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Genshin Impact Wiki

Camp Watchtower: Viewport is a creatable Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Camp Watchtower: Viewport is obtainable from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×160.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×60.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 14 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Camp Watchtower: Viewport 1 Camp Watchtower: Viewport

Furnishing Sets[]

There is 1 Furnishing Set that uses Camp Watchtower: Viewport as a component:

ItemCraft TypeComponents
Gift SetReplica Ancient Otogi Keg Replica Ancient Otogi Keg ×1
Village Well: Subterranean Secrets Village Well: Subterranean Secrets ×1
Sappan and Vermilion Enjoined Sappan and Vermilion Enjoined ×1
The Wandering Bird Within The Wandering Bird Within ×1
Narukami's Banner Narukami's Banner ×2
Encampment Fence: Decisive Judgment Encampment Fence: Decisive Judgment ×2
Camp Gate: Fealty Camp Gate: Fealty ×1
Camp Spear-Rack: Point Break Camp Spear-Rack: Point Break ×2
Camp Dwelling: Shoring Up Camp Dwelling: Shoring Up ×1
Camp Tent: Timely Tactics Camp Tent: Timely Tactics ×1
Camp Watchtower: Viewport Camp Watchtower: Viewport ×1
Encampment Fence: Jagged Teeth Encampment Fence: Jagged Teeth ×5
Encampment Fence: Honing Goad Encampment Fence: Honing Goad ×5

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCamp Watchtower: Viewport
Zhènwū Shàotǎ - "Dòng Jiàn"
Zhènwū Shàotǎ - "Dòng Jiàn"
Jin'ya Kanshitou - "Dousatsu"
Camp Watchtower - "Insight"
Korean병영 감시탑-「통찰」
Byeongyeong Gamsitap - "Tongchal"
Barracks Watchtower - "Insight"
SpanishTorre de cuartel: ObservaciónEncampment Tower: Observation
FrenchTour de camp « Observatoire »Camp Tower "Lookout Post"
RussianЛагерная сторожевая башня: Наблюдение
Lagernaya storozhevaya bashnya: Nablyudeniye
Camp Watchtower: Observation
Thaiหอสังเกตการณ์ประจำค่าย - "การตรวจสอบอย่างใกล้ชิด"
VietnameseTháp Canh - Giám Sát
GermanLagerwachturm AusguckCamp Watchtower - "Lookout"
IndonesianMenara Pengawas: Titik PantauWatchtower: Lookout
PortugueseTorre de Vigia do Quartel: Inspeção Geral
TurkishKamp Kulesi: Gözlemevi
ItalianTorre di guardia del campo Osservatorio

Change History[]

