Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
Certified player Blanche. It would not do to underestimate her agile mind and silver tongue, honed from long experience at Mondstadt General Goods.

Map description

Blanche (Mondstadt) Stages for Genius Invokation TCG.


1 stage matches the category selection:

A Legend of Ice and Fire
TypeAdventure Challenge
GroupOpen World Match
CharacterBlanche (Mondstadt) Blanche (Mondstadt)
Required Player Level2
Stage Introduction
An Ice Shieldwall Mitachurl comes marching down from Dragonspine's heights, and from the forest emerges two Blazing Axe Mitachurls. The Mitachurl from Dragonspine would like to trade its shield for one of those flaming axes...
Special Rule: When the battle begins, all your characters will gain 2 Energy.
Hint: Energy is abundant in this battle. Use Elemental Bursts to achieve victory!
Challenge Objective(s)Reward(s)
Achieve victory
Achieve victory within 5 Rounds
Use 1 Elemental Burst
Active Lineup
Blazing Axe Mitachurl Character CardBla­zing Axe Mi­ta­churl8Ice Shieldwall Mitachurl Character CardIce Shieldwall Mitachurl8Blazing Axe Mitachurl Character CardBla­zing Axe Mi­ta­churl8
Player Support Cards
Elemental Orb: Plentiful Support CardElemental Orb: Plentiful0

Change History[]

