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The Unfathomable Sand Dunes is the second Sumeru Chapter soundtrack album.

It features a total of 108 soundtracks produced by the HOYO-MiX team, all original compositions for Sumeru. The album is divided into three discs: Sandstorm Remembrances, Desert Exodus, and Battles of Sumeru 2.

The album was first announced on March 31, 2023, during the Special Program for Version 3.6. The tracklist was announced on April 18 and the album was later released on April 19.[1]


Disc 1 - "Sandstorm Remembrances"[]

No.Soundtrack NamePlayed In
01Sorush's PurityLocations, Serenitea Pot
02Resonance of KhvarenaLocations
03Maidens of SanctityLocations, Serenitea Pot
04The Caress of Three MothersLocations
05Where Simurgh RestsLocations, Serenitea Pot
06Fantasy of Ten Thousand BlossomsLocations, Event Gameplay
07Dirge of Newborn LifeLocations
08Undisturbed TranquilityLocations
09Mirage of the OasisLocations
10Lonesome RoadLocations
11Grief of the LostLocations
12Dividing PathsLocations
13Dawnlight Over DunesLocations
14Dance of ScorpionsLocations
15Golden CrescentLocations
16A Pearl Amongst LegendsLocations, Serenitea Pot
17Hymn of CicadasLocations
18Simurgh's DreamLocations, Serenitea Pot
19Taabak LaylatakLocations
20Resting RoguesLocations
21Perilous HollowLocations
22Omen of DesolationLocations
23Solitary BreachLocations
24Ghastly BadlandsLocations
25Shadow in RuinsLocations
26Abominable BogLocations
27Where Vermin CrawlLocations
28Where Dreams PutrifyLocations
30Her WishesLocations, Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
31Oracle of the VoidLocations
32Once-Joyful DreamLocations, Serenitea Pot
33Kingdom of DustLocations, Serenitea Pot
34Empire of SandLocations
35Spice RoadLocations
36Realms of AmnesiaLocations
37Gilded JourneyLocations
38Ocean of GrainsLocations, Quests
39Desert LullabyLocations, Quests, Serenitea Pot
40The Crescent Moon's WaningLocations
41Memories of GurabadLocations
42Lo, There Do I See The FalconLocations
43Where She Will ReturnLocations, Quests, Serenitea Pot
44Those Who Dream No DreamsLocations
45The Temple Conquered by DeathLocations
46Lamenting Torrent of OblivionLocations
47Debris of the BelovedLocations
48Vermin NestLocations
49Gurabad's WhisperLocations
50Buried MysteriesLocations
51Gold Cup of OasesLocations, Serenitea Pot
52Lingering VipersLocations

Disc 2 - "Desert Exodus"[]

No.Soundtrack NamePlayed In
53Aspiration of GuardiansLocations
54Wind of TranquilityLocations
55Settlement for ExilesLocations, Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
56Inscription of DreamsLocations
57Vow of a Thousand GenerationsLocations
58Smoldering GlowLocations, Domains, Event Gameplay
59Ruins of Scorching MightLocations, Domains, Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot
60Now and ThenLocations, Quests, Domains, Event Gameplay
61Distant RetrospectionLocations, Domains, Event Gameplay
62Reminiscences of RemnantsLocations, Domains, Event Gameplay
63Land of Hidden DepthsLocations, Domains, Event Gameplay
64Shade of Reticent ConundrumsLocations, Domains, Event Gameplay
65Past RepastLocations, Quests, Domains, Event Gameplay
66Crumbled PledgeLocations, Domains, Event Gameplay
67Stairway of NeterikhetLocations, Quests, Domains, Event Gameplay
68Millennial SailsLocations, Domains, Event Gameplay
69Eye of DeshretLocations, Quests, Serenitea Pot
70Falling FantasyLocations
71Fading FinalityLocations, Quests
72Echoes of Distant PastN/A
73Steps to HeptasLocations
74Juncture of AdmonitionLocations
75Emerald in the DesertLocations, Serenitea Pot
76Elusive ElysiumLocations
77Serenade of CallaisLocations
78Reverie of EternityLocations
79Dust-Swept PerplexityLocations
80Following the Sands' TrailLocations
81To the Land of DesperationLocations
82Arid CanyonLocations, Serenitea Pot
83Deserted Path to DesertLocations
84Through PredicamentsLocations
85To the Crescent Moon's ShimmerLocations
86Echoes of AgesLocations
87Obliterated DustLocations
88Ancient AnamnesisLocations
89Obscure MirageLocations
90Nebulous DunesLocations
91On the Barren SandsLocations, Serenitea Pot
92Across the AridisolsLocations
93Solitary Night WanderingsLocations
94Chords of Sand and MoonLocations
95Breeze in the Arid NightLocations
96Hushed GleamLocations
97Lingering ThoughtsLocations
98Profound RavinesLocations
99Perilous ExplorationLocations
100Benevolence BequeathedLocations, Quests, Event Gameplay

