Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Fruit and Veggie Stall: Harvest Bounties is a creatable Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Fruit and Veggie Stall: Harvest Bounties is obtainable from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×160.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×60.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 14 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Fruit and Veggie Stall: Harvest Bounties 1 Fruit and Veggie Stall: Harvest Bounties

Furnishing Sets[]

There are 2 Furnishing Sets that use Fruit and Veggie Stall: Harvest Bounties as a component:

ItemCraft TypeComponents
Furnishing SetBountiful Harvest Fruit Cart Bountiful Harvest Fruit Cart ×1
Real Deal Fruit Stand Real Deal Fruit Stand ×1
Fruit Seller's Caution Fruit Seller's Caution ×1
Fruit and Veggie Stall: Harvest Bounties Fruit and Veggie Stall: Harvest Bounties ×1
Gift SetBamboo Outdoor Tea Table Bamboo Outdoor Tea Table ×1
Wine Shop Display Counter: To Your Heart's Content Wine Shop Display Counter: To Your Heart's Content ×1
Wooden Outdoor Tea Table Wooden Outdoor Tea Table ×3
Fragrant Cedar Vegetable Rack Fragrant Cedar Vegetable Rack ×1
"Four-Quadrant Cooking Cauldron" "Four-Quadrant Cooking Cauldron" ×1
Fruit Seller's Caution Fruit Seller's Caution ×1
Two-Tier Vendor's Booth: Rising Fortunes Two-Tier Vendor's Booth: Rising Fortunes ×1
Fruit and Veggie Stall: Harvest Bounties Fruit and Veggie Stall: Harvest Bounties ×1
Storage Sack: Buzz-Off Bag Storage Sack: Buzz-Off Bag ×2
Wine Jar With Bamboo Casing: Spirits Awaiting Moonrise Wine Jar With Bamboo Casing: Spirits Awaiting Moonrise ×2
Evil-Repelling Lantern: All-Around Lighting Evil-Repelling Lantern: All-Around Lighting ×1
"Traveling Merchant North of the Stone Gate" "Traveling Merchant North of the Stone Gate" ×1
Old Well Old Well ×1
Mature Cuihua Tree Mature Cuihua Tree ×1
"Hunter's Vantage" "Hunter's Vantage" ×1

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishFruit and Veggie Stall: Harvest Bounties
Guǒshū Tān - "Àn Shàng Tiányuán"
Guǒshū Tān - "Àn Shàng Tiányuán"
Seika Roten - "Den'en no Megumi"
Fruits and Vegetables Stall - "Blessing of the Countryside"
Korean과채 노점-「전원에서」
Gwachae Nojeom - "Jeonwoneseo"
Fruits and Vegetables Street Stall - "In the Countryside"
SpanishPuesto de frutas y verduras: Cosecha abundanteFruits and Vegetables Stand: Abundant Harvest
FrenchÉtalage de primeurs « Fruits de la récolte »Stall of Early [Fruits and Vegetables] "Fruits of the Harvest"
RussianФруктово-овощная лавка: Награда за урожай
Fruktovo-ovoshchnaya lavka: Nagrada za urozhay
Fruit and Vegetables Store: Prize for Harvest
Thaiแผงผักผลไม้ - "สวนน้อยบนแผงลอย"
VietnameseSạp Rau Quả - Cánh Đồng Thu Nhỏ
GermanObst- und Gemüsestand Gedeckte TafelFruit and Veggie Stall - "Set Dining Table"
IndonesianKios Buah dan Sayuran: Hasil PanenFruit and Vegetable Kiosk: Harvest Bounties
PortugueseTenda de Frutas e Vegetais: "Recompensas da Colheita"
TurkishManav Tezgahı: Bereketli Hasat
ItalianBancarella di frutta e verdure Raccolto abbondante

Change History[]

