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The Lone Phantom Sail is a World Quest in "A Lonely Place," Fontaine.

Starting Location[]

Start the quest by talking to Ahes, who becomes available after completing the World Quest "Hey, This Isn't Pumpkin Soup..."


  1. Go to the place Ahes mentioned
  2. Talk to Ahes
  3. Use the conches to send the signal
  4. Talk to Ahes
  5. Follow the phantom that has appeared
  6. Investigate the area of interest (0/3)
  7. Use the conches to send the signal again
  8. Follow the phantom once again
  9. Get to the location where the phantom stopped
  10. Look for clues near the wreck
  11. Defeat all opponents
  12. Investigate the strange item

Gameplay Notes[]


UI Quest Quest Description

Ahes seems to be looking for you...
(Approach Ahes)
Ahes: Golden Human! And you... Uh, jellyfish-like small human-thing! Please come over here!
(Talk to Ahes)
Ahes: Hello, I'm Ahes. It's a pleasure to meet a new friend!
Paimon: Hi, Ahes! Paimon's Paimon!
Icon Dialogue Talk Hello there, I'm (TravelerTraveler).
Ahes: Verenata told me that you found "that ship" too! Is it true? Is it?
Paimon: Huh? Well, there are a lot of ships in the ocean, but...
Icon Dialogue Talk Which ship do you speak of?
Ahes: Th—That very unique ship!
Paimon: Oooh... that ship, huh...
Icon Dialogue Talk Oh! That ship!
Ahes: Yes, yes, that one!
Paimon: Yeah, that one! Paimon thought you were talking about a different one! Haha...
Ahes: Then... which ship were you thinking about?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Icon Dialogue Talk Uh... Well... The one you mentioned?
Ahes: Haha! Sorry, forgive me! I must have confused you!
Ahes: Ahem, the ship I mentioned is the Sponsian, a white ironclad ship that sails through dreams, and the explorer of whirlpools and the abyss... It's the flagship of Admiral Basil Elton!
Ahes: Captain Basil left a faded shipwreck and a tattered logbook in these waters... I come here every day to pick up and read everything with writing on them!
Ahes: Hehe, so you can consider me a Sponsian archaeologist! I know everything about her! Well, not everything-everything, but I know at least half of her!
Paimon: Whoa! You must really love this ship, huh? You just can't stop talking about her once you start.
Paimon: But since even you only know half... She must've been a huge ship, then!
Ahes: Well... She isn't that huge... because Captain Basil only left half of its hull behind...
Paimon: Um, so...
Icon Dialogue Talk So, you came to us.
Icon Dialogue Talk So that's what you mean by "that ship"...
Ahes: Haha, yeah! I knew you would understand!
Ahes: Verenata told me! She said that you saw her in an illusion — the Sponsian, she who sails forward eternally! She who's returned from the paradise of Cathuria!
Icon Dialogue Talk Her front half, to be precise...
Ahes: Indeed! Her front half! The unsinkable front half! I knew she was still discovering new waters! Still fighting desperately against the reefs, the whirlpools, and the dark fleets! Still, she...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm not certain that was her, exactly, but we did see half a transparent ship...
Ahes: I'm certain! That must've been her! I've never once faltered — I've always known, ever since she responded to me! I knew she wasn't gone!
Paimon: Whoa! Calm down! Um... You still haven't told us what you need help with.
Ahes: Huh? Help? Oh... I don't plan on asking for your help, not really. But since you've seen the Sponsian, (TravelerTraveler)...
Ahes: Well... I'm looking for it, so why don't you come along?
Paimon: Heh, your enthusiasm's making it hard to say no... And you mentioned a shipwreck... Where there's a wreck, there's a treasure... so yeah, we can join you!
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's go meet this lady of the sea.
Ahes: Yes, that's the spirit! Let's set sail!

