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Speech and Etiquette is the second part of Eula's Story Quest, Aphros Delos Chapter: Act I - The Spindrift Shall Never Return to the Sea.


  1. Go to the plaza in front of the Cathedral
  2. Talk to the locals and observe Eula's demonstration
  3. Continue talking to the locals
  4. Go to Dragonspine for aristocratic conduct training
  5. Complete the aristocratic etiquette training
    1. Reach the objective without being launched or taking any damage
  6. Talk to Eula
  7. Go to the training location and activate the Ley Line Monolith
    1. Defeat the opponents without being launched or Frozen
  8. Talk to Eula
  9. Go to Good Hunter and get a greeting gift

Gameplay Notes[]

  1. During Step 5 & Step 7, using a Shield, even if the Player was Launched/Pushed, he can continue the quest


UI Quest Quest Description

You successfully locate Eula, who agrees to teach you the customs of the Lawrence Clan. To fulfill the task given to you by Master Jean, it seems you will need to undergo quite the rigorous training program...
(Approach Eula in the plaza)
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 01.ogg Eula: Ah, you've finally arrived. There's no time to spare, so we'll begin with our first lesson...
Media:vo ellq002 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wait, hold on! There's something we need to clear up first, otherwise it'll keep bugging us!
Icon Dialogue Talk About all that "vengeance" stuff...
Icon Dialogue Talk You won't really take revenge, will you?
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 02.ogg Eula: *sigh* So that's still on your mind, huh? Maybe you're the ones who can't let things go.
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 03.ogg Eula: Don't worry, there's a time and place for exacting vengeance. Besides, I'm not in the mood for any right now, best save it for later.
Media:vo ellq002 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Uh... you need to be in the right "mood" for vengeance?
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 04.ogg Eula: I already have a long list of vengeance to exact. Even if I wanted to begin now, I'd have to start in the right order.
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 05.ogg Eula: Who knows how long it will be before I get to you.
Media:vo ellq002 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hehe, well... if you have so much to take care of, wouldn't it just be easier to give us a clean slate?
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 06.ogg Eula: Absolutely not! Stealing my targets, calling me a "ruthless ruler," and suspecting my uncle... all worthy of vengeance in my eyes!
Icon Dialogue Talk She's definitely counting...
Icon Dialogue Talk She wasn't kidding.
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 07.ogg Eula: But you needn't worry, at least, not whilst we're investigating this matter. I'm sure you're familiar with the phrase: "A man of moral integrity fears no slanderous attack."
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 08.ogg Eula: If Uncle Schubert didn't commit any wrongdoing, then any such investigation will prove fruitless.
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 09.ogg Eula: But if he did commit a wrongful act, then he should bear the full punishment.
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 10.ogg Eula: I'm sure you understand.
Icon Dialogue Talk I think I'm starting to see what you mean.
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 11.ogg Eula: Good. Now, there are two key points that aristocrats attach great importance to — your manner of speech, and your bearing.
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 12.ogg Eula: Let's begin with your manner of speech. Aristocrats have a very unique way of carrying conversation, even with mundane daily topics.
Media:vo ellq002 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Oh! Paimon's already learned some unique conversation!
Media:vo ellq002 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: "Mark my words, vengeance will be mine!"
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 13.ogg Eula: ...
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 14.ogg Eula: Not even close. And besides, it sounds strange.
Media:vo ellq002 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Hey! Paimon learned it from you! And didn't you say not to call others "strange"!?
Media:vo ellq002 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: It seems you don't respect the rules of your own clan!
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 15.ogg Eula: No, I've no need to trouble myself with such frivolous formalities. Here, allow me to demonstrate.
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 16.ogg Eula: For example, when greeting a friend, you could say: "As the morning dew greets the coming dawn, so do I greet you, my dear friend."
Media:vo ellq002 1 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Uh... As the morning dew does what now?
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 17.ogg Eula: However, such a phrase may only be used during the morning hours. Also, the party with whom you're speaking must be of approximately the same status as you.
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 18.ogg Eula: Morning dew is not uncommon, so it expresses that friendship should not be measured by value, yet also suggests that friendship between aristocrats is pure like water.
Icon Dialogue Talk Seems like a lot of work just to greet a good friend.
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 19.ogg Eula: No no no, you must be prudent with your words. Calling someone a "good friend" could easily offend them.