Disc 3 - "Battles of Sumeru 2"[]

No.Soundtrack NamePlayed In
101Wrathful Streaming GoldCombat, Domains, Event Gameplay
102Across Dimming AsterismsCombat, Domains, Event Gameplay
103Swirls of ShamshirCombat, Event Gameplay
104Swirls of SachmisCombat, Domains, Event Gameplay
105Rhapsodia RoscidaDomains
106Quintempus NiteastetaeDomains
107Polumnia OmniaDomains, Event Gameplay
108God-Devouring ManiaDomains

Production Credits[]

Position Staff[2]
Composer Ziyu Che (车子玉), Arcangelo Chen (陈子敏), Yu-Peng Chen (陈致逸), Qian Ding (丁谦), Yijun Jiang (姜以君), June (刘越), Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌), Peijia You (尤裴佳), Xin Zhao (赵鑫)
Arranger Ziyu Che (车子玉), Arcangelo Chen (陈子敏), Yu-Peng Chen (陈致逸), Qian Ding (丁谦), Yijun Jiang (姜以君), June (刘越), Dimeng Yuan (苑迪萌), Peijia You (尤裴佳), Xin Zhao (赵鑫)
Orchestrator Arcangelo Chen (陈子敏)
Lyricist Hsiang Liu (项柳)
Conductor Robert Ziegler
Orchestra Art of Loong Orchestra (龙之艺交响乐团), Budapest Scoring Orchestra, International Master Philharmonic Orchestra (国际首席爱乐乐团), London Symphony Orchestra
Bass Choir Zhong Zheng (郑重), Chaobin Chen (陈朝宾), Lei Zhang (张磊), Minjie Tang (唐敏杰), Kuo Tao (陶阔), Yi Sun (孙毅), Yanning Huang (黄彦宁), Jingjing Yang (杨晶晶)
Tenor Choir Xiaoming Xu (徐小明), Xinyu Li (李新宇), Jia Hu (胡笳), Botao Wu (吴波涛), Zhou Wu (伍洲), Yue Dai (戴月), Xiao Han (韩潇), Zhengyan Dong (董正妍)
Bansuri Jiannan Gu (顾剑楠), Eliza Marshall
Bouzouki Steve Smith
Cello Ying Lang (郎莹), Yi Sun (孙艺)
Classical Guitar Ashley Blasse, Ye Fan (范晔), Zhiqian Li (李智谦)
Duduk Martin Robertson, Jiali Zhang (张佳理)
Erhu Chao Li (李超)
Mandolin Steve Smith
Ney Jiannan Gu (顾剑楠), Josh Plotner
Oud Attab, Kian
Piano Arcangelo Chen (陈子敏), Yu-Peng Chen (陈致逸), Qian Ding (丁谦), Yijun Jiang (姜以君), Peijia You (尤裴佳), Xin Zhao (赵鑫)
Saz Dursuncan Cakin, Chang Liu (刘耳朵)
Shakuhachi Jiannan Gu (顾剑楠)
Sitar Arjun Verma
Violin Stephanie Gonley, Ming Liu (柳鸣), Rui Liu (刘睿), Qin Zhang (张琴)
Voice Ziyu Che (车子玉), Yu-Peng Chen (陈致逸), Zirong Zhu (朱梓溶)
Folk Instruments Supervisor Kuljit Bhamra
Recording Studio 2496 Top Music, 52Hz Studio, Abbey Road Studios, Air-Edel Recording Studios, Budapest Scoring, FIRE STUDIO, Ready Steady Sound!, Redfort Studio, SKY FIRE STUDIO (九紫天诚录音棚), St. Luke's, TZ Studio, YX STUDIO (上海音像公司录音棚)
Recording Engineer Kuljit Bhamra, Bardge (麻锅), Bence Bobák, Zach Huang (黄巍), Lewis Jones, Wanqiu Liu (刘婉秋), Jiawei Mo (莫家伟), Dénes Rédly, Oliver Thompson, Kun Wang (王昆), Xiaosi Wang (王小四), Xin'gang Wei (魏新刚), Tianxiao Xu (徐天晓), Gen Yue (岳艮), Menghan Zhang (张梦涵)
Editing Engineer Freddie Light, George Oulton, Long Tan (谭龙), Aaron Xu (徐威)
Mixing Engineer Yu-Peng Chen (陈致逸), Qian Ding (丁谦), Zach Huang (黄巍), Yijun Jiang (姜以君), Peijia You (尤裴佳), Xin Zhao (赵鑫)
Mastering Engineer Zach Huang (黄巍), Simon Li
Production HOYO-MiX


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Unfathomable Sand Dunes
Zhāozhā Liúbiàn zhī Shā
The Shifting Singing Sands
Zhōuzhá Liúbiàn zhī Shā
Ryuuhen no Suna, Sayasaya to[3]
Sand of Transience, Whispering Gently
Korean불가사의한 모래의 언덕
Bulgasauihan Morae-ui Eondeok
Enigmatic Sand's Hill


