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Genshin Impact Wiki

Brightwood "Invigorating" Nightstand is a Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for Brightwood "Invigorating" Nightstand is obtainable from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×160.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×60.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 14 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
Brightwood "Invigorating" Nightstand 1 Brightwood "Invigorating" Nightstand

Furnishing Sets[]

There is 1 Furnishing Set that uses Brightwood "Invigorating" Nightstand as a component:

ItemCraft TypeComponents
Gift SetDesert Desk: Hospitality Desert Desk: Hospitality ×1
A Lush Glimpse A Lush Glimpse ×1
Joyful Illumination Joyful Illumination ×2
Adhigama Wood "Comfort" Bed Adhigama Wood "Comfort" Bed ×2
Brightwood "Invigorating" Nightstand Brightwood "Invigorating" Nightstand ×3
The Olive Grove The Olive Grove ×1
Spirit of the Banquet Spirit of the Banquet ×1
The Mellow Pot The Mellow Pot ×1
Karmaphala Wood "Subdued Speech" Bench Karmaphala Wood "Subdued Speech" Bench ×2

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name
EnglishBrightwood "Invigorating" Nightstand
Huīmù "Liáoyù" Chuángtóu-guì
Huīmù "Liáoyù" Chuángtóu-guì
Kikou no "Iyashi" Naito Teeburu
Korean빛나는 나무 「치유」 협탁
Binnaneun Namu "Chiyu" Hyeoptak
SpanishMesita de noche de madera radiante: Convalecencia
FrenchTable de chevet « Vivifiance » en bois radiant
RussianТумбочка из сияющей древесины «Бодрость»
Tumbochka iz siyayushchey drevesiny "Bodrost'"
Thaiโต๊ะข้างเตียงไม้ Brightwood "ฟื้นฟู"
VietnameseTủ Đầu Giường "Chữa Trị" Gỗ Sáng
GermanNachttisch Heilung aus Hellholz
IndonesianMeja Nakas Kayu Brightwood: Pemulihan
PortugueseMesa de Cabeceira de Madeira Radiante "Cura"
TurkishSarmal "Canlandırıcı" Komodin
ItalianComodino in Legno dello splendore Invigorimento

Change History[]

