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Stellar Rivers is the twentieth Battle Pass.


Sojourner's Battle Pass & Gnostic Hymn[]

Sojourner's Battle Pass is the free Battle Pass for all players. Gnostic Hymn can be purchased for $10 USD and will unlock a second tier for this BP Period. Any player that purchases Gnostic Hymn will also get an extra reward at BP Lv. 30 where they can choose one of the 4★ weapons from the current BP Bounty.

Lv. Sojourner's Battle Pass Sojourner's Battle Pass Gnostic Hymn Gnostic Hymn
1 Adventurer's Experience Adventurer's Experience ×3 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×2
2 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×4 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×12
3 Mora Mora ×16,000 Mora Mora ×48,000
4 Adventurer's Experience Adventurer's Experience ×3 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×2
5 Fragile Resin Fragile Resin ×1 Fragile Resin Fragile Resin ×1
Guidance of the Land of Thunder Guidance of the Land of Thunder ×1
(3★ Inazuma Talent Level-Up Material of your choice, ×5)
6 Mora Mora ×16,000 Mora Mora ×48,000
7 Adventurer's Experience Adventurer's Experience ×3 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×2
8 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×4 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×12
9 Mora Mora ×16,000 Mora Mora ×48,000
10 Acquaint Fate Acquaint Fate ×1 Intertwined Fate Intertwined Fate ×1
Guidance of the Land of Verdure Guidance of the Land of Verdure ×1
(3★ Sumeru Talent Level-Up Material of your choice, ×5)
11 Adventurer's Experience Adventurer's Experience ×6 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×4
12 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×8 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×24
13 Mora Mora ×32,000 Mora Mora ×96,000
14 Adventurer's Experience Adventurer's Experience ×6 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×4
15 Fragile Resin Fragile Resin ×1 Fragile Resin Fragile Resin ×1
Guidance of the Land of Thunder Guidance of the Land of Thunder ×1
(3★ Inazuma Talent Level-Up Material of your choice, ×5)
16 Mora Mora ×32,000 Mora Mora ×96,000
17 Adventurer's Experience Adventurer's Experience ×6 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×4
18 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×8 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×24
19 Mora Mora ×32,000 Mora Mora ×96,000
20 Acquaint Fate Acquaint Fate ×1 Intertwined Fate Intertwined Fate ×1
Guidance of the Land of Verdure Guidance of the Land of Verdure ×1
(3★ Sumeru Talent Level-Up Material of your choice, ×5)
21 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×3 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×9
22 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×9 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×27
23 Mora Mora ×48,000 Mora Mora ×144,000
24 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×3 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×9
25 Fragile Resin Fragile Resin ×1 Fragile Resin Fragile Resin ×1
Guidance of the Land of Thunder Guidance of the Land of Thunder ×1
(3★ Inazuma Talent Level-Up Material of your choice, ×5)
26 Mora Mora ×48,000 Mora Mora ×144,000
27 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×3 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×9
28 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×9 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×27
29 Mora Mora ×48,000 Mora Mora ×144,000
30 Acquaint Fate Acquaint Fate ×1 Intertwined Fate Intertwined Fate ×1
BP Bounty BP Bounty ×1
31 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×4 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×12
32 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×12 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×36
33 Mora Mora ×64,000 Mora Mora ×192,000
34 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×4 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×12
35 Fragile Resin Fragile Resin ×1 Fragile Resin Fragile Resin ×1
Guidance of the Land of Verdure Guidance of the Land of Verdure ×1
(3★ Sumeru Talent Level-Up Material of your choice, ×5)
36 Mora Mora ×64,000 Mora Mora ×192,000
37 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×4 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×12
38 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×12 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×36
39 Mora Mora ×64,000 Mora Mora ×192,000
40 Acquaint Fate Acquaint Fate ×1 Intertwined Fate Intertwined Fate ×1
Guidance of the Land of Thunder Guidance of the Land of Thunder ×1
(3★ Inazuma Talent Level-Up Material of your choice, ×5)
41 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×5 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×15
42 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×15 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×45
43 Mora Mora ×80,000 Mora Mora ×240,000
44 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×5 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×15
45 Fragile Resin Fragile Resin ×1 Fragile Resin Fragile Resin ×1
Philosophies of the Land of Thunder Philosophies of the Land of Thunder ×1
(4★ Inazuma Talent Level-Up Material of your choice, ×5)
46 Mora Mora ×80,000 Mora Mora ×240,000
47 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×5 Hero's Wit Hero's Wit ×15
48 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×15 Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore ×45
49 Mora Mora ×80,000 Mora Mora ×240,000
50 Acquaint Fate Acquaint Fate ×1 Primogem Primogem ×680
Philosophies of the Land of Verdure Philosophies of the Land of Verdure ×1
(4★ Sumeru Talent Level-Up Material of your choice, ×5)

BP Bounty[]

After unlocking Gnostic Hymn and reaching BP Level 30, you can select a weapon of your choice from the BP Bounty

—"Unlock Gnostic Hymn" Purchase Screen

Gnostic Chorus[]

Costing around $20 USD (or $11.99 if you already purchased Gnostic Hymn), Gnostic Chorus offers the following:

Travel Notes: Stellar Rivers
Item Travel Notes: Stellar Rivers Obtain:
Stellar Rivers BP Reward - Buy the Gnostic Chorus Battle Pass
Forgotten is the name of the ancient feast, scattered are the three rivers amongst a plumage of clouds, and across the curve of twilight does autumn yet linger.

