Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Amidst Poetic Pondering is an indoor gift set favored by the companions: Jean, Lisa, Fischl, Mona and Eula.

It is obtained from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×240.

Blueprints of Exquisite Cuihua Bookshelf, a necessary furniture needed to build this set, can only be obtainable after reaching up Adeptal Mirror Round 4 and building up to 160 pieces of furniture.

Required Furnishings[]

Character Interactions[]

Interaction Rewards

The following characters favor this Gift Set:

EulaCryo Eula
Primogem 20
Shivada Jade Fragment 1
Mora 20,000
FischlElectro Fischl
Primogem 20
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment 1
Mora 20,000
JeanAnemo Jean
Primogem 20
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment 1
Mora 20,000
LisaElectro Lisa
Primogem 20
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment 1
Mora 20,000
MonaHydro Mona
Primogem 20
Varunada Lazurite Fragment 1
Mora 20,000

Interaction Dialogue

If a character's favorite furnishing set is placed in the same realm as the character for the first time, the character will automatically teleport to the furnishing set. Interacting with the character will initiate a special dialogue, after which the character will teleport back to their original position.

EulaCryo Eula
Media:vo mimitomo md eula study 01.ogg Eula: This study... it brings back some memories.
Media:vo mimitomo md eula study 02.ogg Eula: As a child, I tried all sorts of ways to avoid books that taught aristocratic etiquette, but to no avail — I had no choice but to memorize them all.
Media:vo mimitomo md eula study 03.ogg Eula: Forget it, it's all in the past now. I shouldn't get myself down, I must look ahead to my new life.
FischlElectro Fischl
Media:vo mimitomo md fischl study 01.ogg Fischl: Most endearing!
Media:vo mimitomo md fischl study 02.ogg Fischl: Who would've thought that one might find such a study outside treasure trove of the magus-custodian of books...? It is worthy of one's extended stay, and may invoke seven blessings of the Prinzessin out of ten!
Media:vo mimitomo md oz study 01.ogg Oz: What mein Fräulein means to say is that most of the literature in this study is of interest to her.
JeanAnemo Jean
Media:vo mimitomo md qin study 01.ogg Jean: I never thought that such a perfect study could exist outside the Knights of Favonius headquarters.
Media:vo mimitomo md qin study 02.ogg Jean: I would certainly feel at ease here, whether it be while reading or working.
Media:vo mimitomo md qin study 03.ogg Jean: Thank you, Honorary Knight. I am very satisfied.
LisaElectro Lisa
Media:vo mimitomo md lisa study 01.ogg Lisa: You have good taste in literature.
Media:vo mimitomo md lisa study 02.ogg Lisa: Large bookshelves and a fireplace... This would be a most comfy place to put my feet up.
Media:vo mimitomo md lisa study 03.ogg Lisa: I must reward you well for making this place so cozy.
MonaHydro Mona
Media:vo mimitomo md mona study 01.ogg Mona: ...Quite the dignified study. May I use it as well?
Media:vo mimitomo md mona study 02.ogg Mona: In that case, I hope you don't mind if I stack all the star maps I bought over here.
Media:vo mimitomo md mona study 03.ogg Mona: Hmm... I still have those things I bought on sale. If I want to maximize my use of space, I'll need to plan this out more carefully.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAmidst Poetic Pondering
Shīgē Chénsī Jiān
Amidst Poetic Deep Contemplation[• 1]
Shīgē Chénsī Jiān
Shi to Shisaku no Aida
Between Poetry and Thinking
Korean시상이 떠오르는
Sisang-i Tteooreun Bang
Hippocrene Striking Room
SpanishContemplación poéticaPoetic Contemplation
French« Réflexion poétique »"Poetic Reflection"
RussianВ поэтических раздумьях
V poeticheskikh razdum'yakh
Amidst Poetic Pondering
VietnamesePhòng Thơ Ca Trầm Tư
GermanInmitten des poetischen NachdenkensAdmist the Poetic Pondering
IndonesianRuang PuisiPoem Room
PortugueseContemplação PoéticaPoetic Contemplation
TurkishŞairane Düşünce
ItalianRiflessioni poetiche
  1. Chinese: / Jiān can mean either "room" or "between." Hence, the Chinese name can alternately be translated as "Room of Poetic Deep Contemplation."

Change History[]