Media:vo ellq002 1 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Uh... But didn't you just say my "dear friend" in your example? Paimon's confused...
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 20.ogg Eula: Yes, I did. But you must know, in the Lawrence family, "dear friend" is a set phrase that can only be used towards certain friends with whom one is acquainted, but not particularly close.
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 21.ogg Eula: It sounds much more pleasant to call an acquaintance a "dear friend." So another thing to remember — aristocrats are concerned with face and being polite.
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 22.ogg Eula: However, if you were to use "dear friend" to address an intimate friend, the recipient would think that you were deliberately trying to estrange them.
Icon Dialogue Talk This is getting complicated!
Icon Dialogue Talk You mean you always have to talk this way!?
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 23.ogg Eula: This is only the first step in making a greeting. After addressing one another, you then exchange courtesies.
Media:vo ellq002 1 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Wait, wait! This is all too abstract...
Media:vo ellq002 1 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Um... Perhaps it would be better if you... gave some real-life demonstrations.
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 24.ogg Eula: Ah...
Media:vo ellq002 1 eula 25.ogg Eula: Very well. Come with me, we'll choose some bystanders to converse with.

(Talk to Norman)
Media:vo ellq002 2 norman 01.ogg Norman: Oh... you're Eula of the Lawrence Clan, right? This can't be good...
Media:vo ellq002 2 eula 01.ogg Eula: Ahem! You there, lowly laborer. You stand in the presence of a member of the illustrious Lawrence Clan. I have words for you.
Media:vo ellq002 2 eula 02.ogg Eula: Please acknowledge the glory bestowed upon thee by the nobility, uhh... what comes next...? Oh, right! By solemnly kneeling to the ground with utmost sincerity.
Media:vo ellq002 2 norman 02.ogg Norman: Huh? I can't make heads or tails of anything you're saying!
Media:vo ellq002 2 eula 03.ogg Eula: *sigh* Hold on, what did they always teach me...?
Media:vo ellq002 2 eula 04.ogg Eula: "Whenever a dispute arises, protection of your family's prestige and dignity always takes precedence."
Media:vo ellq002 2 eula 05.ogg Eula: Got it. Ahem! As a lowly commoner, you shall maintain absolute reverence when speaking with those under which you graciously toil. How dare you speak in such a manner?
Media:vo ellq002 2 norman 03.ogg Norman: Ugh, is everyone from the Lawrence Clan so strange?
Media:vo ellq002 2 norman 04.ogg Norman: The days of the Lawrence Clan's tyranny have long passed. I don't care what you're trying to do, just beat it.
Icon Dialogue Talk I think you misunderstood her...
Icon Dialogue Talk She's just giving us a demonstration, that's all.
Media:vo ellq002 2 norman 05.ogg Norman: Like I said, I don't care what you're doing. I have nothing to say to any member of the Lawrence Clan.
Media:vo ellq002 2 norman 06.ogg Norman: And here's a word of advice... I wouldn't be caught dead walking too closely with any one of their like in Mondstadt.
Media:vo ellq002 2 norman 07.ogg Norman: If that's all, I'll be going. I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself if we talk any longer.
Media:vo ellq002 2 eula 06.ogg Eula: Hey — hey! Don't leave! Halt! Ugh, mark my words, vengeance will be mine!
Media:vo ellq002 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Wow... the Lawrence name really does carry a terrible reputation.
Media:vo ellq002 2 eula 07.ogg Eula: Never mind him, I could have predicted as much. Let's find someone else.

(Talk to Leno)
Media:vo ellq002 3 eula 01.ogg Eula: Ahem! You there, lowly toiler. You stand in the presence of a member of the illustrious Lawrence Clan. I have words for you.
Media:vo ellq002 3 eula 02.ogg Eula: Please acknowledge the glory bestowed upon thee by the nobility, and solemnly kneel to the ground with utmost sincerity.
Media:vo ellq002 3 leno 01.ogg Leno: ...
Media:vo ellq002 3 eula 03.ogg Eula: Huh? Why don't you respond? According to the custom, I must wait until you kneel completely before I can say the next words.
Media:vo ellq002 3 eula 04.ogg Eula: Ah, right! I musn't look at you too long, or I'll be drawing more attention to our differences in status... Oh dear, I've already stared at you for quite a while.
Media:vo ellq002 3 leno 02.ogg Leno: ...
