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A Familiar Threat is the first part of Neuvillette's Story Quest, Diluvies Chapter: Act I - The Remains of the Past Day.


  1. Go to the Palais Mermonia
  2. Talk to Neuvillette
  3. Ask Kiara about the threatening letter
  4. Protect Kiara during her work
  5. Follow Kiara
  6. Talk to Kiara
  7. Look for the suspicious person
  8. Rendezvous with Kiara
  9. Return to the Palais Mermonia
  10. Ask Neuvillette about how the investigation is coming along
  11. Review official documents (0/5)
  12. Talk to Neuvillette


UI Quest Quest Description

Paimon is curious about Neuvillette. Go talk to him.
(Upon receiving the quest)
Media:vo sllq001 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's been a while since we last saw Neuvillette. Paimon wonders what he's been up to.
Media:vo sllq001 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Paimon has so many questions about his true identity... Let's go talk to him and find out!

(Approach Neuvillette and Sedene in his office)
Media:vo sllq001 2 sedna 01.ogg Sedene: Wait, did I hear that right? Monsieur Neuvillette, are you sure you'd like to take over the case yourself?
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 01.ogg Neuvillette: That's right.
Media:vo sllq001 2 sedna 02.ogg Sedene: But why? Technically speaking, cases like this are better left to the Gardes...
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Neuvillette, Sedene, hey there! What are you two talking about?
Media:vo sllq001 2 sedna 03.ogg Sedene: (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon, please help me talk our Chief Justice out of this. He wants to investigate a case on his own!
Media:vo sllq001 2 sedna 04.ogg Sedene: This is completely unprecedented. How can we have the Iudex acting like a private detective?
Icon Dialogue Talk Starting a new job?
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 02a 1.ogg Neuvillette: Thank you for your concern, but I currently have no such plans.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 02a 2.ogg Neuvillette: Oh... apologies. I took your question in earnest, but it now occurs to me that it was mostly likely in jest.
Icon Dialogue Talk I can introduce you to some amazing detectives.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 02b 1.ogg Neuvillette: I trust that you'd be able to work that out with how well-connected you are, but I must apologize. I do not plan on relying on anyone else's help for this matter.
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So what is it exactly? It sure sounds serious if it's something you've got to investigate personally!
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 03.ogg Neuvillette: A Melusine named Kiara received a threat letter.
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: And then...?
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 04.ogg Neuvillette: That is all the information I have acquired at this stage.
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Huh?
Media:vo sllq001 2 sedna 05.ogg Sedene: *sigh* I have no idea why you're so hung up over this.
Media:vo sllq001 2 sedna 06.ogg Sedene: I've checked the schedule in advance, and it seems like there aren't any trials today. So if you insist... I have no objections.
(If the player has not completed The Opera of Noirceur and Blancheur)
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 05.ogg Neuvillette: Thank you for understanding. I will leave a note explaining my absence on my desk — I would appreciate it if you could take it to Lady Furina.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 06.ogg Neuvillette: She may have no interest in official affairs, but standard procedure dictates that I'm still responsible for reporting to her.
Media:vo sllq001 2 sedna 07.ogg Sedene: Yes yes! Understood. I'll come back later and deliver the note to her.
(If the player has completed The Opera of Noirceur and Blancheur)
Media:vo sllq001 3 neuvillette 05.ogg Neuvillette: Thank you for understanding.
Media:vo sllq001 3 sedna 07.ogg Sedene: Then I shall return to my post for now. If anyone were to visit while you are away, I will make sure to record their visit. I sincerely hope that you will return soon.
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Judging from Sedene's reaction, it must be pretty rare for you to investigate stuff personally. What's so special about this case?
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 07.ogg Neuvillette: I cannot tell you just yet, but it reminded me of certain past events.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 08.ogg Neuvillette: There could be complicated conflicts of interest behind all this, so I must eliminate all risks in advance.
Icon Dialogue Talk Conflicts of interest?
Icon Dialogue Talk Care to explain in detail?
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: C'mon, stop being so secretive! We still have no idea what's going on!
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 09.ogg Neuvillette: It is not my intention to keep you in the dark, but I need some time to revisit those memories and collect my thoughts.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 10.ogg Neuvillette: Long story short... A little more than four hundred years ago, I became the Iudex of Fontaine and initiated a series of institutional reforms.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 11.ogg Neuvillette: There were few people I could trust, but I had two subordinates who were exceptionally trustworthy and capable: Carole, a Melusine, and Vautrin, leader of the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol.
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: They must've been amazing people to receive such high praise from you!
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 12.ogg Neuvillette: Indeed. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to protect them.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 13.ogg Neuvillette: The reforms damaged the interests of some, and the more conservative faction took advantage of Carole's identity to instigate political unrest. Ultimately, they wanted me to yield more of my power.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 14.ogg Neuvillette: The incident resulted in Carole taking her own life and Vautrin being exiled. From then on, I've been especially careful when dealing with cases related to Melusines.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're concerned that you're the perpetrator's real target?
