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Even Beasts Get Homesick (unofficial name) is a Hidden Exploration Objective in Vissudha Field, Sumeru.


  1. Find the Sumpter Beast southeast of the Visshuda Field Statue of The Seven
  2. Follow the Sumpter Beast along the path until it reaches its destination in Ashavan Realm
  3. Defeat the Sumpter Beast's owner
    • Spawns on the hill in front of the Sumpter Beast's destination
  4. Open the Exquisite Chest

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Completing this Hidden Exploration Objective will award the Wonders of the World achievement The Lengthy Reunion.
  • The following enemies may engage the player in combat along the Sumpter Beast's path:
    1. Eremites
    2. Treasure Hoarders
    3. Fungi (in a Withering Zone)
  • The Sumpter Beast may become aggravated in the Withering Zone, but the objective can still be completed after it de-aggravates.
  • If the Sumpter Beast is killed, the player will have to wait 12 hours for it to respawn in order to attempt the objective again.
  • If the objective fails for some reason (owner does not spawn, etc.), it can be restarted by returning to the starting point.
  • The owner spawns and begins to wander around the area without a fixed route before the Sumpter Beast stops at its destination. The owner may descend the hill.
  • If the trek is uninterrupted, it takes 7–8 minutes to complete.

Video Guides[]

Even Beasts Get Homesick

Change History[]

