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A flower bud made of hammered dark gold. Its crimson core is wrapped by petals that shall never open.

Dreaming Steelbloom is an Artifact in the set Gilded Dreams.


"In the golden slumber, no one shall have to ingest a single drop of bitter water."
The ancient legends tell of three inseparable friends.
One of them would wither like a rose and come to rot in the mud.
The kingdom of flowers would be ground down into a mere tale by sandstorms, becoming a dream in a song.

One of the friends would create a great, heretofore unseen oasis in a corner of the desert.
Another would use up all their strength and intellect to build an eternal illusion in the sands.
No one should have had scars carved upon their faces due to sorrow and partings.

"When the moon leaves your palm, and the lonesome silver light retracts from atop the labyrinth on the sand ocean,"
"One hopes that you will remember how your companion in the dreams shone like the burning sun."

Thus does obsessive remembrance arise from the burning new world like a smokeless flame,
Thus do those who look to the past with one eye, and to a world of dreams with the other become lost,
Thus did he turn his gaze upon the wisdom of the depths, and inclined his ear to honeyed whispers...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishDreaming Steelbloom
Mèng Zhōng de Tiě Huā
Ironbloom in the Dream
Mèng Zhōng de Tiě Huā
Mukyou no Tekka‍[!][!]
Steelbloom of the Dreamworld
Korean꿈속에서 피어난 철의
Kkumsok-eseo Pieonan Cheol-ui Kkot
Iron Flower Bloomed in Dream
SpanishFlor de Metal OníricaMetal Dream Flower
FrenchFleur d'acier rêveuseDreamy Steel Flower
RussianСон железного цветка
Son zheleznogo tsvetka
Dream of the Iron Flower
ThaiDreaming Steelbloom
VietnameseHoa Thép Trong Mộng
GermanMetallblüte im TraumMetalbloom within a Dream
IndonesianDreaming Steelbloom
PortugueseFlor de Metal Onírica
TurkishDemirden Düşler ÇiçeğiIron Dream Flower
ItalianFiordacciaio sognanteDreaming Steelbloom[• 1]
  1. Italian: Fiordacciaio is the condensed form of fior d'acciaio, made of fior (short form of fiore "flower"), d' (short form of di "of") and acciaio "steel".

Change History[]

Version 3.2
  • The English localization revised the following line:
    • Old: In the golden dream [...]
    • New: In the golden slumber [...]

Version 3.0

  • Dreaming Steelbloom was released.

