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Like the chattering pearls descending on a jade plate, an ensemble brings echoes of a new dream.
The stream flows clear and cold, and a symphony of flute and drums resonates in the spring breeze.

GENSHIN CONCERT Special Edition: "Reflections of Spring" is an online web event where Shanghai Symphony Orchestra presents the beautiful melody of Spring Festival to the Travelers playing covers of Genshin Impact's Soundtrack.

This special edition will feature a selection of seven tracks and is expected to run for 21 minutes.



No. Title
1 Moon in One's Cup
2 Rapid as Wildfires
3 Devastation and Redemption
4 Rays of Sunlight
5 Through the Eyes of a Dragon
6 Rage Beneath the Mountains
7 Liyue

Production Credits[]

Music Production HOYO-MiX
Composer Yu-Peng Chen@HOYO-MiX
Conductor Jiemin Zhang
Performed By Shanghai Symphony Orchestra
Piano Solo Weixin Xu
Traditional Chinese Music JJ Ma (Erhu), Yitta Tse (Pipa), Hongxuan Chen (Flute), Lumie Shi, YuChen Wang (Guzheng), Fang Liu (Zhongruan)
Electroacoustics FAN Ye, Xiaolun Xue, TianChi Zhang, Xinbo Zhao
Singer Yang Yang
Choir Shanghai Philharmonic Society & Choir
Mixing Simon Rhodes, Zach Huang
Location Jaguar Shanghai Symphony Hall


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishReflections of Spring
Yìngchūn Huázhāng
Yìngchūn Huázhāng
Haru ni Hayu‍[!][!]
Korean봄을 맞는 화려화려 악장악장
Bomeul Manneun Hwaryeohan Akjjang
SpanishLa melodía de la primavera
FrenchReflets du printemps
RussianМелодия весны
Melodiya vesny
ThaiSpring Chapter
VietnameseMelodies of Spring
GermanAbbild des Frühlings
IndonesianReflections of Spring
PortugueseReflexões da Primavera

Change History[]