(Talk to Ahes in Salacia Plain)
Ahes: This is the place! We've arrived!
Ahes: Um, please wait just a moment... Allow me to tune the conch a bit.
Paimon: Huh? "Tune"... a conch? Is that a part of the grilling process...?
Ahes: Oh, come on. All you know is eat, eat, eat! This is a military conch for communication!
Icon Dialogue Talk A... military conch?
Ahes: Yes, this is an old military conch. Ancient sailors used conches as a tool to communicate with each other... It must be a relic left behind from when the navy still existed. I found it in a sunken wreck.
Ahes: When I tuned the conch here last time, I heard her response. Since you've seen her, I think you should be able to hear her response too!
Ahes: But you'll have to wait a moment, you know! I have to tune the conch before I can send out the proper signal.
Icon Dialogue Talk In other words, that ship can receive a specific signal.
Ahes: Yes, that's correct. However, both the time of day and the conditions of the sea will affect the conch's signal generation, so you have to constantly tune it to make sure it'll work. Hehe... that's the problem with antiques.
Icon Dialogue Talk So are you saying... that she will appear when you send the signal?
Ahes: Hehe, pretty cool, isn't it? She's just like a whale! You sing, and she responds. I've heard the sound with my own ears, it's true.
Ahes: Hmm, anyway, please wait while I tune this conch to align with the vibration of the waves. Don't go running too far away now!
Ahes deftly works with the conch in her hand, and not long after, the tuning is complete...
Ahes: Okay, that's it! Hehe, I've learned a lot from those ancient seafarer manuals!
Ahes: Now, allow me to give you a little primer. There are three kinds of short signals that I usually use...
Ahes: "Long low note, short low note, long low note." Yes... This one should mean... Well, my guess is that it probably means "Ready and waiting."
Ahes: "Long low note, long low note, long low note, long low note, long low note." This one means... Um, I'm not actually sure, but the response I received last time was something like that, so it's definitely useful for something!
Ahes: "Short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note"... Phew! This is a long one, for sure! This is the signal that has the highest likelihood of receiving a response, and as for its meaning...
Ahes: According to the manual at least... it means "I have a message to send."
Paimon: Hmm... So, what should we do to figure out the signal that will receive a response?
Icon Dialogue Talk Use deduction to find the corresponding signal?
Ahes: Yuck, no way. That's far too random, and we have too little concrete information... It's true that I've received some mysterious responses back after sending out these three signals, but...
Ahes: But I've yet to discover any logical relationship between the signals and the appearance of the Sponsian...
Ahes: So, all we can do is to try them all, one at a time...
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's try the signals one at a time?
Paimon: Uh... Can't we use some sort of time-saving method... or something a bit smarter? Like... deduction or something!
Icon Dialogue Talk You try, Paimon.
Paimon: Hehe... If Paimon was to start using deductive reasoning, then why don't we make a chart and find the signal with the highest response rate? That should be the signal we're looking for!
Ahes: ...Hmm, though we are in Fontaine, and most ships are required to respond to signals by law... the ship we're looking for isn't normal in any sense of the word, you know?
Ahes: So, we can't expect her to consistently respond to the same signals... In other words, the fundamental requirements for deductive reasoning to work simply don't apply here. Too many things are random, and we lack any evidence to work off of.
Paimon: Urgh... Th—Then let's just try them one at a time...
Ahes: So, which one should we start with?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's start from the longest one.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's start from the shortest one.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's start with the one of middling length.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm not sure. What would you prefer, Ahes?
Ahes: Ah, me? Um... if you're asking me, then I would pick this one.
Ahes sends the signal with the conch...
(Talk to Ahes again if the traveler chose a signal, optional)
(If the shortest signal was chosen)
Ahes: Oh, did you forget the signal? It's "long low note, short low note, long low note."
(If the middling length signal was chosen)
Ahes: "Long low note, long low note, long low note, long low note, long low note" — that's how this signal's supposed to go.
(If the longest signal was chosen)
Ahes: Do you still remember the signal? It goes "Short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note"!
Ahes: Hehe, it's pretty long, huh?
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright, got it!
Ahes: Hehe, you've got this!
Icon Dialogue Talk Conches really are tough to operate...
Ahes: Well, in that case... Hehe, maybe I should do it myself, then!
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't worry. I'll give this another go.
Ahes: Thank you!
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright, we're counting on you.
Ahes: I'll take it from here, then!
Ahes sends the signal with the conch...
(After the signal is sent)
Ahes: Eh... Did you hear it?
Paimon: Huh? What...
Ahes: Shh, the signal!... Wait... Her! It's her, she's over there! In the distance!
Paimon: What? Paimon... Paimon can't see anything!
Icon Dialogue Talk I saw it.
Ahes: Yes! I knew you'd able to see it too! Quick, after her, let's catch up!
Paimon: Catch... catch what? The ship? Have you two grown sails and sprouted oars or something!?
Icon Quest Step Step Description

