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Receiver of Friends From Afar: Part IV is an Event Quest during the Receiver of Friends From Afar Event.


  1. Wait till the next day (06:00 – 08:00)
  2. Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
  3. Talk to Smiley Yanxiao
  4. Cook "Anything Goes"
  5. Bring the food to the waiting Mondstadters
  6. Talk to Smiley Yanxiao


UI Quest Quest Description

This is your final day of employment as a temporary chef. You wonder if this day will pass by peacefully...
(Talk to Smiley Yanxiao after passing time)
Media:vo zfeq004 1 smileyyanxiao 01.ogg Smiley Yanxiao: ...How time flies. My burns are almost healed now, so I should be ready to take back the kitchen tomorrow.
Media:vo zfeq004 1 smileyyanxiao 02.ogg Smiley Yanxiao: You've really gone above and beyond these past few days, (TravelerTraveler). Last day today — here's hoping we get through it without incident.
Media:vo zfeq004 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Ugh, why does Paimon feel like you just jinxed us again...
The day passes without incident...
(The Traveler and Paimon step outside the inn's entrance after sunset.)
Media:vo zfeq004 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Whew, we made it all the way to the evening! It ended up being a pretty smooth day after all. Maybe it's because we've gotten so experienced at running this whole thing?
Media:vo zfeq004 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: We've come a long way since our first day on the job, haven't we? Back then, we were struggling to remember who ordered what... But everything's a piece of cake now!
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't get ahead of yourself...
Icon Dialogue Talk The day still isn't over yet.
Media:vo zfeq004 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Yeah, but who would come by this late in the evening? Oh... Actually, now that Paimon thinks about it, Lyney and his siblings came around this time on the first day, didn't they...
(Amber, Eula, and Mika come up from the stairs approaching the inn entrance and spot the Traveler and Paimon.)
Media:vo zfeq004 1 ambor 01.ogg Amber: (TravelerTraveler)? Paimon? Fancy seeing you two here!
Media:vo zfeq004 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Amber? And Eula and Mika, too! Are you here for dinner? Why so late in the day?
Media:vo zfeq004 1 mika 01.ogg Mika: We just finished an escort mission for a merchant caravan. The original plan was to make do with some rations for this evening and continue our trek north towards Stone Gate...
(If the player has not met Mika yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Mika IconMika — Coordinates of Clear Frost
Mika, Front-Line Land Surveyor of the Knights of Favonius, is a cautious and somewhat-shy teenager.
Mika is a member of the Reconnaissance Company. A dab hand at handling various problems during operations, Mika takes on responsibilities including mapping the terrain, setting up tents, starting fires for cooking, etc.
That's what Mika does — in addition to his surveyor duties, he also helps out with logistics.
Do not underestimate these tasks — without sufficient logistic support, the entire company would not be able to function properly.
As the helper behind the scenes who constantly watches everyone's back, Mika is undoubtedly a pillar of the team.
Media:vo zfeq004 1 mika 02.ogg Mika: But Captain Eula brought up the fact that none of us have eaten Liyue cuisine for quite some time. We thought we might as well swing by the inn and see if we can still order something.
Media:vo zfeq004 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Ooh, so this is Eula's treat, huh?
Media:vo zfeq004 1 eula 01.ogg Eula: ...Ahem! We've been eating the same rations for the entire trip, so I simply thought it was high time we had ourselves a proper meal. Do you have a problem with that?
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, welcome to Wangshu Inn.
Icon Dialogue Talk May I take your order?
Media:vo zfeq004 1 eula 02.ogg Eula: Good question, what should we get... Hmm? Wait a sec, why are you taking our order?
(If the player has not met Eula yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Eula IconEula — Dance of the Shimmering Wave
Eula is a member of the Lawrence Clan by birth.
The Lawrence Clan's oppressive rule plunged Mondstadt into one of the darkest periods of its history. Today, they have long since fallen from grace, but their present-day descendants still find themselves held in contempt for the transgressions of their forefathers.
Not content to accept her fate, Eula has chosen to face the hostility of others head-on, and to prove with her blade that the noble spirit forsaken by her predecessors is alive and well in her.
