Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Light of the Land of Wisdom is a Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Light of the Land of Wisdom is obtainable from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×240 and by buying the Gnostic Chorus package of the Stellar Rivers Battle Pass.

Players who purchased Light of the Land of Wisdom from the Gnostic Chorus will be issued compensation in the form of another new Battle Pass-exclusive furnishing in Version 3.4, Port Ormos GP Crane III.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×90.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 16 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Light of the Land of Wisdom 1 Light of the Land of Wisdom

Furnishing Sets[]

No Furnishing Sets use Light of the Land of Wisdom as a component.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishLight of the Land of Wisdom
"Zhuóshí zhī Dì de Róuguāng"
"Zhuóshì zhī Dì de Róuguāng"
"Takushiki no Chi no Juukou"
Korean「탁견의 땅의 온광」
"Takkkyeon Ttang-ui On'gwang"
SpanishLuz tenue de la casa del saber
French« Lumière du pays de la sagesse »
RussianСвет из страны мудрости
Svet iz strany mudrosti
VietnameseÁnh Sáng Ở Vùng Đất Trí Tuệ
GermanLicht am Ort der Gelehrsamkeit
IndonesianCahaya Tanah Kebijaksanaan
PortugueseLuz do Local da Sagacidade
TurkishBilgelik Diyarı Işığı
ItalianLuce della Terra della Saggezza

Change History[]