Ahes wants you to accompany her on her search for the lost ancient battleship known as the Sponsian...
(Approach the ship)
Ahes: Huh? Sh—She disappeared...
(Approach the marked location)
Ahes: Strange... Why won't she show herself?
Paimon: Gah... Even though Paimon can't see that ship, so far, she's still been following you two around on this wild goose chase...
Paimon: But since it disappeared here, perhaps it's a hint to tell us to find something? For all you know, there might be lost treasure here!
Ahes: Hehe, little jellyfish Paimon sure is greedy.
Ahes: But what we're looking for isn't treasure at all... Yes, if we have to give it a name, isn't it closer to "proof"?
Icon Dialogue Talk By "proof," you mean...?
Ahes: Proof that the Sponsian passed through this place. Such as a navigation log, any wreckage from the boat itself, or nautical tools... Anyway, we should be able to find something related to her!
Paimon: Oh... so no treasure then...
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't despair, Paimon. There might be treasure too.
Paimon: Yeah! That's just what Paimon thinks!
Ahes: Perhaps... But we're not here to find sunken treasure this time. What we want is proof that the "Sponsian" passed this way.
Ahes: Navigation logs, wreckage from the boat itself, or nautical tools... Anyway, we should be able to find something related to her!
Ahes: We can use the conch to send out sounds, and analyze the returning sound waves to determine the ship's approximate location.
Ahes: Hmm. Here, aaand... here. They should be marked out on your sea chart now... Anyway, these are my best bets based on the echoes.
Ahes: Let's investigate these areas next!
(Investigate the barrel)
Paimon: Huh... It's a box and a... bucket? Maybe we should open them up and take a look? They just might be...
Ahes: Rocks. They are rocks.
Paimon: Yeah! Really valuable rocks!
Ahes: Hahaha, silly Paimon! They're ballast! Ballast used to stabilize the weight of the battleship!
Paimon: Eh? Oh... then... Paimon guesses that there's no such thing as valuable ballast then...
Ahes: But since we found so much ballast dumped in a single location, perhaps the ship had to execute an emergency maneuver to increase buoyancy...
Ahes: In other words, she must have been forced to take extreme measures to evade danger, despite being the flagship of the ironclad armada...
(Investigate the crate)
Ahes: What happened here... It's a complete mess. There isn't even a complete wreck, it's mostly just... fragments.
Icon Dialogue Talk Signs point to her being still further up ahead.
Ahes: But she must have suffered irreparable damage, so why would she still forge onward in such poor condition? Unless... Hmm. I think we'll find out why soon.
Paimon: So many tiny little pieces everywhere! It's like she was *chomp* bitten in half by a giant sea monster!
Ahes: ...
(Investigate the crate north of the Echoing Conch)
Paimon: Hmm... Busted wooden planks, oars, and... the wreck of a small boat. There's nothing worth looking at here...
Ahes: It's a lifeboat... So even the lifeboats were destroyed? ...Oh? Look over there. What's that between the boards?
Paimon: Hmmm... It looks like a scrap of paper... Is it the log? Should we take it out and have a look?
(Opens Damaged Diary)
Damaged Diary
...Day 23 of following the great beast Elynas. We have to stop it or at least immobilize it before further damage is done to Fontainian waters...
...Day 25 of following the great beast Elynas. It's been a long time since we last docked at a port, but when we got close to shore this time, only ruins welcomed us — the creature had visited this place. We gathered the remaining supplies, but we're not sure how long they'll last...
...Day 35 of following the great beast Elynas. We found its tracks, and followed the... trail of blood... it left behind... Pursuing at full speed... attracted many bloodthirsty creatures...
...Ship badly damaged, power system... We can only go wherever the winds and currents take us...
...Closer to the enemy...
...Fontaine Expects That Everyone Will Do Their Duty...
Icon Dialogue Talk They came here to fight against monsters from the Abyss...
Ahes: Yes... I have heard of legends regarding them before. But... does that mean that the Sponsian has already...
Ahes: Hmph! This isn't enough proof. Let's go to the next location.
(After investigating all three points)
Ahes: Which is to say, the Sponsian suffered heavy damage, and the damage was related to the abyss expedition, and... she continued to sail on. In that case...
Ahes: Let's use the conch to send out another signal! Maybe we'll hear her response from up ahead!
Ahes: Oh right, right! The signals you want to send are "long low note, short low note, long low note"...
Ahes: "Long low note, long low note, long low note, long low note, long low note," and... Uh...
Ahes: "Short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note"... Gah, this one is super lengthy! But these three signals should all get you a response!
Icon Dialogue Talk I choose the longest one.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's start with the one of middling length.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's start from the shortest one.
(Talk to Ahes again, optional)
(If the shortest signal was chosen)
Ahes: Oh, did you forget the signal? It's "long low note, short low note, long low note."
(If the middling length signal was chosen)
Ahes: "Long low note, long low note, long low note, long low note, long low note" — that's how this signal's supposed to go.
(If the longest signal was chosen)
Ahes: Do you still remember the signal? It goes "Short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note, short low note, long low note"!
Ahes: Hehe, it's pretty long, huh?
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright, got it!
Ahes: Hehe, you've got this!
Icon Dialogue Talk Conches really are tough to operate...
Ahes: Well, in that case... Hehe, maybe I should do it myself, then!
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't worry. I'll give this another go.
Ahes: Thank you!
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright, we're counting on you.
Ahes: I'll take it from here, then!
Ahes sends the signal with the conch...
(Approach the marked area)
Paimon: Hmm, Paimon still hasn't seen the ship... but have you noticed? It seems like the seabed is getting closer and closer to the surface...
Ahes: Yes, you're right. We are getting closer to the shore. But why is that...
(Approach the ship)
Ahes: Look, she disappeared by the shore! Could it be that she ran aground...?
