Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Memory of Running Stream is a Constellation Activation Material item. It is used to unlock Constellations for the Traveler when aligned with the Hydro element. This is different than other characters, who all use their respective Stella Fortuna to upgrade Constellations.

How To Obtain[]

A total of 6 copies of this item can be obtained through various means.

  1. Reward for completing Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act II - As Light Rain Falls Without Reason
  2. Reward for completing Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act IV - Cataclysm's Quickening
  3. Reward for completing Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act V - Masquerade of the Guilty
  4. Reward for leveling Statues of The Seven in Fontaine to 3
  5. Reward for leveling Statues of The Seven in Fontaine to 5
  6. Reward for leveling Statues of The Seven in Fontaine to 7

See Also[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMemory of Running Stream
Bēnliú Bùxī de Jìyì
Bēnliú Bùxī de Jìyì
Eikyuu Honryuu no Kioku
Memory of Eternal Torrents
Korean멈추지 않는 급류의 기억
Meomchuji Anneun Geumnyuui Gieok
SpanishRecuerdo del fluir del aguaMemory of the Water's Flow
FrenchSouvenir de torrentMemory of Torrent
RussianПамять о бегущем ручье
Pamyat' o begushchem ruch'ye
Memory of Running Stream
ThaiMemory of Running Stream
VietnameseKý Ức Bôn Ba Không Nghỉ
GermanErinnerung des reißenden StromsMemory of Rapid Stream
IndonesianMemory of Running Stream
PortugueseLembrança do Implacável
TurkishGüçlü Akıntıların Hatırası
ItalianMemoria del ruscello che scorre

Change History[]