Icon Dialogue Talk Seems like they're using Melusines against you...
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 15.ogg Neuvillette: All Melusines used to live a secluded life away from human society.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 16.ogg Neuvillette: I granted their wishes when some of them, including Carole, asked me to bring them to the Court of Fontaine.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 17.ogg Neuvillette: Many common folk believe that I share a special bond with the Melusines, and whatever they do can be traced back to me.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 18.ogg Neuvillette: Some of them — especially those who hold a grudge against me — exploit that belief and stir up conflict over Melusines in an attempt to lay the blame on me.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 19.ogg Neuvillette: I have nothing against the opinions of others, but the moment a whirlpool of conspiracy forms, it inevitably affects the innocent.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 20.ogg Neuvillette: And it's already happened once, and I want to make sure it does not happen again.
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Um, even so, why do you have to be the one investigating?
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: There's the Gardes, the Marechaussee Phantom, and the Special Security and Surveillance Patrol! Aren't they more than enough to figure out what's going on?
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 21.ogg Neuvillette: Based on prior experience, there's a high chance that those who hold hostility towards me do not belong to the same department.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 22.ogg Neuvillette: The political system of Fontaine is relatively complex and involves the interests of multiple different factions.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 23.ogg Neuvillette: However, since I am technically an outsider in Fontaine, a lot of trouble could be avoided if I personally took on the case.
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Outsider?
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: But aren't you the Chief Justice of Fontaine? Why would you be an outsider?
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 24.ogg Neuvillette: I understand where you're coming from, but there is not necessarily a connection between my responsibilities and how I perceive myself.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 25.ogg Neuvillette: You know very well about my true identity and have even met others of my kind in other nations...
Icon Dialogue Talk The Hydro Dragon Sovereign...
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 26.ogg Neuvillette: Even though I was born with a human form, there's a fundamental difference between dragons and humans.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 27.ogg Neuvillette: Taking on the role of Chief Justice does not make me a part of this community. In fact, the status I was granted has prevented me from forming deeper bonds with others.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 28.ogg Neuvillette: I have lived in Fontaine for a long time, but I do not belong here. That is why I call myself an outsider — a fish out of water.
Icon Dialogue Talk If you put it that way...
Icon Dialogue Talk We're also outsiders to Fontaine.
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Yeah! We have nothing to do with all those organizations anyway, so how about we come with you on your investigation?
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Let's team up and round up all the bad guys lurking in the dark!
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 29.ogg Neuvillette: ...That does not sound like a bad idea. I rarely investigate cases on my own, but with professionals like you around, I'm sure it'll go a lot smoother.
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Hehe, Paimon's starting to get a little embarrassed. Just leave it to us!
(If the player has not completed The Opera of Noirceur and Blancheur)
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 30.ogg Neuvillette: I'll write my note of absence right away. Let us depart together once I am done.
Neuvillette writes a note to Furina and sets it on the desk.
Media:vo sllq001 2 neuvillette 31.ogg Neuvillette: Let us go. We should visit Kiara first and try to gain a better understanding of the situation.
(Neuvillette leaves his office)
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Um, so Neuvillette feels like he doesn't truly belong here in Fontaine, but is that really true?
Media:vo sllq001 2 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Paimon feels like he has a kinda... skewed perspective on a lot of things. Anyway, let's catch up with him first!
(After the cutscene)
Media:vo sllq001 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Paimon's been thinking... You called yourself a "fish out of water," right?
Media:vo sllq001 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: But since you're the Hydro Dragon, wouldn't "dragon out of water" suit you better?
Media:vo sllq001 6 neuvillette 01.ogg Neuvillette: Thank you for your suggestion. I will consider using the more accurate term in private occasions.
Media:vo sllq001 6 neuvillette 02.ogg Neuvillette: Please allow me to rephrase: As a dragon out of water...
Media:vo sllq001 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Pfft! That sounds kinda weird! Let's stick with the previous version instead.
(Talk to Sedene again, optional)
Media:vo dialog sllq001 sedna 01.ogg Sedene: I hope the Chief Justice returns soon...
(If the player has not completed The Opera of Noirceur and Blancheur)
(Read Neuvillette's note, optional)
"Neuvillette's Note": "Away for personal reasons. Will be back in a day."