(Approach the marked area)
Paimon: Whoa, look! This wreckage must've once been the ship we were chasing earlier — or, well, half of it anyway...
Ahes: ...!
Ahes: Sh—She's all torn up...
Paimon: Hey... Don't be so sad, Ahes... We couldn't have expected things to turn out like this, right?
Ahes: I know, but... Oh, forget it... I'll go look around and see if there's anything worth investigating...
Paimon: Yeah, there might be some good stuff left... C'mon, (TravelerTraveler), let's have a look around as well!
(Investigate surrounding shipwreck, optional)
Paimon: Hehe, it's not like we didn't get anything out of it! We managed to pick up quite a few treasures!
(Investigate the Navigation Log)
Navigation Log Fragment
...1800, visibility 5. Quiet sea with some fog. Prepare anti-fog devices, and strengthen the lookout.
...1930, visibility 3. Anti-wave devices ready.
...2100, visibility 6. Quiet sea, with three abyssal sea monsters emerging at four o'clock off the starboard bow. They seem to be the length of cruisers. Cancel combat readiness cruising, whole ship now ready for battle...
...2130, visibility 3. Terrible sea. Escort ship Caledones, damaged and paralyzed, not suitable for battle. Escort ship Venicones, sunken with the captain fallen. Our ship's hull heavily damaged, water pouring in from three locations, second and third cannons totally destroyed. Urgent damage control is needed...
...2200, visibility 4. Terrible sea, with sea monsters emerging in groups at four o'clock off left stern. The number can't be estimated. Clockwork calculator damaged, firing parameters impossible to estimate. Accelerating to draw closer to flagship "Sponsian"...
Paimon: In other words, this ship must've sunk during the struggle against the sea monster...
Paimon: Then this half was torn up by the waves and floated on the ocean currents before finally settling here.
Icon Dialogue Talk And if it was indeed destroyed by the monster...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Then her other half might still be inside its body.
Paimon: Wait, but wouldn't that mean that she really was bitten in half? ... Huh? What's that noise?
Paimon: Ugh, more monsters! Here they come again!
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon, hide!
Paimon: But... but... Okay!
(Enemies appear)
(Garbled noises): "...Chief Engineer, give me a report on the leaks! How much longer can we hold on? ..."
(Garbled noises): "...Maybe three days, maybe two hours... Tell that crazy Captain of ours..."
(Garbled noises): "...Other than the First Mate, the Chief Engineer, and anyone else willing to stay behind, all hands abandoned ship along with the Second Mate..."
(Garbled noises): "...They're still pouring onto the deck, we're not going to make it...!"
(Garbled noises): "...Boys and girls! This is your Vice Dire... Your Captain...!"
(Garbled noises): "...Finished off the last bottle of wine... Forget all about the annoying rules of the past! Prepare for one final attack. Full speed ahead!"
(Garbled noises): "...Impact in... minutes... Estimated damage to ship structure... Chance of survival... 0.0000..."
(Garbled noises): "...Shut that accursed machine up! I just want...! Perhaps the boys and girls can be protected and evacuated..."
(After the fight ends)
Paimon: Eh? What's with that bright and shiny thing? Are Paimon's eyes playing tricks on her?
(Investigate the marked location)
"...Oh leave her, sailors, leave her..."
"...Tomorrow you'll get your pay, and it's time for us to leave her..."
"...Oh leave her, sailors, leave her..."
"For the voyage is done and the winds don't blow, so it's time for us to leave her..."
"...No grog allowed and rotten grub, and it's time for us to leave her..."
"...Oh leave her, sailors, leave her..."
"...The sails all furled, our work is done, and it's time for us to leave her..."
As the dream-like shanty dissolves into the ocean waves, a sorrowful voice comes from the strange pendant...
"Blue, like a little sailor... I saw her... Haha..."
"She had the scent of sea monsters on her..."
"But she is a good child. Perhaps she will not get my flagship dirty..."
"Heh, it's a shame I couldn't protect her well enough. She was a good boat..."
(The Traveler opens their eyes)
Paimon: (TravelerTraveler), are you alright?
Paimon: You told Paimon to hide, and then you went wild on those slimes... Then you picked up a handful of sand and started talking to yourself!
Paimon: What happened to you just now? You scared Paimon half to death!
Icon Dialogue Talk I witnessed the moments before the ship sank...
Paimon: Huh? Wait... So you thought you were fighting a group of monsters from the Abyss? No wonder you had that scarily serious look on your face!
Paimon: Hmph. If you ask Paimon, this is all Verenata's potions' fault!
Icon Dialogue Talk I picked up this silver pendant.
Paimon: A pendant? But there's nothing in your hands but sand! Huh? Wait, there's also a really small conch...
Paimon: Wait, so you were talking to this "imaginary pendant"? ... That's just the contents of the logbook earlier confusing you, right?
Ahes: What's with all that noise! What are you doing!? Were you trying to haul the wreck off while I wasn't around?
Paimon: Hmm... Is the wood from shipwrecks like these worth a lot?
Ahes: I don't know... Hey, is that really what you're planning!? You... naughty jellyfish!
Ahes: Hmm... Even though it's in pieces... Well, bits of it can still be collected as souvenirs...
Ahes: I'm afraid it's probably impossible to restore its original white ironclad appearance... But I can still explore her past experiences... Maybe...
Icon Dialogue Talk Captain Basil seems to have been really fond of you.
Icon Dialogue Talk I heard Captain Basil's voice.
Ahes: E—Eh? What...?
Paimon: It's nothing! (TravelerTraveler) has been acting strange ever since just now... Maybe some rest will do the trick!
Ahes: Hahahaha! Don't say that, Paimon! I believe (TravelerTraveler) saw something we didn't. Well... at the very least, there's no harm in thinking this way.
Ahes: Just like... how I believe Captain Basil has always been supporting me...
Ahes: I will find a way to gradually restore her logbook and nautical chart so that her adventures and stories can be marked accurately on our maps!
Ahes: That's what I want to do. Although... the meaning of some names may be lost, and the location of some ports may be known to no one...
Paimon: That doesn't matter! We can just leave it to people who come after to rediscover them!
Ahes: Yes! Thank you for helping me locate the Sponsian! Please accept this gift of mine!
Paimon: Hehe, okay! See you!


