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Go Forth, Golden Whirlwind! is an Event Quest that introduces the Clash of Lone Blades segment in the Hues of the Violet Garden event.


  1. Talk to Yasuhiko Tarou


UI Quest Quest Description

You have received no commissions from Katheryne, nor do you have appointments with any friends. And yet, in the darkness, a golden light leads you to a small island in the middle of the ocean. How strange. What in the world happened?
(Talk to Yasuhiko Tarou)
Yasuhiko Tarou: Might I ask for your name?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm (TravelerTraveler).
Yasuhiko Tarou: Good, I've written it down. May I ask if you are willing to put your honor as a warrior on the line?
Icon Dialogue Talk Wait, what?
Icon Dialogue Talk Oh, no, no, have a nice day.
Yasuhiko Tarou: Mm? Are you not, then, a warrior who has come forth to take part in this contest?
Icon Dialogue Talk Never heard of such a thing.
Yasuhiko Tarou: Have you not heard of the "Clash of Lone Blades"?
Yasuhiko Tarou: That can't be, I should have put up notices.
Paimon: Where did you put them up?
(Camera switches view to a nearby sign)
Yasuhiko Tarou: Here.
Paimon: C'mon, that's no use at all! No one's gonna see that, much less come over!
(Camera pans back)
Yasuhiko Tarou: Hmph! This is all the Yashiro Commission's fault, what with their "no weapons or fighting during the Irodori Festival" nonsense. I applied to organize duels on Ritou, but they refused, and wouldn't let me put up advertisements, either.
Yasuhiko Tarou: So I could only put the arena here and place the sign nearby.
Yasuhiko Tarou: That said, we have already had 4 applicants. If we also include you, that makes 5.
Paimon: Huh, so people actually joined. That's odd. Speaking of which, Paimon can't quite remember why you came here either, (TravelerTraveler)...
Yasuhiko Tarou: The way I see it, you were able to find this place without any prior hints. This must mean that you are a warrior with a formidable spirit indeed.
Yasuhiko Tarou: Those who hanker after martial prowess will always be attracted to one another. This is the way of the world — and there is little need to be surprised by it.
Paimon: Paimon has no idea what world you live in.
Yasuhiko Tarou: Hehe. But still, would you be willing to take part?
Yasuhiko Tarou: If you can defeat each of the four challengers, you will receive a reward, as a matter of course.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll give it some consideration.
Yasuhiko Tarou: Well then, please do take your time.
(Read the nearby notice)
Borrowed Advertisement Board: Attention, all:
Borrowed Advertisement Board: The hot-blooded, cold-blooded, steel-blooded contest of warriors that I, Yasuhiko Tarou, have organized is presently underway!
Borrowed Advertisement Board: All are welcome to participate.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishGo Forth, Golden Whirlwind!
Qù Ba! Huángjīn Xuànfēng!
Go! Golden Whirlwind!
Huángjīn Xuànfēng!
Golden Whirlwind!
Ike'! Ougon no Senpuu!
Go! Golden Whirlwind!
Korean가라! 황금 돌풍!
Gara! Hwanggeum Dolpung!
Go! Golden Gust!
Spanish¡Adelante, Torbellino Dorado!Go Forth, Golden Wirlwind!
FrenchEn avant, tornade dorée !Forward, Golden Whirlwind!
RussianВперёд, Золотое торнадо!
Vperyod, Zolotoye tornado!
Go Forth, Golden Whirlwind!
Thaiไปเสียเถอะ! พายุแห่งทองคำ!
VietnameseLên Đường Thôi! Cơn Lốc Vàng Óng!Let's Go! Blond Tornado!
GermanGeh voran, goldener Wirbelwind!Go Forth, Golden Whirlwind!
IndonesianMajulah, Angin Puyuh Emas!Go, Golden Whirlwind!
PortugueseTornado Dourado, Vá!Golden Tornado, Go!

Change History[]