Media:vo ellq002 3 eula 05.ogg Eula: Fine, you may spare yourself the formality of kneeling, as it may be a little inconvenient. I shall continue... Oh, wait, I think there's a line for people with rude attitudes in this situation...
Media:vo ellq002 3 leno 03.ogg Leno: Hey! Stop bothering me, or else I might say something you wouldn't like to hear!
Media:vo ellq002 3 leno 04.ogg Leno: Then again, I've got no words for anyone from the Lawrence Clan.
Media:vo ellq002 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Again? What's with this attitude?
Icon Dialogue Talk That escalated fast.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe we should stop for now.
Media:vo ellq002 3 eula 06.ogg Eula: Yes, I don't think his attitude will change. If I keep grandstanding like this, the outcome won't be good. Let's try to find someone else to talk to.
Media:vo ellq002 3 eula 07.ogg Eula: Hmph! I'll remember your unwillingness to comply! Mark my words, vengeance will be mine!
(Talk to Leno again, optional)
Media:vo dialog ellq002 leno 01.ogg Leno: Listen, I have no idea what she's trying to do... But trust me, you two should just keep away from her.

(Talk to Randall)
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 01.ogg Eula: You there, lowly worker, I—
Media:vo ellq002 4 randall 01.ogg Randall: Yeah, I've already heard it all before. Look, just spare me the time, our answer is always the same. We've got nothing to say to the likes of you.
Media:vo ellq002 4 randall 02.ogg Randall: I mean, seriously, can't you just take a hint?
Media:vo ellq002 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Please calm down, we don't want to cause any trouble.
Media:vo ellq002 4 randall 03.ogg Randall: *sigh* I know she's a Knight of Favonius, and that the Knights wouldn't misplace their trust, but the name Lawrence carries too much weight with it.
Media:vo ellq002 4 randall 04.ogg Randall: Even to this very day, the descendants of the Lawrence Clan are still scheming to reclaim Mondstadt and reinstate their aristocratic rule.
Media:vo ellq002 4 randall 05.ogg Randall: And if that wasn't enough, here you are purposefully using their awkward way of speaking just to put on an act? Don't you care for the feelings of us ordinary folk?
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 02.ogg Eula: You have a point.
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 03.ogg Eula: But mark my words, this transgression will not go unnoticed!
Media:vo ellq002 4 randall 06.ogg Randall: H—Huh? You wanna fight? Listen here, I might be no match for you, but I'll be sure to lodge a complaint with the Knights of Favonius!
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe we should just call it a day now.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe everyone should just take a step back.
Media:vo ellq002 4 randall 07.ogg Randall: I'm sorry but... I want her to understand that I'm serious!
Media:vo ellq002 4 randall 08.ogg Randall: Listen here, if you don't want things to get more unpleasant, then you'd better just stop.
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 04.ogg Eula: Forget it, there's no point in quarreling any further. Let's go.
Media:vo ellq002 4 randall 09.ogg Randall: *sigh*...
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 05.ogg Eula: It's alright, this happens quite often. Let's find someone else to talk to.
Media:vo ellq002 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Uh, Paimon thinks we've seen enough now. Let's just stop.
Media:vo ellq002 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Actually, Paimon thinks we should apologize for asking you to demonstrate for us. We had no idea the feelings between the Lawrence Clan and the people of Mondstadt were so bitter.
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 06.ogg Eula: Haha, what can we do? The Lawrence name is already a dirty word among every household in Mondstadt. Even three-year-olds know the story. I see this kind of attitude all the time.
Icon Dialogue Talk And somehow you still manage to brush it off with a laugh?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm starting to sympathize with you.
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 07.ogg Eula: Don't worry, what with me being a Knight of Favonius, they're usually willing to speak a few words with me.
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 08.ogg Eula: Perhaps my aristocratic manner of speech provoked them today. Believe me, it's not a big issue.
Media:vo ellq002 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: So this is the way things are normally for you? There's no need for them to direct their anger at you personally.
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 09.ogg Eula: That's the way things are. Perhaps it's just fate for those who've made mistakes. Accepting punishment is only fair, right? But when your family has committed atrocities, I'm afraid there's no easy path to reconciliation.
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 10.ogg Eula: As memories are carried in the city breeze, the faults of such grievances are passed on from one generation to the next. It is now my turn to bear this burden.
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 11.ogg Eula: At least I have a means of living a relatively normal life compared to the elders of my family. I have nothing to be discontented about.
