Vaughn is a quest-exclusive NPC that appears in the Archon Quest Lies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights in Chapter IV: Act I - Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur.
Vaughn is a member of the Gardes, though secretly an accomplice of Marcel.
After Lyney was accused of killing Cowell and kidnapping Halsey, Vaughn was certain that Lyney would be convicted as he had no evidence to defend himself with. During the trial, the Traveler tried to defend Lyney from the charges placed on him by Furina, using Cowell's belongings to refute Furina's version of the crime. This resulted in new evidence appearing in the form of water from the Primordial Sea being known to the court, causing Furina to doubt her own claims. To protect his superior's identity, Vaughn then claimed that the Gardes had found the same water in Lyney's belongings, which resulted in the Traveler having nothing to defend Lyney with.
However, upon hearing of the water, Navia, Silver and Melus realized that something was wrong and managed to find the true culprit behind Cowell's murder, Liliane, who had been hiding in the opera for the past two days during the investigation. The Traveler explained to the court about Liliane's version of the events, allowing the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale to deem Lyney and Lynette not guilty. Neuvillette then realized that Vaughn was actually Cowell's associate and had deceived both him and Furina, ordering him to confess to what he knew about the mysterious organization and seek the protection of the Gardes. Vaughn took Neuvillette's advice and began to confess to the scheme, but before he could reveal his boss' name, he was dissolved into water.
(To be added.)
Quests and Events[]
Archon Quests
- Unlike other Primordial Sea victims, it is unclear how Vaughn was dissolved by the water, as the only known contact he had with it was planting it in Lyney's bag as evidence against him, with no indication that he had ingested any of it himself. It's also unlikely that he drank the water because he already was aware of its dissolving effect and would later attempt to seek protection from the Gardes out of fear for his life, suggesting that he had no intention of killing himself to protect the secret of his superiors.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Vaughn |
Chinese (Simplified) | 沃恩 Wò'ēn |
Chinese (Traditional) | 沃恩 Wò'ēn |
Japanese | ボーン Boon |
Korean | 본 Bon |
Spanish | Vaughn |
French | Vaughn |
Russian | Вонн Vonn |
Thai | Vaughn |
Vietnamese | Vaughn |
German | Vaughn |
Indonesian | Vaughn |
Portuguese | Vaughn |
Turkish | Vaughn |
Italian | Vaughn |