Ceremony: Homecoming of Spirits is Cyno's Level 2 Constellation.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name | Literal Meaning |
English | Ceremony: Homecoming of Spirits | — |
Chinese (Simplified) | 令仪・引谒归灵 Língyí - Yǐnyè Guīlíng | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 令儀・引謁歸靈 Língyí - Yǐnyè Guīlíng | |
Japanese | 令儀・拝謁返霊 Reigi - Haietsu Henrei | Ceremony - Returning Spirits' Audience |
Korean | 의례・귀혼 인도 Uirye - Gwihon Indo | Ceremony - Homecoming Spirits Guidance |
Spanish | Ceremonia: Retorno de las almas | Ceremony: Return of the Souls |
French | Cérémonie : Retour des esprits | Ceremony: The Spirits' Return |
Russian | Церемония: Проводы душ Tseremoniya: Provody dush | Ceremony: Leading Spirits |
Thai | Ceremony: Homecoming of Spirits | — |
Vietnamese | Lệnh Nghi - Dẫn Yết Quy Linh | |
German | Zeremonienritus – Heimkehrende Seelen | Ceremony Rite - Homecoming Souls |
Indonesian | Ceremony: Homecoming of Spirits | — |
Portuguese | Cerimônia: Retorno das Almas | |
Turkish | Ayin: Ruhların Dönüşü | Sacrament: The Spirit's Return |
Italian | Cerimonia: Raduno degli spiriti | Ceremony: Gathering of Spirits |
Change History[]
Released in Version 3.1