Icon Dialogue Talk So you knew all along that we'd encounter these kinds of problems?
Media:vo ellq002 4 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Yeah, why were you so willing to try and demonstrate for us?
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 12.ogg Eula: Oh, that reminds me... that last person will not escape my vengeance either...
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 13.ogg Eula: *sigh* Let's leave it at that. Just think of it as something I like to do.
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 14.ogg Eula: But unfortunately, you probably didn't learn much from those conversations. It seems we have no other choice but to find more people to talk to.
Media:vo ellq002 4 paimon 06a.ogg Media:vo ellq002 4 paimon 06b.ogg Paimon: Uh, n—no need! Besides, the Traveler's pretty sharp, and nothing gets in our way on an adventure. Paimon thinks we've got the gist of it now.
Media:vo ellq002 4 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Right? RIGHT!?
Icon Dialogue Talk Uh... Yeah, I think I've got it.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm still not too sure I can do this.
Media:vo ellq002 4 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: We'll just have to roll with it for now.
Media:vo ellq002 4 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Let's just keep Eula from getting anyone else riled up.
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 15.ogg Eula: Well then, I'm glad you learned something. You're already halfway toward mastering aristocratic conduct.
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 16.ogg Eula: A proper manner of speech is more aesthetic than anything else — it stems from their taste for refinement.
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 17.ogg Eula: But we must also practice your bearing.
Media:vo ellq002 4 eula 18.ogg Eula: I have a very effective way of training for this. Come with me to Dragonspine.
(Talk to Randall again, optional)
Media:vo dialog ellq002 randall 01.ogg Randall: So it seems you've finally given up on the idea of finding more people to talk to.
Media:vo dialog ellq002 randall 02.ogg Randall: Believe me, that's in everyone's best interest.

(Approach Eula in Dragonspine)
Media:vo ellq002 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's s—so c—cold... Does aristocrat training really need to be done here?
Media:vo ellq002 5 eula 01.ogg Eula: If you wish to truly achieve the dignified conduct of an aristocrat, you must learn to remain composed and elegant even amidst harsh conditions.
Media:vo ellq002 5 eula 02.ogg Eula: For example, you can see that part of the path up ahead is quite difficult to traverse.
Media:vo ellq002 5 eula 03.ogg Eula: But a well-trained aristocrat would not only effortlessly proceed forward, but do so without a stain on their garment and their elegance fully intact.
Media:vo ellq002 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon thinks we've let the realm of aristocrats and entered the realm of adventuring.
Media:vo ellq002 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Compared to what we've already seen, (TravelerTraveler), this should be a piece of cake.
Icon Dialogue Talk Yeah, I'm used to this kind of challenge.
Media:vo ellq002 5 paimon 04a.ogg Paimon: Uh-huh, this is where you can finally apply some of your adventuring knowledge.
Icon Dialogue Talk Should be way easier than making conversation, at least.
Media:vo ellq002 5 paimon 04b.ogg Paimon: Paimon thinks so too... But you've got this in the bag!
Media:vo ellq002 5 eula 04.ogg Eula: Haha, you look pretty confident this time.
Media:vo ellq002 5 eula 05.ogg Eula: Alright, let's get started. Remember, you must be graceful and elegant. Don't get knocked or launched into the air, that would be most unsightly.
(Talk to Eula again, optional)
Media:vo dialog ellq002 eula 01.ogg Eula: Good luck! Just remember, don't get knocked or launched into the air. That would be most inelegant.
(Upon taking damage)
Media:vo ellq002 5 eula 06.ogg Eula: That won't do! You've exposed your shortcomings.
Media:vo ellq002 5 eula 07.ogg Eula: No need to worry. Head back to the starting point and try again.
Media:vo ellq002 6 eula 01.ogg Eula: It'll be difficult at first, but the key is to remain patient. Let's try again.
Media:vo ellq002 6 eula 02.ogg Eula: Remember, you must be elegant... Don't get knocked or launched into the air.
(After completing the challenge)
Media:vo ellq002 7 eula 01.ogg Eula: Not bad. A lot better than I had anticipated, at least.
Media:vo ellq002 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: *panting* Paimon almost didn't make it through! Whew, good thing we didn't get stuck.
Media:vo ellq002 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Um... so... are we "aristocrats" now?
Media:vo ellq002 7 eula 02.ogg Eula: Don't flatter yourselves. We've only just begun.