Icon Quest Step Step Description

A Melusine named Kiara received a threatening letter. It has reminded Neuvillette of certain unhappy events in the past. Go ask Kiara about it...
(Approach Graciette and Trudaine, optional)
Media:vo sllq001 7 graciette 01.ogg Graciette: I never thought I'd see him here...
Media:vo sllq001 7 trudaine 01.ogg Trudaine: Does anyone have a Kamera?
(Talk to Graciette or Trudaine, optional)
Media:vo dialog sllq001 graciette 01.ogg Graciette: We should've gone up to him and said something...
Media:vo dialog sllq001 trudaine 01.ogg Trudaine: Yeah, that was the perfect opportunity...
(Approach Kiara)
Media:vo sllq001 9 ciara 01.ogg Kiara: Whew... The weather's amazing today.
Media:vo sllq001 9 neuvillette 01.ogg Neuvillette: Kiara.
Media:vo sllq001 9 ciara 02.ogg Kiara: Huh, Monsieur Neuvillette! And you are...
Media:vo sllq001 9 ciara 03.ogg Kiara: Oh, I remember! You're (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon. I've heard about you.
Media:vo sllq001 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Aww, she's adorable! Hey there, it's nice to meet you!
Media:vo sllq001 9 ciara 04.ogg Kiara: Hehe, thanks for the compliment. Is there anything I can do for you?
Media:vo sllq001 9 neuvillette 02.ogg Neuvillette: I heard from Sedene that you received a threatening letter.
Media:vo sllq001 9 ciara 05.ogg Kiara: A threatening letter... Oh, right, I remember now.
Media:vo sllq001 9 ciara 06.ogg Kiara: The letter fell through the crack in my door as I was heading out this morning. It said something about catching me, so I thought someone wanted to play hide-and-seek.
Media:vo sllq001 9 ciara 07.ogg Kiara: But Sedene told me it was a threatening letter and that I could be in danger. But that's not gonna happen with everyone looking after me, right?
Media:vo sllq001 9 neuvillette 03.ogg Neuvillette: Have you run into any suspicious-looking people recently?
Media:vo sllq001 9 ciara 08.ogg Kiara: Suspicious-looking people? What counts as suspicious?
Icon Dialogue Talk Someone who follows you from behind?
Icon Dialogue Talk Someone who always strikes up a conversation with you?
Media:vo sllq001 9 ciara 09.ogg Kiara: Ah!
Media:vo sllq001 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Did you think of something?
Media:vo sllq001 9 ciara 10.ogg Kiara: Nope! I don't remember meeting anyone like that!
Media:vo sllq001 9 neuvillette 04.ogg Neuvillette: Do you still have the letter with you? I want you to show me what it says.
Media:vo sllq001 9 ciara 11.ogg Kiara: Oh, ah... Let's see... Found it!
Kiara takes out a letter...
A Familiar Threat Letter
Media:vo sllq001 9 neuvillette 05.ogg Neuvillette: Now then... "Get lost! If you don't leave the Marechaussee Phantom, I will come and catch you in person. Don't say I didn't warn you!"
(Someone photographs the group from a distance)
Media:vo sllq001 9 neuvillette 06.ogg Neuvillette: Hmm, a simple threat. Neither the handwriting nor the content itself reveals anything about the writer's intentions.
Icon Dialogue Talk Are they concealing their identity on purpose?
Media:vo sllq001 9 neuvillette 07.ogg Neuvillette: We can't rule out that possibility.
Media:vo sllq001 9 neuvillette 08.ogg Neuvillette: Since you can't think of anyone suspicious, I'll be heading back to the Palais Mermonia to review some official documents.
Media:vo sllq001 9 neuvillette 09.ogg Neuvillette: Kiara, you should come with us. It's safer if you stay close by.
Media:vo sllq001 9 ciara 12.ogg Kiara: Sure!
Media:vo sllq001 9 ciara 13.ogg Kiara: Wait, no, no, no, I still have a case to work on! I promised Eloffe that I'd check on her place later.
Media:vo sllq001 9 neuvillette 10.ogg Neuvillette: But you're being watched right now. Going off on your own could be dangerous...
Media:vo sllq001 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: And that's where we come in to help! We'll stay with Kiara and make sure she's safe.
Media:vo sllq001 9 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: With us around, anyone scheming to hurt Kiara can forget about it!
Media:vo sllq001 9 ciara 14a.ogg Kiara: Thank you, (TravelerTraveler), Big Sis Paimon!
Icon Dialogue Talk Big Sis Paimon...
Media:vo sllq001 9 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Uh... Ahem! Don't worry, your Big Sis Paimon is super strong!
Media:vo sllq001 9 neuvillette 11.ogg Neuvillette: Alright, let us go our separate ways for now. Please take care of Kiara.
Media:vo sllq001 9 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: We'll take her to Eloffe's place right away. See you around!
(After the cutscene)
Media:vo sllq001 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: So, Kiara, how old are you?
Media:vo sllq001 10 ciara 01.ogg Kiara: Hmm, lemme think... One, two, ten... Uh, I can't remember.

