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Genshin Impact Wiki

Torn Page: A Thousand Nights (II) are Quest Items found as "Enigmatic Pages" in various locations in Sumeru. Collecting all 10 pages allows the player to craft A Thousand Nights (II).


  1. In the Tanit Camps
    • By a tent on a crate
  2. In Safhe Shatranj
  3. In Wadi Al-Majuj
  4. In Debris of Panjvahe
    • Hidden behind the wooden wall, next to a stone wall
  5. In The Sands of Three Canals
    • In a Jinn Shrine, in a secondary room behind an illusion wall
  6. In Qusayr Al-Inkhida'
  7. In The Sands of Three Canals
    • On the edge of a cliff
  8. In The Sand of Three Canals
    • On top of a cliff above an Eremite camp
  9. In Wadi Al-Majuj
    • In a gorge on top of the ruins
  10. In Wadi Al-Majuj
    • In a gorge on top of the statue's staff

Video Guides[]

See Also[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishTorn Page: A Thousand Nights (II)
"Qiānyè Gùshì-jí - Èr" Cányè
"Qiānyè Gùshì-jí - Èr" Cányè
"Chiyo Monogatari - Ni" no Yabureta Peeji
Korean《천일야사・Ⅱ》의 찢어진 페이지
"Cheonilyasa - I"-ui Jjijeojin Peiji
SpanishPágina arrancada de «Las mil noches (II)»
FrenchPage déchirée de « Les mille nuits - II »
RussianВырванная страница из «Тысячи ночей» (II)
Vyrvannaya stranitsa iz "Tysyachi nochey" (II)
Thaiหน้ากระดาษของ "เรื่องราวของค่ำคืนนับพัน (II)"
VietnameseMảnh Câu Chuyện Ngàn Đêm II
GermanZerrissene Buchseite Erzählungen aus tausend Nächten II
IndonesianSobekan Halaman: Kisah Seribu Malam (II)
PortuguesePágina Rasgada de "As Mil Noites — II"
TurkishYırtık Sayfa: Binbir Gece (II)
ItalianPagina strappata: Le mille notti (II)

Change History[]