Media:vo ellq002 7 eula 03.ogg Eula: This scenario was relatively simple. In the face of a real battle, one would seldom have a chance to stop and evaluate the situation.
Media:vo ellq002 7 eula 04.ogg Eula: There's a Ley Line Monolith just up ahead that will attract nearby monsters.
Media:vo ellq002 7 eula 05.ogg Eula: True elegance is the ability to calmly yet swiftly make decisions in the heat of the battle.
Icon Dialogue Talk Is this how you normally train?
Icon Dialogue Talk No wonder you are so skilled...
Media:vo ellq002 7 eula 06.ogg Eula: My family set only the highest expectations for me, even as a child.
Media:vo ellq002 7 eula 07.ogg Eula: Let's proceed, shall we?

(Approach the Ley Line Monolith)
Media:vo ellq002 7 eula 08.ogg Eula: This is the Ley Line Monolith. Go ahead, activate it.
Media:vo ellq002 7 eula 09.ogg Eula: But be careful not to get launched into the air or frozen while fighting. That would be most unsightly.
(Upon getting frozen)
Media:vo ellq002 7 eula 10.ogg Eula: You failed this time, what a shame.
Media:vo ellq002 7 eula 11.ogg Eula: But not to worry, it's just training after all. Let's try again.
(After completing the challenge)
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 01.ogg Eula: Well done. Your performance was most impressive.
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 02.ogg Eula: And you managed to remain calm even in these grueling Dragonspine surroundings, haha. I'm starting to wonder if even I could have done the same.
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 03.ogg Eula: Given such an outstanding performance, it seems there is little left for me to teach you.
Media:vo ellq002 8 paimon 01a.ogg Media:vo ellq002 8 paimon 01b.ogg Paimon: Like Paimon said, adventuring is our specialty!
Media:vo ellq002 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Hehe... So that's it for our training, right? Then let's get out of Dragonspine before Paimon turns into a popsicle! *shivers*
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 04a.ogg Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 04b.ogg Eula: Hold on. I was commending (TravelerTraveler)'s performance just now. You, on the other hand, seem to have made no progress at all!
Media:vo ellq002 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: What? You mean, Paimon was also part of the training!?
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 05.ogg Eula: Yes, of course. You were frantically flying and dashing about throughout the entire thing. Not an elegant sight at all.
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 06.ogg Eula: Did you even listen to anything I was trying to teach you?
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe the weather is just too cold here.
Media:vo ellq002 8 paimon 04a a.ogg Media:vo ellq002 8 paimon 04a b.ogg Paimon: Yeah, that's it, it's too cold here. B—Besides, Paimon was paying attention to the Traveler.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe that's just Paimon's style?
Media:vo ellq002 8 paimon 04b.ogg Paimon: Hey, that's not true! Paimon was just focusing on you the whole time!
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 07.ogg Eula: Whatever the reason, not heeding my instructions... a cause for vengeance, perhaps...
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 08.ogg Eula: *sigh* Now, drink this.
Media:vo ellq002 8 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Huh? What is it? *gasp* Are you trying to poison Paimon!?
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 09.ogg Eula: Certainly not. It's warm milk.
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 10.ogg Eula: Didn't you say you were freezing? Drink it and it'll help warm you up.
Media:vo ellq002 8 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh... uh... thank you! Um, are you... still planning on the whole vengeance thing?
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 11.ogg Eula: If I wasn't, then why would I care about you being cold? If you turned into a Paimon popsicle, that would ruin my plans for vengeance now, wouldn't it...
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 12.ogg Eula: So, "dear friend"... don't die on me out here.
Media:vo ellq002 8 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Ahh! Paimon knew something was off!
Icon Dialogue Talk Thank you for looking after Paimon.
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 13a.ogg Eula: All in the name of vengeance, no need to thank me.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're... strange.
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 13b.ogg Eula: Hehe, vengeance should know no bounds, you know...
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 14.ogg Eula: Now then, given that your training is complete, it's time we return to Mondstadt. Our last step will be preparing a cordial gift to present to my uncle when you meet him.
Media:vo ellq002 8 eula 15.ogg Eula: I already have something in mind. Let's pay Sara a visit at Good Hunter.
(Approach Good Hunter)
Media:vo ellq002 9 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Oh, hey Eula! I see you've met the Honorary Knight!
Media:vo ellq002 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We meet again, Amber! Seems we're just bound to run into you these days.