Icon Quest Step Step Description

You and Neuvillette decide to split up, and your job is to protect Kiara.
(While walking with Kiara)
Media:vo sllq001 10 ciara 02.ogg Kiara: But I remember coming to the Court of Fontaine with Carole and Neuvillette. That must've been a long time ago.
Media:vo sllq001 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Carole... Didn't Neuvillette mention her just now? That was more than four hundred years ago! Why would Paimon be a big sister to you?
Media:vo sllq001 10 ciara 03.ogg Kiara: My memory isn't that good, but Carole told me I could address others based on how I feel about them... Paimon feels a lot more grown-up than me, so you're Big Sis.
Media:vo sllq001 10 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Huh, Paimon sees...
At this moment, the *click* of a Kamera shutter is heard.
Media:vo sllq001 10 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hey (TravelerTraveler), did you hear that?
(Follow Kiara to Chioriya Boutique)
(Someone quickly ducks into the bushes as the Traveler and Paimon turn around)
Media:vo sllq001 11 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Strange... Paimon felt like someone was following us...
Media:vo sllq001 11 ciara 01.ogg Kiara: Eloffe!
Media:vo sllq001 11 eloffe 01.ogg Eloffe: Kiara, you're here! Huh? Wait, aren't these two...
Media:vo sllq001 11 ciara 02a.ogg Kiara: They're (TravelerTraveler) and Big Sis Paimon!
Media:vo sllq001 11 eloffe 02.ogg Eloffe: I thought so. What brings you here?
Icon Dialogue Talk We're on a secret mission.
Media:vo sllq001 11 eloffe 03a 1.ogg Eloffe: Alright, guess I shouldn't have asked.
Icon Dialogue Talk We're protecting Kiara.
Media:vo sllq001 11 eloffe 03b 1.ogg Eloffe: Did you run into any trouble?
Media:vo sllq001 11 paimon 02b 1.ogg Paimon: Eh, it's not really trouble anymore with us around.
Media:vo sllq001 11 ciara 03.ogg Kiara: May I begin inspecting the store as planned?
Media:vo sllq001 11 eloffe 04.ogg Eloffe: Of course, go ahead!
Kiara investigates the shop.
Media:vo sllq001 11 ciara 04.ogg Kiara: Hmm... No hazards detected. You've cleared the inspection. Seems like the criminal from that case last month never set foot in here at all.
Media:vo sllq001 11 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: That was quick! What were you inspecting?
Media:vo sllq001 11 ciara 05.ogg Kiara: I took a look around the shop. Neuvillette says that us Melusines have special eyes that can see things people can't.
Media:vo sllq001 11 ciara 06.ogg Kiara: Things like bloodstains. No matter how hard you try to clean them up, we Melusines can see their residual stains for some time. Pretty cool, huh?
Media:vo sllq001 11 eloffe 05.ogg Eloffe: Alright, alright, now that you're done inspecting, can we have a chat?
Media:vo sllq001 11 eloffe 06.ogg Eloffe: Hear me out. I'm planning to release an outfit for children next month and wanted to hire you as my model. Is that okay with you?
Media:vo sllq001 11 ciara 07.ogg Kiara: Of course! Is there anything I need to do?
Media:vo sllq001 11 eloffe 07.ogg Eloffe: Please wait a moment while I take your measurements. The sample should be a perfect fit...
Media:vo sllq001 11 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Seems like they get along really well!
Media:vo sllq001 11 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Huh, (TravelerTraveler)? What are you looking at?
Icon Dialogue Talk I think there's someone over there...
Media:vo sllq001 11 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Is there really someone watching us!? Shh... Let's sneak over and take a look.
(Talk to Eloffre or Kiara again, optional)
Media:vo dialog sllq001 eloffe 01.ogg Eloffe: I think light and frilly clothes look best on you. You'd definitely look cute wearing them.
Media:vo dialog sllq001 ciara 01.ogg Kiara: I love them too! Especially the soft and fluffy kind...