Total Rewards[]

The rewards listed for Gnostic Hymn include rewards from Sojourner's Battle Pass, and Gnostic Chorus includes all rewards from lower BP reward levels.

Reward Level Total Rewards
Sojourner's Battle Pass
Mora 720,000 Mora
Gnostic Hymn
Mora 2,880,000 Mora
Gnostic Chorus
Mora 2,880,000 Mora


There are a total of 40 days in this Battle Pass period. Players who unlock Battle Pass after the period started will have less days to rack up BP EXP.

There is a weekly Battle Pass EXP cap of 10,000 EXP for Daily Missions and Weekly Missions, but the ones under "This BP Period" do not count towards the cap.

Daily Missions[]

Daily Missions reset at 4:00 AM according to your server's time zone.

Missions EXP Notes
Log in 120
Complete 4 Daily Commissions 150
Mine 10 items 150 Ores obtained from Expeditions and Investigation points also count.
Use a total of 150 Original Resin 225 Using Original Resin in crafting counts.
Condensed Resin is counted when crafted, not when used.
Total 645 4,515 per week, 26,445 total

Weekly Missions[]

Weekly Missions reset on Monday at 4:00 AM, according to your server's time zone.

Missions EXP Notes
Cook 20 dishes 360
Forge 20 items 360
Complete 15 Domain Challenges 450
  • Only requires completing the challenge; does not require consuming Resin to obtain rewards.
  • Spiral Abyss floors count towards Domain Challenges.
  • Unclaimed Ley Line Outcrops are reset at daily reset, hence can be done daily 8 times (per world) without spending Resin.
  • For bosses, only the overworld bosses (including Andrius) count, but Trounce Domain bosses do not count. Regisvine bosses in the Spiral Abyss count.
Complete Ley Line deposit challenges 20 times 450
Defeat boss enemies 10 times 450
Spend a total of 500,000 Mora 450
Complete 3 Requests 450
Complete 3 Bounties 450
Use a total of 1,200 Original Resin 675
Complete Trounce Domains or the Dominator of Wolves challenge 3 times 1350 Only requires completing the challenge; does not require consuming Resin to obtain rewards.
Obtain a total of 1,000 Realm Currency 675
Create a total of 10 furnishings 450
Purchase 2 items from the Teapot Traveling Salesman in another player's Serenitea Pot 450
Complete Invokation TCG Weekly Guest Challenges 2 times 675
Total 7,695 42,795 total

This BP Period[]

There are 2 permanent BP Period missions to complete for 3,750 EXP. These missions can only be completed once during the Battle Pass Period.

Events may also add limited-time BP EXP, but will no longer be available once the event ends.

BP EXP from events, and from permanent BP Period missions, do not count toward the 10,000 weekly limit.

MissionsBattle Pass EXP BP EXP
Make a total of 50 wishes1,500
Gain a total of 12 stars in the Spiral Abyss2,250
Misty Dungeon: Realm of Sand (2022/12/09 - 2022/12/19)
[Event] Complete the Determination Trial during the "Misty Dungeon: Realm of Sand" event1,500
Akitsu Kimodameshi (2022/12/15 - 2023/01/02)
[Event] Complete Men-Mayhem on Playful Leisure in Akitsu Kimodameshi1,200
[Event] Complete Gibbering Grumbler in Akitsu Kimodameshi1,500
[Event] Complete Deranged Decrepit Duelist in Akitsu Kimodameshi1,500
[Event] Complete Mesmeric Marine Maiden in Akitsu Kimodameshi1,500
Windtrace 2022-12-23 (2022/12/23 - 2023/01/06)
[Event] Gain 3,000 Windtrace Coins in Windtrace1,500
Across the Wilderness (2023/01/03 - 2023/01/13)
[Event] Collect 25 Wilderness Balloons within 120s in Stage 5 of "Across the Wilderness"1,500

Total Experience[]

You need 50,000 EXP to get to the highest level of the Battle Pass, BP Level 50.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishStellar Rivers
Língjīn Jìxíng
Língjīn Jìxíng
Reishin Kikou‍[!][!]
Travelogue of the Spirit Harbor
Korean은하수 기행
Eunhasu Gihaeng
Milky Way Travel
SpanishCauce espiritualSpiritual Riverbed
FrenchRivières stellairesStellar Rivers
RussianЗвёздные реки
Zvyozdnyye reki
Stellar Rivers
Banthuek Thale Dao
A Note of the Sea of Stars
VietnameseNhật Ký Hành Trình Dòng Đời
GermanMilchstraßeMilky Way
IndonesianLautan BintangSea of Stars
PortugueseRios Espirituais
TurkishYıldız NehirleriStar Rivers
ItalianFiumi spiritualiSpiritual Rivers

Change History[]