Should you meet this bold knight, be sure to cast aside your reservations and greet her courteously. She, in turn, will be sure to extend the utmost courtesy to you.
Media:vo zfeq004 1 paimon 07a.ogg Media:vo zfeq004 1 paimon 07b.ogg Paimon: (TravelerTraveler)'s been filling in for the chef here! You've come at just the right time — you'll be the last customers to enjoy (‍herher/hishis‍) [sic] cooking before the original chef takes back the reins!
Media:vo zfeq004 1 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Wow, really? Good thing Eula suggested we come here! I wouldn't wanna miss this!
Media:vo zfeq004 1 ambor 03.ogg Amber: So, what shall we get? Hmm... I'm not as familiar with Liyue cuisine as I used to be. Mika, Eula, what are you in the mood for?
Media:vo zfeq004 1 mika 03.ogg Mika: Anything goes! I'm just looking forward to trying the Honorary Knight's cooking for myself. I'm sure it'll be a great learning opportunity for me!
Media:vo zfeq004 1 eula 03.ogg Eula: ...Something small, I suppose. We have to hit the road again after we eat. Beyond that, anything goes.
Media:vo zfeq004 1 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Wasn't it your idea to come here, though? Yeesh, this is like getting blood from a stone... Alright, guess it's up to you, Amber. You name it, we'll cook it!
Media:vo zfeq004 1 ambor 04.ogg Amber: Huh? Then I guess... Eh, I don't really mind either. Anything goes.
Media:vo zfeq004 1 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Ugh!
(Talk to Amber, Eula, or Mika, optional)
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 ambor 01.ogg Amber: I'm sorry! I really can't think of anything off the top of my head... I mean, I could pick from the menu at random, but I'd feel more comfortable leaving the chef to choose.
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 eula 01.ogg Eula: Oh, one thing — I know I said I don't mind what we have, but no alcohol, please. Neither of them can drink... it's a real pity.
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 mika 01.ogg Mika: I—I've still got some sparkling water here!
(Talk to Smiley Yanxiao)
Media:vo zfeq004 2 smileyyanxiao 01.ogg Smiley Yanxiao: Anything goes, huh? Oh dear... This is a chef's worst nightmare. With no idea of your customers' palates, you're left to make a wild guess...
Media:vo zfeq004 2 smileyyanxiao 02.ogg Smiley Yanxiao: Still, now that you've worked in the kitchen for so many days, I have faith that you'll be able to figure it out. Go on, show them what you've got!
(TravelerTraveler): (Let me think... What do they like? What could they be craving?)
(Talk to Smiley Yanxiao again, optional)
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 smileyyanxiao 01.ogg Smiley Yanxiao: Judging from the look on your face, you've already figured it out. Alright then, go ahead and show them what you've got!

(Start cooking)
Anything Goes
Required Ingredients
Bamboo Shoot
Bird Egg
Dish Description
A simple dish filled with rich flavors straight from the wok, made from stir-fried Ham, Bird Eggs, Rice, and all manner of other ingredients.
They say that the myriad recipes for fried rice have resulted in it being considered the first choice for those who don't know what to eat at the moment.
Of note is the fact that this simple dish is, in truth, quite the comprehensive test of a chef's capabilities. Only skill and will, they say, will get you a dish that brings back memories of home.
Step 1: Prepping
Prep the Ham, Bamboo Shoots, and Snapdragon
Press at the right moment to prep
(Complete Step 1)
Prepping Complete
Diced Ham Obtained
Diced Bamboo Shoots Obtained
Diced Snapdragon Obtained
Step 2: Mixing
Prepare the Bird Eggs and Snapdragon, and mix the eggs
After holding, release at the right moment to mix
(Complete Step 2)
Mixing Complete
Mixed Eggs Obtained
Step 3: Cooking
Add ingredients and cook "Anything Goes"
Press at the right moment to cook
(Complete Step 3)
Cooking Complete
(After successfully cooking "Anything Goes")
Media:vo zfeq004 3 mika 01.ogg Mika: ...Mmm, this is delicious! Perfectly seasoned, and even the rice is bursting with flavor!
Media:vo zfeq004 3 ambor 01.ogg Amber: Nothing like a piping hot meal served straight from the stove... I've missed this.
