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Genshin Impact Wiki

Leisure Device: Bouncy Tubby is a Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Leisure Device: Bouncy Tubby is obtainable from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×240.

Leisure Device: Bouncy Tubby acts similarly to Bouncy Mushrooms, and allows the player to jump approximately 25 units high.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×90.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 16 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Leisure Device: Bouncy Tubby 1 Leisure Device: Bouncy Tubby

Furnishing Sets[]

No Furnishing Sets use Leisure Device: Bouncy Tubby as a component.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishLeisure Device: Bouncy Tubby
Xiánqù Jīguān - "Tántán Yuányuán"
Xiánqù Jīguān - "Tántán Yuányuán"
Yuugi Souchi - "Pyonopyon Marumaru"
Korean오락 장치-「통통 포롱이」
Orak Jangchi - "Tongtong Porong'i"
Entertainment Device - "Bouncy Tubby"
SpanishDispositivo de entretenimiento: Boing, boingEntertainment Device: Boing, Boing
FrenchAppareil de loisirs « Sauti-Taby »Leisure Device "Bouncy Tubby"
RussianРазвлекательное устройство: Прыгучий толстяк
Razvlekatel'noye ustroystvo: Pryguchiy tolstyak
Entertainment Device: Bouncy Tubby
Thaiกลไกสุดหรรษา - "กลมกลิ้งดึ๋งเด้ง"
VietnameseCơ Quan Giải Trí - Tubby Nhảy Nhảy
GermanFreizeitvorrichtung BummelkugelLeisure Device – Boomy Bullet
IndonesianAlat Bersantai - Bulat dan MemantulLeisure Device - Round and Bouncy
PortugueseDispositivo de Entretenimento - "Pula-Pula Redondo"
TurkishEğlence Cihazı: Zıpzıp Tombili
ItalianDispositivo ricreativo Tonda rimbalzellaBouncy Tubby Recreational Device

Change History[]

Version 4.4
  • Updated subcategory from Item to Realm Mechanism.

Version 3.5

  • Leisure Device: Bouncy Tubby was released.

