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Ulfr is an open-world NPC in Mondstadt. He can be found standing by the shores of Cider Lake.

In his dialogue with the Traveler, he tells them that he wants to build a dandelion boat for Flora.

Following a certain dialogue branch for the first time gives the player five Crabs.



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Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle Sunk again...
Media:VO Ulfr 01.ogg "What? Agh... How has it sunk even further?"


Ulfr: *grunt* What do you want? Are you here to jeer and ridicule me too?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Whoa, I haven't said anything yet...
Ulfr: Well, what is it then? I highly doubt you're here to help me build my boat.
Ulfr: Anyway, whatever it is I'm not in the mood for it now. *sigh*
Icon Dialogue Talk ...You're building a boat?
Ulfr: Yes. Just a little one, so me and Flora can go boating on the lake.
Ulfr: I thought that with Flora being so light and dainty, no boat would be fit for her unless I got rid of the keel, which is heavy and unwieldy.
Ulfr: I also figured I'd build the hull from her favorite thing in the world — dandelions!
Ulfr: ...What? You want to see the boat?
Ulfr: My first attempt is on the lake bed over there, and the second one is on the lake bed right here.
Ulfr: I just don't understand why they won't float.
Icon Dialogue Talk So, about Flora...
Ulfr: You must want to know why I'm so nice to Flora?
Ulfr: Well... it's like this. My parents separated when I was very young, and I spent much of my childhood on my own.
Ulfr: I sometimes imagined what it would be like to have a sibling, and the way I imagined them is exactly how Flora is: light-hearted, bubbly, and carefree...
Ulfr: So, I just want to treat her like I would my own sibling, you know, do nice things for her.
Ulfr: It sounds stupid, I know, but I always wanted to go boating together as a family. My old man practically laughs till he cries whenever I mention it to him, though... Tsk, that old cynic...
Ulfr: But, I'm sure that Flora wouldn't laugh at me like that.
Icon Dialogue Talk Hehe, uh-huh! You're probably right.
Ulfr: Hey, don't do impressions of Flora! That's disrespectful!
Icon Dialogue Talk Seems mildly self-indulgent of you.
Ulfr: Right, exactly...
Ulfr: Wait, what? Self-indulgent? No, no, it's not like that!
Ulfr: You have to have some degree of admiration for your own goals, don't you? Otherwise, why would you pursue them?
Icon Dialogue Reward ...Good luck to you.
Ulfr: Someday, I'll invite Flora to board a dandelion boat that I made myself... It's just a shame that they keep sinking.
Ulfr: ...But every cloud has a silver lining. My swimming ability has improved greatly as a result!
Ulfr: Last time, I even had several crabs grab onto my eyelids. But I still managed to swim back to shore, even though I couldn't see.
Ulfr: Oh, and several more ended up in my pockets too... Here, you can have them. Now, I have a boat to build!
(Obtain Crab Crab ×5)
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll leave you to it...
Ulfr: Hmph. Bye.


  • In his old dialogue, Ulfr wished to confess his love to Flora on board a dandelion boat one day. This was most likely due to Flora initially using an adult NPC model in the Closed Beta Test version of the game.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]

Version 1.6
  • One line of Traveler's dialogue was revised.
    • Old: Hehe, it's as you say.
      New: Hehe, uh-huh! You're probably right.
  • Ulfr's dialogue was revised.
    • All instances of "Miss Flora" were changed to "Flora."
    • A few lines of dialogue were revised.
      • Old: Ah, I guess you'd like to know why I'm so concerned about her?
        New: You must want to know why I'm so nice to Flora?
      • Old: Well, to tell you the truth, my parents separated when I was very young, so I always played by myself growing up.
        New: Well... it's like this. My parents separated when I was very young, and I spent much of my childhood on my own.
      • Old: So I thought to myself: if I had a little sister, she would definitely be light-hearted and bubbly, just like Flora...
        New: I sometimes imagined what it would be like to have a sibling, and the way I imagined them is exactly how Flora is: light-hearted, bubbly, and carefree...
      • Old: I hope that I can be kind to her like I would my very own sister.
        New: So, I just want to treat her like I would my own sibling, you know, do nice things for her.
      • Old: It sounds stupid, I know, but going boating together with family has always been my dream. My father practically laughs till he cries whenever I mention it to him, though. Why, that old man...
        New: It sounds stupid, I know, but I always wanted to go boating together as a family. My old man practically laughs till he cries whenever I mention it to him, though... Tsk, that old cynic...
      • Old: Still, I'm sure that Miss Flora wouldn't laugh at me.
        New: But, I'm sure that Flora wouldn't laugh at me like that.
      • Old: Hey, why are you suddenly copying the way she talks? That's rude!
        New: Hey, don't do impressions of Flora! That's disrespectful!
      • Old: I mean, if your goal doesn't move you, why would you even pursue it, right?
        New: You have to have some degree of admiration for your own goals, don't you? Otherwise, why would you pursue them?

Version 1.5.1

  • Ulfr's dialogue was revised.
    • The "So, about Flora..." dialogue branch was added.
    • One line of dialogue was revised:
      Old: One day, I will confess my love to Flora on board a dandelion boat... It's such a shame that my last few attempts have all sunk on their maiden voyages...
      New: Someday, I'll invite Flora to board a dandelion boat that I made myself... It's just a shame that they keep sinking.

Version 1.0

  • Ulfr was released.