaemon: Fair enough, but do not make me wait too long.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishVersus Ookubo Sanzaemon
Yǔ Dàjiǔbǎo Sānzuǒwèimén zhī Zhàn
Battle with Ookubo Sanzaemon
Yǔ Dàjiǔbǎo Sānzuǒwèimén zhī Zhàn
Ookubo Sanzaemon to no Issen‍[!][!]
Battle with Ookubo Sanzaemon
Korean오오쿠보 산자에몬과의 결투
Ookubo Sanja'emon-gwaui Gyeoltu
Battle with Ookubo Sanzaemon
SpanishEl enfrentamiento contra Ookubo SanzaemonThe Confrontation Against Ookubo Sanzaemon
FrenchContre Ookubo SanzaemonAgainst Ookubo Sanzaemon
RussianБой с Окубо Сандзаэмоном
Boy s Okubo Sandzaemonom
Fight with Okubo Sanzaemon
Thaiการประลองกับ Ookubo Sanzaemon
VietnameseCuộc Chiến Với Ookubo SanzaemonBattle with Ookubo Sanzaemon
GermanKampf gegen Ookubo SanzaemonFight against Ookubo Sanzaemon
IndonesianMelawan Ookubo SanzaemonVersus Ookubo Sanzaemon
PortugueseA Luta contra Ookubo SanzaemonThe Fight versus Ookubo Sanzaemon

Change History[]