Media:vo ellq002 9 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Well, I just got back and was thinking about grabbing a bite at Good Hunter. But now that you're here, why don't we all eat together?
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 01.ogg Eula: Very well. It's been some time since we've last shared a meal together.
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 02.ogg Eula: Come, take a seat. We can discuss my uncle's gift while we eat.
Accepting Amber's invitation, you and Eula sit at the table.
Media:vo ellq002 9 sara 01.ogg Sara: Yes, is there something else you'd like to order?
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 03.ogg Eula: Could you please prepare a serving of my uncle's favorite, Gebratenes Fleisch mit Sauerkraut? We'll take it as a gift to him later.
Media:vo ellq002 9 sara 02.ogg Sara: Coming right up! It'll take some time to prepare, I'll have it here at the counter once it's ready.
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 04.ogg Eula: Hold on a moment. Is this Satisfying Salad also something that Amber ordered?
Media:vo ellq002 9 sara 03.ogg Sara: No, she didn't order it. But because she didn't order any vegetables, I thought I'd throw in a salad on the house. You know, to contrast all the meat dishes.
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 05.ogg Eula: So... we clearly didn't order this, yet you prepared it without authorization... Hmph! Mark my words, this transgression will not go unnoticed!
Media:vo ellq002 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Uh... you're gonna take revenge on her giving us a free salad!?
Media:vo ellq002 9 sara 04.ogg Sara: Hmph, you should know me by now, that's the kind of villainous character I am!
Media:vo ellq002 9 sara 05.ogg Sara: Well then... please wait a moment while I get the dish for your uncle started.
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 06.ogg Eula: Hmph, delicious unauthorized delicacies... Sara will pay for this.
Media:vo ellq002 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Why would you choose Gebratenes Fleisch mit Sauerkraut as a gift for your uncle? Paimon's never even heard of that dish before...
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 07.ogg Eula: This dish isn't actually on Good Hunter's menu. Only longstanding patrons such as my uncle would know about the dish. The old aristocrats seem to take a liking to it.
Media:vo ellq002 9 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Because of the sour flavor of the sauerkraut, not too many people are fond of it these days. I guess it's become less popular over time.
Media:vo ellq002 9 ambor 04.ogg Amber: Eula treated me to the dish once, and I couldn't even finish a bite. I've nicknamed it "Gebratenes Fleisch mit Vengeance" ever since. Yuck!
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 08.ogg Eula: I never expected us to have such completely different tastes in food... If I weren't in such a good mood, I'd say that constitutes grounds for transgression...
Icon Dialogue Talk Huh, so even Amber doesn't escape your vengeance?
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 09.ogg Eula: Of course not! It's hard to find someone in Mondstadt that attracts contempt as much as she does.
Media:vo ellq002 9 ambor 05.ogg Amber: Haha, it's fine when you're just joking between us, but I'm afraid our Honorary Knight might misunderstand you.
Media:vo ellq002 9 ambor 06.ogg Amber: Eula's always talking about vengeance, but that's just how she is. It's nothing you should take too seriously.
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 10.ogg Eula: But I am serious! And I'll remember every transgression committed against me! Ugh, it's no wonder so many people dislike you!
Media:vo ellq002 9 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Paimon's starting to realize that Eula is actually a very good person.
Media:vo ellq002 9 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: There's no need to be so awkward when you want to say something nice.
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 11.ogg Eula: *sigh* Listen, you've never been labeled as a social pariah, have you?
Media:vo ellq002 9 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: What... well... no...?
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 12.ogg Eula: So that's why you wouldn't understand how hard it is for a bad person to try to be good. It's impossible for me, and I have no intention of acting like a good person.
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 13.ogg Eula: Alright, no need to look so sullen... I'm just kidding. Come on, let's eat. The food is getting cold.
After an awkward pause, everyone resumes cheerfully chatting and enjoys the meal.
Media:vo ellq002 9 ambor 07.ogg Amber: Ooh, I'm stuffed. I'll see Sara about the bill.
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 14.ogg Eula: No need, I've left the Mora under the plate. If you try to settle it with her in person, she won't accept payment for the salad.
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 15.ogg Eula: Don't underestimate my ability to exact revenge. Hah! Sara won't get the upper hand this time!
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 16.ogg Eula: Alright, next you should pay my uncle a visit. He has a small camp at the top of the mountain near Springvale. He usually whiles his time away there when there's nothing else to do.