Media:vo zfeq004 3 eula 01.ogg Eula: Hehe, you've put the finest Favonian field rations to shame, and that's no mean feat... So tell us, (TravelerTraveler), what's this one called?
Media:vo zfeq004 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's called... um... Paimon's guessing we can't just call it "anything goes," right?
Media:vo zfeq004 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: ...Help, Paimon doesn't know how to explain this dish at all! It's got no name, and it's just basic ingredients, simply cooked...
Media:vo zfeq004 3 mika 02.ogg Mika: Basic ingredients, simply cooked? Really? I could have sworn that you put something fancy in here, or gave it some kind of chef's magic touch...
Icon Dialogue Talk This isn't the finest dish in the world...
Icon Dialogue Talk But it's the one you need right now.
Media:vo zfeq004 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Not the finest dish in the world, but the one they need right now...? Okay, you've lost Paimon, what do you mean?
Icon Dialogue Talk You've been on the road for a long time...
Icon Dialogue Talk And you've only been eating field rations the entire time...
Media:vo zfeq004 3 mika 03.ogg Mika: So you mean... we only think this is delicious because we're so hungry? Hmm, there's got to be more to it than that...
Media:vo zfeq004 3 eula 02.ogg Eula: ...Perhaps the fact that the aroma of freshly cooked hot food is a welcome change from cold, pre-prepared rations.
Media:vo zfeq004 3 mika 04.ogg Mika: Ah, kinda like the feeling of waking up to the smell of freshly baked bread in the morning? That makes sense...
Media:vo zfeq004 3 ambor 02.ogg Amber: Yeah... It's almost like we're back at Good Hunter again...
Media:vo zfeq004 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Eh? But Good Hunter's in Mondstadt... Why make a point of trying Liyue cuisine if you can't even taste the difference?
Media:vo zfeq004 3 ambor 03.ogg Amber: Oh, I'm not talking about the taste. I just meant that feeling of... comfort, you know? It's like the feeling of coming home!
Media:vo zfeq004 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Comfort... coming home... Well, Yanxiao did say we wanna make our guests feel right at home!
Icon Dialogue Talk What makes for a tasty dish is highly subjective.
Icon Dialogue Talk But a chef caters to all comers...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...And that's a chef's passion for putting smiles on customers' faces.
Icon Dialogue Talk Gotta put ourselves in their shoes...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...And that's a chef's passion for putting smiles on customers' faces.
Icon Dialogue Talk Everyone's got their own preferences.
Icon Dialogue Talk But a chef caters to all comers...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...And that's a chef's passion for putting smiles on customers' faces.
Icon Dialogue Talk Gotta put ourselves in their shoes...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...And that's a chef's passion for putting smiles on customers' faces.
Media:vo zfeq004 3 mika 05.ogg Mika: So in other words... the secret ingredient is "passion"?
Media:vo zfeq004 3 eula 03.ogg Eula: Despite how terribly cliched that sounds, I'll admit that it holds true for this meal. Well played... Mark my words, I'll remember this recipe!
Media:vo zfeq004 3 ambor 04.ogg Amber: Okay, but you can't really have a recipe without a name, though, right? Have we come up with a name for this dish yet?
Icon Dialogue Talk I hadn't really thought that far...
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you have any ideas?
Media:vo zfeq004 3 ambor 05.ogg Amber: Hmm... How about "Right at Home"?
(Talk to Eula, optional)
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 eula 02.ogg Eula: The rations we brought were adapted from my signature Moon Pies. To come up with something even tastier... I gotta hand it to you, you did a great job!
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 eula 03.ogg Eula: ...Still, please do drop by and try a few Stormcrest Pies next time you're in town. I insist.
(Talk to Amber, optional)
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 ambor 02.ogg Amber: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk Amber?
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 ambor 03.ogg Amber: ...Ah, sorry. I zoned out just now — didn't see you coming.
Icon Dialogue Talk Got something on your mind?
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 ambor 04.ogg Amber: Yeah... That food you cooked for us just now — it reminded me of the meals my grandfather used to make for me. I thought I'd forgotten how they tasted, but it all came rushing back.
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 ambor 05.ogg Amber: He used to make Liyue dishes all the time. I'd do my Outrider training with him until the evening, and then wait patiently at the dinner table...