  • The "signals" that Ahes learned from seafaring manuals likely refer to Morse code, a telegraphic communication method used by the military.
    • "Long low note, short low note, long low note" may refer to the prosign "K," which corresponds to an invitation to transmit. This aligns with Ahes' interpretation of the signal: "Ready and waiting."
  • In the final flashback, the Traveler hears the sailors sing a sea shanty. The English lyrics of this shanty directly reference a sea shanty by the name of Leave Her, Johnny, Leave Her, with mentions of "Johnny" replaced with "sailor."
  • After completing the quest, the phantom ship can be seen underwater in different locations each day. The ship itself cannot be interacted with, disappearing once the player approaches it.

Video Guides[]

Guide: The Lone Phantom Sail

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe Lone Phantom Sail
Gūfān Yōuyǐng
Gūfán Yōuyǐng
Kohen Yuuei‍[!][!]
Korean고독한 배의 그림자
Godokhan Bae-ui Geurimja
SpanishEl naufragio fantasmaThe Phantom Shipwreck
FrenchLa voile fantôme solitaireThe Lone Phantom Sail
RussianПризрак одинокого парусника
Prizrak odinokogo parusnika
Phantom of the Lone Sailboat
VietnameseThuyền Ma Cô Độc
GermanDer einsame SchattenseglerThe Lone Shadow Sailor
IndonesianBayangan Kapal KesepianShadow of the Lonely Ship
PortugueseA Vela Fantasma Solitária
TurkishYalnız Gölge Yelkenlisi
ItalianLa solitaria nave fantasma

Change History[]
