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Genshin Impact Wiki

Hilichurl Totem Fence is a creatable Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Hilichurl Totem Fence is obtainable from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×80.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×30.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 12 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Hilichurl Totem Fence 1 Hilichurl Totem Fence

Furnishing Sets[]

There is 1 Furnishing Set that uses Hilichurl Totem Fence as a component:

ItemCraft TypeComponents
Gift SetHardwood Weapon Rack Hardwood Weapon Rack ×1
Fir Weapon Rack Fir Weapon Rack ×1
Fir Shelves Fir Shelves ×1
Hilichurl Totem Fence Hilichurl Totem Fence ×2
Wooden Hilichurl Fence Wooden Hilichurl Fence ×2
Hilichurl Horned Pot Hilichurl Horned Pot ×1
Hilichurl Archery Target Hilichurl Archery Target ×1
Hilichurl Straw Hut Hilichurl Straw Hut ×1
Two-Story Hilichurl Sentry Tower Two-Story Hilichurl Sentry Tower ×1
Hilichurl Chieftain Hall Hilichurl Chieftain Hall ×1
Hilichurl Spiral Watchtower Hilichurl Spiral Watchtower ×1
Hilichurl Outpost Hut Hilichurl Outpost Hut ×1
Mature Cuihua Tree Mature Cuihua Tree ×1
"Dainty Fists" "Dainty Fists" ×1
Hiding Grazestone Hiding Grazestone ×1
Hazel Wildvest Hazel Wildvest ×1
Overgrown Wildvest Overgrown Wildvest ×1
"The Color of the Wind" "The Color of the Wind" ×1

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishHilichurl Totem Fence
Qiūqiū Túténg Wéilán
Qiūqiū Túténg Wéilán
Hiruchaaru no Tootemu no Saku
Korean츄츄족 토템 울타리
Chyuchyujok Totem Ultari
SpanishValla con tótem de Hilichurls
FrenchClôture Brutocollinus avec totem
RussianТотемный забор хиличурлов
Totemnyy zabor khilichurlov
Thaiรั้วล้อมโทเทม Hilichurl
VietnameseHàng Rào Vật Tổ Hilichurl
IndonesianPagar Totem Hilichurl
PortugueseCerca de Totem dos Hilichurls
TurkishDağ Yabanisi Totem Çiti
ItalianRecinto con totem hilichurliano

Change History[]

