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Strange Stone Chronicle is a World Quest in Court of Fontaine: Quartier Narbonnais, Fontaine.


  1. Take the clock to Puca

Gameplay Notes[]


UI Quest Quest Description

Give Chesil's prototype clock to Puca. Perhaps a new production line will be born from this.
(Approach Chesil's area two in-game days later)
Paimon: Paimon remembers that the gem merchant said that he would use the rocks to make some kind of new accessories...
Paimon: How far along is he with that, though?
Paimon: If we have time, let's go back and check!
(Talk to Chesil)
Chesil: Ah, it's you two, the ones who sold me those gemstones...
Paimon: Yeah! You said something about turning them into pretty accessories the last time we met... How's that going?
Paimon: Paimon can't wait to see how they turned out!
Chesil: About that... I'm afraid I must disappoint you.
Paimon: Huh?
Chesil: I really wanted to inlay the gemstones in jewelry, but the ore is far too hard to polish by hand in any detail...
Chesil: And that's not even the worst part. Who could have imagined that after being cut and polished, the ore would lose all its original glow?
Chesil: Either way, they're not suitable for crafting at all.
Paimon: Oh... Paimon didn't expect things to turn out like this. We genuinely thought that these stones would be useful in some way...
Chesil: Useful, you say... Well, it certainly isn't useless...
Chesil places a mechanical clock on the counter while speaking.
Chesil: Look at this new mechanical clock — it was made using that very ore.
Chesil: I was about to blame myself for misjudging the ore and was going to just get rid of it...
Chesil: But then some clocksmiths came by and saw the scraps left over from our processing attempts. Since the ore was so durable, they took some with them and used it to make components for their clocks.
Chesil: I was surprised to discover that thanks to the ore's high resistance to abrasion, it is superior to materials traditionally used for the moving components of clocks.
Chesil: But if they're used to make clocks, the supply shipments would need to be even more reliable...
Icon Dialogue Talk I guess we can do that...
Icon Dialogue Talk If you contact Puca directly...
You tell Chesil about Puca and the ore veins.
Chesil: I see. then that is truly a happy coincidence! The prototype clock was created using the latest waterproof clam-style design — in other words, it was intended for Melusine use from the very start!
Chesil: In that case, could you bring this prototype to Miss Puca and explain the situation to her?
Chesil: After all, I've never done business with Melusines before... If Miss Puca could provide us with a stable supply, we'd be able to establish a whole new production line.
Chesil: I'll be sure to personally visit her in the future! Hmm... it would be a good idea to implement Melusine aesthetics into future clock designs...
Paimon: Hehe, sounds like it'll benefit Puca too if you succeeded!
Paimon: Ooh, this could be a great opportunity for Puca to start her own gemstone factory! C'mon, let's go talk to her!
Chesil: I'm counting on you!
(Obtain Special Clock Special Clock)
(Talk to Chesil again, optional)
Chesil: If Miss Puca can provide a steady supply of ore, then perhaps we'll be able to mass produce these clocks.
Chesil: Anyway, I'm counting on you!
(Talk to Puca)
Puca: (TravelerTraveler), Paimon, it's been a while!
Puca: Are you looking for the same strange rocks as last time?
Paimon: Uh, we are, but there's something else too...
You give Chesil's prototype clock to Puca and tell her about Chesil's plan to make clocks using the strange ore.
Item Special Clock
Puca: A—Amazing! They can make things like these out of those rocks!?
Paimon: Eh? Only the bits inside are made from that stone...
Puca: You can even hear it ticking underwater... I've never seen a clock like this!
Paimon: Chesil talked about it having an oyster-style structure... Or was it clam-style?
Puca: Hehe, I'm happy just hearing the sound coming from the clock!
Puca: I never imagined that even ordinary stones like this would be so suited for something...
Puca: I always thought that you had to be like my sister, and only the rarest of gemstones could be turned into treasures. I never thought that you could also make something incredible with such ordinary rocks...
Icon Dialogue Talk Everything has its value and purpose.
Puca: Mm-hmm, I suddenly feel really good about myself!
Puca carefully places the clock in a nice place.
Paimon: Okay, now all you have to do is get the ore ready and sell it to Chesil when he needs it!
Paimon: Then, you'll even be able to have your own gemstone workshop, just like your sister!
Paimon: You've collected lots of different stones, after all. Maybe you'll be able to find a use for each and every one of them!
Puca: Right! I'll definitely make preparations for that! Thank you so much!
Puca: If you ever need any rocks, come find me anytime!
Paimon: Hehe, don't mention it!

Video Guides[]

Strange Stone Chronicle Part 3

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishStrange Stone Chronicle
Qíshí Lìxiǎn-jì
Qíshí Lìxiǎn-jì
Kiseki Bouken-ki
Korean기이한 탐사기
Giihan Dol Tamsagi
SpanishCrónicas de una particular rocaChonicles of a Particular Rock
FrenchChronique d'une étrange pierreStrange Stone Chronicle
RussianПриключения чудесного камня
Priklyucheniya chudesnogo kamnya
Wondrous Stone's Adventures
VietnameseKỳ Thạch Mạo Hiểm Ký
GermanSeltsame SteinchronikStrange Stone Chronicle
IndonesianPetualangan Batu AjaibThe Adventures of a Magical Stone
PortugueseCrônicas de Pedras Estranhas
TurkishTuhaf Taş Günlük
ItalianLe cronache della strana pietra

Change History[]