(Approach Charlotte)
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 01.ogg Charlotte: Strange... Why isn't he back yet...
Media:vo sllq001 13 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Gotcha!
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 02.ogg Charlotte: Whoa!!
Media:vo sllq001 13 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Charlotte!? What are you doing here?
Media:vo sllq001 13 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wait, don't tell Paimon you're the one who sent Kiara that threatening letter! But you don't seem like the type to—
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 03.ogg Charlotte: Threat letter? What threat letter?
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you doing here, exactly?
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 04.ogg Charlotte: Uh, this is starting to feel like an interrogation... Okay, I'll be straight with you. I don't know the slightest thing about that threat letter you mentioned — I only wanted to follow Monsieur Neuvillette and request an interview with him.
Media:vo sllq001 13 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: You wanna interview him?
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 05.ogg Charlotte: That's right! I'm not the only one, y'know. Interviewing him is every journalist's dream.
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 06.ogg Charlotte: But it's not an easy task to accomplish. The Palais Mermonia rarely accepts appointment requests from us, and we never have the chance to interrupt when the court's in session.
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 07.ogg Charlotte: So imagine how surprised I was seeing him out on the streets today! It seemed like you were investigating something too... The perfect opportunity to whip up an exclusive, don't you think?
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 08.ogg Charlotte: Of course, I'll make sure to turn in my manuscript to him for review. I have my principles, and I'd never publish an article without the consent of all parties involved.
Icon Dialogue Talk I don't think he'd agree...
Icon Dialogue Talk It's better if we kept this secret.
Media:vo sllq001 13 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Yeah! We're doing a secret investigation that can't be made public knowledge!
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 09.ogg Charlotte: I see... Well, if you say so, I guess I'll put this matter aside for now. What a shame... Chances like this don't come by very often, you know.
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 10.ogg Charlotte: In exchange, could you tell me what the threat letter is about? I swear I won't tell!
Media:vo sllq001 13 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Alright then...
You tell Charlotte about the letter Kiara received...
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 11.ogg Charlotte: WHAT!? Someone's targeting a cute little Melusine?
Media:vo sllq001 13 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Shh, not so loud!
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 12.ogg Charlotte: It just so happens that I did an interview with Kiara — last month, in fact. It was well-received by our readers, so I was planning to continue the series... and now someone's coming after her?
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 13.ogg Charlotte: I'll ask my colleagues about it. Who knows? We might find something. And don't worry, I know what I'm doing! This secret's safe with me.
