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Flora is an open-world NPC in the City of Mondstadt. She is the owner of Floral Whisper, a flower shop.

Following a certain dialogue branch for the first time gives the player The Fox in the Dandelion Sea (I).


ItemItem MoraStockTotal
Sweet Flower Sweet Flower200102,000Every 3 Days
Windwheel Aster Windwheel Aster1,00055,000Every 3 Days
Cecilia Cecilia1,00055,000Every 3 Days
Small Lamp Grass Small Lamp Grass1,00055,000Every 3 Days
Calla Lily Calla Lily1,00055,000Every 3 Days
Total cost for all items



Flora is the younger sister of Chloris, a botanist who wanders around Windrise. Unlike her older sister, Flora is only interested in flowers. She has a Bloatty Floatty as an imaginary friend, which she calls "Mr. Floatty."


Flora has short blonde hair with bright bluish-greenish eyes and wears a detailed pink and white dress.

In the 3rd closed beta test, she has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.

Quests and Events[]

Story Quests

World Quests



Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle Dandelions?
Media:VO Flora 01.ogg "Dandelions? Of course they're flowers!"
Icon Dialogue Idle Well, if it's an injury...
Media:VO Flora 02.ogg "Better see Barbara at the Cathedral if you're injured."
During Invitation of Windblume and Windblume's Breath events
Icon Dialogue Idle What are Windblumes?
Media:VO Flora Invitation of Windblume 01.ogg "What are Windblumes? Ehe, they're dandelions, of course!"
During Of Ballads and Brews event
Icon Dialogue Idle A bountiful harvest...
Media:VO Flora Of Ballads and Brews 01.ogg "Dandelions also symbolize a bountiful harvest."


Flora: Welcome to Floral Whisper. Do you need anything?
Icon Dialogue Shop I'd like to buy some flowers.
Flora: Certainly. We have a fine selection, whether you're looking to give a bouquet to someone or even do some gardening yourself.
(Opens the Floral Whisper shop.)
Icon Dialogue Talk About Stormterror...
(After completing The Outlander Who Caught the Wind)
Flora: I was honestly more frightened by the storm that surrounded Mondstadt than Stormterror.
Flora: Everyone's been focused on the losses to people and property, but I'm still more concerned about the plants and flowers.
Flora: I'll protect them, just like how Lord Barbatos protects us.
(After completing A Long Shot)
Flora: It's great that I don't have to worry about the flowers in my store being blown away by the wind.
Flora: That said, the Dandelion Seeds have also been blown all across the region of Mondstadt by this storm. Who knows, perhaps they will bloom throughout the land.
Flora: When I think about it like that, the storm doesn't seem so scary anymore, haha.
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about your flowers.
Flora: We carry a large variety of flowers. Are you looking for anything in particular?
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about Dandelions.
Flora: Dandelions are so very feathery. They are my personal favorite.
Flora: The Acting Grand Master of the Knights is also known as the Dandelion Knight, as I recall.
Flora: She probably learned the power of Anemo from the dandelions, hehe.
Icon Dialogue Reward Why do you like Dandelions so much?
Flora: Hehe, I wonder... Maybe it's because I've been reading The Fox in the Dandelion Sea.
Flora: Here, take it. Maybe you'll like dandelions too once you finish reading it, hehe.
(Obtain The Fox in the Dandelion Sea (I) The Fox in the Dandelion Sea (I))
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about Sweet Flowers.
Flora: Sweet Flowers, you say?
Flora: They look nice, but most people just use them for cooking.
Flora: If you see people having Sweet Flowers in their gardens...
Flora: They are probably used to get sugar.
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about Cecilias.
Flora: Cecilias! You've got good taste.
Flora: They grow in cold and windy places. Legend has it that they only bloom when it's quiet.
Flora: If you wish to cultivate them...
Flora: You'll probably have better luck with Mist Flowers!
Icon Dialogue Talk Sorry for bothering you.
Flora: You need to go?
Flora: I'll tell you more about flowers next time if you like.

Touch the Flowers[]

After completing the World Quest Flighty Flora... and Flora, approaching the flowers at Floral Whisper prompts the option to Touch them. Doing so, however, results in a scolding from Flora during the daytime.

Flora: Hey! Those flowers are for display only! If you want to buy flowers, come look over here.

Event Dialogue[]

Invitation of Windblume and Windblume's Breath[]

Flora: Welcome to Floral Whisper. Are you looking to get someone a bouquet? It's the Windblume Festival, after all.
Icon Dialogue Shop I'd like to buy some flowers.
(Same as normal)
Icon Dialogue Talk About the Windblume Festival...
Flora: The Windblume Festival is an ancient tradition of Mondstadt's. A day of freedom and romance.
Flora: When we speak of Windblume Festival tradition, I suppose it's about giving the "Windblume" in your heart to the person who's the most important to you, hehe.
Flora: As to what flower the Windblume actually is, everyone's got their own opinions.
Flora: Well, that's freedom for you, hehe.
Icon Dialogue Talk Tell me about your flowers.
(Same as normal)
Icon Dialogue Talk I've got to go. / Sorry for bothering you.
Flora: I hope you'll enjoy yourself during the Windblume festivities.

Iridescent Arataki Rockin' for Life Tour de Force of Awesomeness[]

Icon Dialogue Music Score We'd like to invite you to attend this music festival.
Flora: Is there a music event going on in the city? I'm only familiar with flowers, though, not music.
Paimon: Nah, this one's taking place in Inazuma. And it's totally fine if you don't know much about music, you just need to enjoy it! If there's a tune you like, we could play it for you right now, y'know?
Flora: Well... I do have something in mind. Its name escapes me, but I can hum the tune, at least. Will that do?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sure, I'll give it a go.
Flora: Nice, woohoo!
(After performing)
Flora: Ooh, you're great! This is even better than when Mr. Sayid plays it! He performed this one for us last Windblume Festival, saying that it was a traditional song from Sumeru.
Flora: Donna said it sounded terrible compared to Master Diluc's playing, though.
Flora: Well, I've made up my mind. The flowers need care every day, and Inazuma's pretty far away, so I'm afraid I can't go.
Flora: Thanks for the music, though. It was lovely. On that note, I'll offer you a special price if you need flowers for your festival!
(Talk to Flora again, optional)
Icon Dialogue Music Score How was that?
(Same as After performing)

Of Ballads and Brews[]

Flora: Welcome to Floral Whisper? Do you need anything?
Flora: Recently, everyone asked what flower best represents the happiness of harvest. Hehe, I think Dandelion is suitable.

Character Mentions[]

Character Stories



  • Flora is the Roman goddess of spring and flowers, as well as the goddess of youth. Her Greek counterpart is Chloris, whom Flora's sister shares the same name with.
  • Flora was originally modeled as an adult, and Ulfr's previous dialogue had him wishing to confess his love to Flora someday on a dandelion boat, a piece of dialogue that was retained for a period of time even after Flora's model was changed to that of a child's. This was eventually updated, and now his new dialogue has him seeing her as his little sister which he never had.
  • Flora is mentioned in the description of the following Furnishing:



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]

