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Genshin Impact Wiki

Gentry of Hermitage is a Character Event Wish with the 5 Star Character "Vago Mundo" Zhongli (Geo) as the promoted character with an increased chance to be obtained.


Gentry of Hermitage has 6 occurrences:

Image Name Start End Version
Gentry of Hermitage 2020-12-01 Gentry of Hermitage 2020-12-01 December 1, 2020 December 22, 2020 1.1
Gentry of Hermitage 2021-04-28 Gentry of Hermitage 2021-04-28 April 28, 2021 May 18, 2021 1.5
Gentry of Hermitage 2022-01-25 Gentry of Hermitage 2022-01-25 January 25, 2022 February 15, 2022 2.4
Gentry of Hermitage 2022-08-24 Gentry of Hermitage 2022-08-24 August 24, 2022 September 9, 2022 3.0
Gentry of Hermitage 2023-09-05 Gentry of Hermitage 2023-09-05 September 5, 2023 September 26, 2023 4.0
Gentry of Hermitage 2024-12-10 Gentry of Hermitage 2024-12-10 December 10, 2024 December 31, 2024 5.2


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishGentry of Hermitage
Língsǒu Shìcháo
Mounds and Marshes, Courts and Markets[• 1]
Língsǒu Shìcháo
Tai'in Shouchi
Enlightened Hermits Live Amongst the Public[• 2]
Korean산야산야 시조시조
Sanya-ui Sijo
The Markets and Courts of the Mountains and Fields[• 3]
SpanishSoledad de la noblezaLoneliness of the Nobility
FrenchMonts et marchésMountains and Markets
RussianГоры и рынки
Gory i rynki
Mountains and Markets
Khunkhao lae mueangyai
Great Mountain and a Large City
VietnameseĐồng Cỏ Thị ThànhThị ThànhUrban Grasslands
GermanAbgeschiedener AdelSecluded Aristocracy
IndonesianBangsawan dan PertapaNoble and Hermit
PortugueseAristocracia ErmidaHermitage Aristocracy
TurkishAsilin YalnızlığıSolitude of Noble
ItalianAristocrazia eremitaHermit Aristocracy
  1. Chinese: Based on an excerpt of a Chinese poem: 小隐隐陵薮,大隐隐朝市/小隱隱陵藪,大隱隱朝市, meaning roughly "The lesser hermit lives amongst the mountains (lit. in the mounds and marshes), the greater hermit lives amongst the public (lit. in the imperial courts and markets)."
  2. Japanese: This is a yojijukugo based on the poem above and bears the same meaning.
  3. Korean: May also be interpreted as 산야산야 시조(始祖) "Progenitor of Mountains and Fields."

Change History[]

