Bertrand is an event-exclusive NPC that appeared in the Event Core of the Apparatus. He is a toymaker from Fontaine.
- During Core of the Apparatus
Bertrand is a toymaker hailing from Fontaine, hoping to reach into the Inazuma market. Due to a hasty attempt to quickly break into the market, however, he created explosive toys, which got the Tenryou Commission involved. His toys were confiscated and he paid a hefty fine as a result, forcing him to borrow money from Kurisu to keep his project going. He placed a commission with the Adventurers' Guild to hire an assistant, a job Katheryne passed onto the Traveler and Paimon.
(To be added.)
Quests and Events[]
Idle Quotes[]
- During Core of the Apparatus
M—My toy...
Dialogue Set #1[]
- (During Core of the Apparatus)
- Bertrand: Heh! If that's the amount I'm getting for one of these, then I just need to sell 20,000 of them to pay off my debt!
- Bertrand: What's up, (TravelerTraveler)? Is there something wrong?
Create test products... (Unlocked after completing Mass Production)
- Bertrand: Ohhh, have you collected all the materials? Let me activate the Great Machine for you!
- (Opens Product Creation)
I'd like to pick a toy to keep. (Unlocked after completing Mass Production)
- Bertrand: Oho! Have you toy models you'd like to redeem? Just roll up with your redemption voucher, then... Though as we said before, you can only redeem four...
- (Opens "Test Products to Redeem")
So about the creation process...
- Bertrand: Ah, sure. I can explain that again, no problem.
- Bertrand: You have to collect the materials needed for the three processes while carrying the Collector on your person.
- Bertrand: The second step is "Elemental Charge," which can only be achieved by staying affected by the elements for a certain duration.
- Bertrand: Finally, we have "Core Activation," which can be done by defeating some elemental life forms to achieve the motive force required to start the core up.
- Bertrand: After this, the Material Collector should have finished collecting all we need. Then, it just needs to be placed into the Great Machine to begin production.
- Bertrand: If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me.
Let's have a look at our production record... (Unlocked after completing Mass Production)
- (Opens Product Archive)
No, nothing at the moment.
- Bertrand: Well, then keep flexing those creative muscles of yours! Honestly, I'm very much looking forward to seeing what else you'll make!
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Bertrand |
Chinese (Simplified) | 伯特兰 Bótèlán |
Chinese (Traditional) | 伯特蘭 Bótèlán |
Japanese | バートランド Baatorando |
Korean | 베르트랑 Bereuteurang |
Spanish | Bertrand |
French | Bertrand |
Russian | Бертран Bertran |
Thai | Bertrand |
Vietnamese | Bertrand |
German | Bertrand |
Indonesian | Bertrand |
Portuguese | Bertrand |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.7