Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Light of Foliar Incision is a Weapon Sword Equipment Card in Genius Invokation TCG.


Whitemoon Bristle: Light of Foliar Incision

"If you believe that he yet has the potential to reclaim his honor in the maze, then guide him to break off the pale branch...
Only then can the bright moon and the newborn stars grant him pure wisdom and help him shed his bitter memories and desires."

Stage Appearances[]

Light of Foliar Incision appears in 3 stages:

Alhaitham Icon AlhaithamAlhaitham: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Alhaitham Icon AlhaithamAlhaitham: SeriousSerious Showdown
Rhemia Icon RhemiaDuel: RhemiaDuel

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishLight of Foliar Incision
Cáiyè Cuìguāng
Light That Cuts Leaves
Cáiyè Cuìguāng
Suikou no Saiha[1]
Light That Cuts Leaves
Korean잎을 가르는
Ipeul Gareuneun Bit
Light That Cuts Leaves
SpanishClorofilo RefulgenteGlowing Chloroedge[• 1]
FrenchLumière d'incision foliaireLight of Foliar Incision
RussianСвет лиственного разреза
Svet listvennogo razreza
Light of Foliar Incision
ThaiLight of Foliar Incision
VietnameseÁnh Lá Phán QuyếtLight of Foliar Verdict
GermanLicht der schneidenden BlätterLight of Cutting Leaves
IndonesianLight of Foliar Incision
PortugueseLuz das Folhas Cortadas
TurkishYaprak Kesen IşıkLeaf-Cutting Light
ItalianLume del Taglio frondosoLight of the Leafy Slash
  1. Spanish: Clorofilo is a portmanteau of clorofila "chlorophyll" and filo "edge (of a sword)."

Change History[]

