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Genshin Impact Wiki

Stonehide Lawachurl is a Character Card obtained in Genius Invokation TCG.


Plama Lawa Character Card SkillPlama LawaNormal Attack12
Deals 2 Physical DMG.
Movo Lawa Character Card SkillMovo LawaElemental Skill3
Deals 3 Physical DMG.
Upa Shato Character Card SkillUpa ShatoElemental Burst32
Deals 5 Physical DMG.
Infused Stonehide Character Card SkillInfused StonehidePassive Skill
(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Stonehide and Stone Force.

When the character to which this is attached receives DMG: Decrease DMG taken by 1. When Geo DMG is decreased, consume 1 additional Usage(s).
Usage(s): 3

Stone Force
The character to which this is attached has their Physical DMG converted to Geo DMG.
Once per Round: The character deals +1 DMG. Once the Stonehide attached to the character is removed, this status will be removed alongside it.

Talent Cards[]

Stonehide Reforged Equipment CardStonehide ReforgedUpa Shato42
Combat Action: When your active character is Stonehide Lawachurl, equip this card.
After Stonehide Lawachurl equips this card, immediately use Upa Shato once.
When your Stonehide Lawachurl, who has this card equipped, defeats an opposing character: Stonehide Lawachurl will re-attach Stonehide and Stone Force.

Proficiency Reward[]

After reaching Proficiency 10, the following Dynamic Skin is obtained:
Stonehide Reforged Equipment Card GoldenStonehide Reforged42


"Vale-Crosser" Stonehide Lawachurl

"Go around — the way ahead is the realm of the 'king.'"

Stage Appearances[]

Stonehide Lawachurl appears in 18 stages:

Atra Icon AtraDuel: AtraDuel
Baobab Icon BaobabStonehide Lawachurl's RestFriendly Fracas
Baobab Icon BaobabStonehide Lawachurl's MajestySerious Showdown
Furuya Noboru Icon Furuya NoboruDuel: Furuya NoboruDuel
Harris Icon HarrisDuel: HarrisDuel
Kimiya Icon KimiyaGuest Challenge: KimiyaWeekly Guest Challenge
Master Lu Icon Master LuDemolisher's EndAdventure Challenge
Nasrin Icon NasrinA Day in the Forest Ranger's LifeAdventure Challenge
Night Pilot Icon Night PilotHydro Hilichurl Rogue's TestSerious Showdown
Prince Icon PrinceClever Strategems: Hili-style BreakingAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceClever Strategems: Hili-style BreakingAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceClever Strategems: Hili-style BreakingAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceEndless Swarm: Echoing DestructionAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceGame of Wits: Dangerous BattlefieldAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceGame of Wits: Ring of DestructionAdventure Challenge
Prince Icon PrinceGame of Wits: Unrelenting AssaultAdventure Challenge
Shitou Icon ShitouDuel: ShitouDuel
Timmie Icon TimmieDuel: TimmieDuel


Attack or ConditionAudio & Transcription
Character SelectMedia:vo gcg monster brute rock selectonstage 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute rock selectonstage 02.ogg
Movo LawaMedia:vo gcg monster brute rock elementalart 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute rock elementalart 02.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute rock elementalart 03.ogg
Upa ShatoMedia:vo gcg monster brute rock elementalburst 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute rock elementalburst 02.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute rock elementalburst 03.ogg
Heavy Hit TakenMedia:vo gcg monster brute rock hitheavy 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute rock hitheavy 02.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute rock hitheavy 03.ogg
DefeatedMedia:vo gcg monster brute rock die 01.ogg Media:vo gcg monster brute rock die 02.ogg



Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishStonehide Lawachurl
Qiūqiū Yán Kuī Wáng
Hilichurl Geo Helm King
Qiūqiū Yán Kuī Wáng
Hiruchaaru - Iwa Kabuto no Ou
Hilichurl - Rock Helmet King
Korean츄츄 바위왕
Chyuchyu Bawiwang
Hilichurl Rock-king
SpanishLawachurl AcorazadoIronclad Lawachurl
FrenchChef BrutorocheuxHiliHiliHiliHiliTooltip for HiliHilirocky Chief
RussianЛавачурл с каменным панцирем
Lavachurl s kamennym pantsirem
Lawachurl With Stone Shell
ThaiStonehide Lawachurl
VietnameseVua Mũ Đá HilichurlStone Hat Hilichurl King
GermanSteinhaut-LawachurlStonehide Lawachurl
IndonesianStonehelm, Hilichurl Chieftain
PortugueseLawachurl da Pedra Oculta
TurkishTaş Sırtlı Dağ ReisiStone Backed LawachurlLawachurlLawachurlLawachurlTooltip for LawachurlLawachurl
ItalianLawachurl MantodipietraMantleofstone Lawachurl

Change History[]

