Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

The Essentials is a Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for The Essentials is obtainable from a Remarkable Chest in Sumeru.

How to Obtain[]

Obtained from a Remarkable Chest on a hill near Vimara Village.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×60.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 14 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
The Essentials 1 The Essentials

Furnishing Sets[]

There is 1 Furnishing Set that uses The Essentials as a component:

ItemCraft TypeComponents
Gift SetLike the Shimmering Distant Stars Like the Shimmering Distant Stars ×5
The Essentials The Essentials ×3
Verdant Meandering Wood Verdant Meandering Wood ×1
The Eremites' Odyssey The Eremites' Odyssey ×1
The Eremites' Flame of Vigor The Eremites' Flame of Vigor ×2
Embodiment of Warfare Embodiment of Warfare ×1
The Eremites' Fame The Eremites' Fame ×1
Steel Stopper Steel Stopper ×7

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishThe Essentials
"Bìbùkěshǎo zhī Wù"
"Bìbùkěshǎo zhī Wù"
"Nakute wa Naranu Mono"
Korean「없어서는 되는 물건」
"Eopseoseoneun An Doeneun Mulgeon"
SpanishProductos esenciales
French« Les essentiels »
RussianПредметы первой необходимости
Predmety pervoy neobkhodimosti
VietnameseVật Không Thể Thiếu
GermanUnverzichtbare Dinge
IndonesianYang Penting
Portuguese"Só o Essencial"
Turkishİhtiyaç Malzemeleri

Change History[]

Version 4.4
  • Updated subcategory from Ornament to Large Object.

Version 3.0

  • The Essentials was released.

