A ceremonial cup that holds the blood of the innocent. It is brimming with the thundering fury of the prayers that echo within.
Omen of Thunderstorm is an Artifact in the set Thundering Fury.
A ritual goblet used by the shamans of an ancient tribe.
It held the blood to be offered to the Thunderbird.
In the seasons when the Thunderbird flew amidst the stormy mountains, a young lad sang without fear.
Attracted to his voice, the prideful Thunderbird landed by his side.
"Curious tunes, tiny human. Afraid not of thunder and storms?
"They said I can bring peace to thunder and storms."
The young lad paused and answered.
The Thunderbird cried but kept its silence.
For his was an enchanting song.
It was the first and last meeting between the Thunderbird and the young boy.
For the next she saw of the boy was when his blood filled the golden goblet on the sacrificial altar.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Omen of Thunderstorm | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 降雷的凶兆 Jiàng Léi de Xiōngzhào | Omen of Thunder |
Chinese (Traditional) | 降雷的凶兆 Jiàng Léi de Xiōngzhào | |
Japanese | 落雷の前兆 Rakurai no Zenchou | Omen of a Lightning Strike |
Korean | 낙뢰의 흉조 Nakroe-ui Hyungjo | Omen of a Thunderstroke |
Spanish | Presagio de la Tormenta | Harbinger of the Storm |
French | Présage de tombée du tonnerre | Omen of Thunderfall |
Russian | Предвестник бури Predvestnik buri | Storm Harbinger |
Thai | Omen of Thunderstorm | — |
Vietnamese | Sấm Sét Hung Ác | |
German | Omen des Blitzes | Omen of Lightning |
Indonesian | Omen of Thunderstorm | — |
Portuguese | Profecia do Trovão | |
Turkish | Yıldırım Fırtınası Alameti | Lightning Storm's Omen |
Italian | Presagio di tempesta | Storm's Omen |
Change History[]
Released in Version 1.0