Media:vo ellq002 9 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Uh... Aren't you coming with us, Eula?
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 17.ogg Eula: I'm afraid that wouldn't be very convenient for me. It'd be better if you two went alone.
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 18.ogg Eula: Ah yes, please do remember to pick up the dish from Sara.
Media:vo ellq002 9 ambor 08.ogg Amber: I still have more recon to do in the wilderness. Well, until next time!
Media:vo ellq002 9 eula 19.ogg Eula: Let's meet again. What an interesting bunch you are.
(Talk to Sara)
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 01.ogg Sara: Here, the Gebratenes Fleisch mit Sauerkraut is ready to go! Be sure to eat it while it's hot, otherwise the flavor will be spoiled.
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 02.ogg Sara: And by the way, don't worry too much when Eula says strange things. She's actually a very good person.
Media:vo ellq002 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Paimon's been meaning to ask... No one could stand the sight of Eula when she was trying to speak with the others in Mondstadt earlier.
Media:vo ellq002 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: But she seemed to get alone fine with you and Amber just now... what's up with that?
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 03.ogg Sara: The people of Mondstadt don't take kindly to anyone bearing the Lawrence name.
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 04.ogg Sara: They are unable to see past her family, therefore they don't really see Eula for herself.
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 05.ogg Sara: So no matter what Eula tries to do, it's seen as a wrongdoing. It essentially strips the meaning of anything she tries to accomplish.
Icon Dialogue Talk I think I understand now.
Icon Dialogue Talk So that's what she meant when she said it was hard for "a bad person to try to be good."
Media:vo ellq002 10 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: How come you're able to see Eula differently then?
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 06.ogg Sara: Well, when she joined the Knights of Favonius, it caused quite an uproar.
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 07.ogg Sara: Many people signed a petition, demanding that the Knights reverse their decision.
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 08.ogg Sara: At the same time, numerous members of the Lawrence Clan crowded the entrance of the Knights of Favonius Headquarters, clamoring for Eula to give an explanation.
Media:vo ellq002 10 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Whoa... so both sides were unhappy.
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 09.ogg Sara: That's right. So, you can imagine how determined Eula must have been under such circumstances.
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 10.ogg Sara: But thanks to Grand Master Varka and the unwavering attitudes of others in the Knights of Favonius, they were able to quell the unrest. Tensions still remain beneath the surface, I'm afraid.
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 11.ogg Sara: In the eyes of the people, she's a stain on the Knights of Favonius... and in the eyes of the Lawrence Clan, she's a disgrace to her family.
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 12.ogg Sara: But she simply fulfills her duty as a Knight, silently helping one person after another, myself included.
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 13.ogg Sara: People like Eula should be approached with care and understanding. She could stand to be treated a little more fairly.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's good that you're able to understand her.
Icon Dialogue Talk If only there were more people like you.
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 14.ogg Sara: I believe a day will come when things will get better.
Media:vo ellq002 10 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Once everything's settled, we should go talk to Eula again. Paimon thinks we know how to communicate with her now.
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 15.ogg Sara: I'm glad. I think that would make her very happy, though she might not ever admit it.
Media:vo ellq002 10 sara 16.ogg Sara: Take care. Please come again!
(Obtain Well-Packaged Gebratenes Fleisch mit Sauerkraut ×1)
(Talk to Sara again, optional)
Media:vo dialog ellq002 sara 01.ogg Sara: Please don't tell Eula a word of what I've said.
Media:vo dialog ellq002 sara 02.ogg Sara: She might think I'm being too nosy.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSpeech and Etiquette
Tántǔ yǔ Yítài
Speech and Manners
Tántǔ yǔ Yítài
Kotobatsukai to Shosa
Speech and Behavior
Korean말투와 애티튜드
Maltuwa Aetityudeu
Speech and Attitude
SpanishOratoria y etiquetaSpeech and Etiquette
FrenchDiscours et étiquetteSpeech and Etiquette
RussianРазговоры и этикет
Razgovory i etiket
Speech and Etiquette
VietnameseLời Nói Và Dáng Vẻ
GermanSprache und ErscheinungsbildLanguange and Appearance
IndonesianNada Bicara dan EtiketIntonation and Etiquette
PortugueseTom e Atitude
TurkishKonuşma ve Nezaket Kuralları
ItalianEloquio e galateo

Change History[]
