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Shinnojou (Japanese: 新之丞 Shin'nojou) is an open-world NPC located in Ritou, Inazuma. He only appears after Ritou Escape Plan.‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]



Shinnojou is a guard serving under the Hiiragi Clan, and has feelings for the clan head's daughter, Hiiragi Chisato. During Ritou Escape Plan, he was heartbroken upon learning that the person he adores loves someone else.


Shinnojou wears a standard uniform modeled from the ashigaru (Japanese: 足軽) of feudal Japan. He wears a purple-gray shitagi, lavender kobakama, white socks, and waraji sandals. His eggplant-colored armor with pale gold accents consists of dou (breastplate) with the Inazuma Shogunate's crest, kote (armored sleeves), haidate (thigh guards), and sune-ate (greaves). He is also wearing a jingasa (Japanese: 陣笠) with the crest of the Inazuma Shogunate. He is equipped with a juumonji yari (cross-shaped spear), whose shaft is lavender colored, and contains the Shogunate crest under the spearhead.

Quests and Events[]

Archon Quests

Story Quests

Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle Work harder...
Media:VO Shinnojou 01.ogg "Okay, I gotta give it my all today."
After The Firmiana Leaf Falls
Icon Dialogue Idle Time to move on...
Media:VO Shinnojou 02.ogg "*sigh* I think it's time to move on. I guess it's for the better."
During Hues of the Violet Garden
Icon Dialogue Idle Writing a novel...
Media:VO Shinnojou Irodori 01.ogg "*sigh* Maybe I could just turn my diary into a light novel..."


Dialogue Set #1[]

Available after completing Ritou Escape Plan and before completing The Firmiana Leaf Falls.

Shinnojou: Hello, Traveler! What is your business at the Kanjou Commission today? Or... are you here to look for Miss Hiiragi?
Icon Dialogue Talk You seem energetic.
Shinnojou: Haha, of course! I live each day seriously, and I'm always looking to improve myself.
Shinnojou: When we were escorting the lady previously, I learned that my ability and skills still need a lot of improvement. If I want to protect her, I must further hone them!
Shinnojou: N—Now, don't get the wrong idea. I'm not harboring any illicit thoughts about her. She is not only a lady of nobility, but she already has a lover...
Shinnojou: Uhh... A—Anyway, my greatest goal is to carry out my duty as best as I can, and to that end, I shall do my best for the Kanjou Commission and for Miss Hiiragi.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do your best.
Shinnojou: I will! Goodbye.

Dialogue Set #2[]

Available after completing The Firmiana Leaf Falls.

Shinnojou: Hello there, Traveler. We meet again.
Icon Dialogue Talk You don't look too well.
Shinnojou: Come on, how could that be? Don't worry about me, I'm very much fine. Honestly, it's like a weight's been taken off my shoulders.
Shinnojou: And our Lady is in exceptional spirits right now. I can rest assured knowing that she's in top shape.
Shinnojou: It's just that... Well, never you mind.
Icon Dialogue Talk It's just that?
Shinnojou: Well, you know, this all started when I impulsive charged up to stop her. Now that I think about it, it was so presumptuous of me...
Shinnojou: But our Lady really is a gentle soul. She even came to thank me specifically after the dust settled.
Shinnojou: *sigh* I no longer have any regrets. It's just... feelings that you spent so much time nursing... They don't go away so easily.
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, I wish you all the best.
Shinnojou: Thank you. I'll get back on my feet as soon as possible.

Event Dialogue[]

Hues of the Violet Garden[]

Shinnojou: I flipped through some of my latest diary entries, and page after page is filled to the margins with sadness... You couldn't even tell that I was a positive guy on the up and up before. *sigh* This is no way to motivate oneself.
Shinnojou: I wonder, though... Would such tragic developments make for a good novel?
Shinnojou: You know, with the pauper lad unable in the end to win the hand of the fair, rich young lady...? Aha, ahaha...
Shinnojou: Maybe I might have a shot at getting published if I were to organize my internal journey into a novel...
(Continue non-event dialogue)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]