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 ambor 06.ogg Amber: ...I'd sit there, with the smell of delicious food wafting in from the kitchen, waiting for him to finally emerge with the goods.
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 ambor 07.ogg Amber: Sometimes we'd have Eula around for dinner, and even though she'd always find something to complain about, I could tell she really enjoyed the food.
Icon Dialogue Talk Ah... so maybe she remembers, too.
Icon Dialogue Talk And maybe that's why she suggested you come here for dinner?
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 ambor 08.ogg Amber: ...Your words, not mine. Don't ask her about it — she'll only give you another earful!
(Talk to Mika, optional)
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 mika 02.ogg Mika: Back when I was on the expedition with the Grand Master, I was often put in charge of cooking.
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 mika 03.ogg Mika: Under the circumstances, I could only cook some pretty crude meals... But everyone still enjoyed them a lot.
Media:vo dialog zfeq004 mika 04.ogg Mika: Maybe "passion" was the secret ingredient then, too?
(Talk to Huai'an or Smiley Yanxiao)
Media:vo zfeq004 4 huaian 01.ogg Huai'an: There you are, (TravelerTraveler)! Thank you for all of your hard work over the past few days.
Icon Dialogue Talk My pleasure... assuming I'm still being paid, that is?
Media:vo zfeq004 4 huaian 02.ogg Huai'an: Hahaha, straight down to brass tacks, are we? Here, take it. I've thrown in a little extra as well — call it a bonus. Hard work is rewarded here!
Media:vo zfeq004 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Yay! It's like all the tiredness and stress have suddenly melted away!
Media:vo zfeq004 4 smileyyanxiao 01.ogg Smiley Yanxiao: I'm just lucky you only worked this job for a few days. At the rate you were progressing, a few more weeks and I think I might be made redundant!
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, I for one look forward to enjoying your cooking many more times in the future.
Media:vo zfeq004 4 smileyyanxiao 02.ogg Smiley Yanxiao: Haha, anytime! Bring some friends with you next time, and I'll show you all what Smiley Yanxiao can do when working with both hands intact!
Media:vo zfeq004 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Great! Although... just to be on the safe side, cook carefully in the meantime! You may have just jinxed it again.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
15Welp, Didn't Expect ThatCity of Winds and IdyllsKaeya's Troubles, Cooking Appointment, Cooking Showdown, Another Day as an Outrider!, To Mondstadt, A Bewildering Fate, Guizhong (Quest), Teucer's Terrific Tour, Ode to Flower and Cloud, The Snowy Past, The Golden Apple Vacation Returns! (Quest), Receiver of Friends From Afar: Part IV
Event Gameplay
24Tender StrengthCity of Winds and IdyllsCooking Showdown, Wangshu, Justice Is Its Own Reward, Fate's Chosen Lupical, Master's Day Off (Quest), Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land (Quest), The Fond Farewell, Dream of Wind and Flowers, Lasting Promise, With You, A Secret Born From Ashes, Dream of Farewell, Farewell, My Shroom Buddies, The Currents of Life, Sincerity's Facade, Culminate! Chatter of Joyous Dreams, The Truest Thing, Receiver of Friends From Afar: Part IV
Event Gameplay, Serenitea Pot

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishReceiver of Friends From Afar: Part IV
Enbou yori Kitara Houyuu - Sono Yon
Friends Coming from Afar - Four
Korean멀리서 벗・IV
Meolliseo On Beot - IV
SpanishHospitalidad sin fronteras (IV)Hospitality Without Borders (IV)
FrenchHôte d'exception - 4Exceptional Guest - 4
RussianДруг издалека IV
Drug izdaleka IV
Thaiเพื่อนจากแดนไกล IV
VietnameseBạn Bè Từ Xa Tới IV
GermanFreunde aus der Ferne IVFriends From Afar IV
IndonesianTeman dari Jauh: Bag. IVFriends From Afar: Pt. IV
PortugueseRecebendo Amigos de Longe: Parte IV
TurkishUzaktan Gelen Dostları Ağırlama: Bölüm IV
ItalianAmici venuti da lontano: Parte IV

Change History[]