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 14.ogg Charlotte: But I gotta warn you, even if I keep my lips sealed, others will know eventually.
Media:vo sllq001 13 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Why?
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 15.ogg Charlotte: People care a great deal about Monsieur Neuvillette's each and every move. Some may have already realized that something was up. Besides, the case involves Melusines, so...
Media:vo sllq001 13 charlotte 16.ogg Charlotte: Anyway, I'll get going now. Watch yourselves, alright?
Media:vo sllq001 13 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Well, that was a nice chat... Let's head back and check on Kiara.
(Approach Eloffe, Kiara, and Clorinde)
Media:vo sllq001 14 eloffe 01.ogg Eloffe: What do you think? The design looks pretty good, huh?
Media:vo sllq001 14 ciara 01.ogg Kiara: I think it's great!
Media:vo sllq001 14 clorinde 01.ogg Clorinde: It's very pretty indeed.
Media:vo sllq001 14 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Clorinde! What are you doing here?
Media:vo sllq001 14 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: It seems that you just showed up out of nowhere.
Media:vo sllq001 14 clorinde 02.ogg Clorinde: As I passed by the Palais Mermonia, I heard that Neuvillette was investigating a case with you.
Media:vo sllq001 14 clorinde 03.ogg Clorinde: Technically speaking, he and I are under an employer-employee relationship. It didn't feel right to have my employer personally take on such trivial cases.
Media:vo sllq001 14 clorinde 04.ogg Clorinde: I happen to have some time at the moment and came to take a look. I sometimes have my clothes custom-made at this boutique, in any case, so we always have a lot to talk about.
Media:vo sllq001 14 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Neuvillette sure is lucky to have someone like you!
Media:vo sllq001 14 clorinde 05.ogg Clorinde: Leave this to me. You should go meet up with Neuvillette.
Media:vo sllq001 14 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Okay then, we'll leave Kiara in your hands. C'mon, Let's go find Neuvillette!
(Talk to Kiara or Clorinde again, optional)
Media:vo dialog sllq001 ciara 02.ogg Kiara: How has your work been recently?
Media:vo dialog sllq001 clorinde 01.ogg Clorinde: Same as usual. My schedule normally isn't too packed, so I have plenty of time for myself.
Media:vo dialog sllq001 ciara 03.ogg Kiara: Ooh, then shall we go out to play? How about a beach vacation, like last time?
Media:vo dialog sllq001 ciara 04.ogg Kiara: I've even signed up as a volunteer lifeguard! I'm really good at swimming, so I'm sure I can help.

Icon Quest Step Step Description

Clorinde offers to protect Kiara. Now, rendezvous with Neuvillette.
(Approach Neuvillette in his office)
Media:vo sllq001 16 neuvillette 01.ogg Neuvillette: Oh? You're back. Is everything alright?
Media:vo sllq001 16 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We ran into Clorinde! She offered to help us protect Kiara.
Media:vo sllq001 16 neuvillette 02.ogg Neuvillette: That is good to hear — I trust her abilities. It looks like Kiara's in good hands.
Media:vo sllq001 16 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: We thought so too! Well, did you find any leads?
Media:vo sllq001 16 neuvillette 03.ogg Neuvillette: I've been looking through the case records. Specifically, inspection reports submitted by Kiara and major cases I've judged over the past decade.
Media:vo sllq001 16 neuvillette 04.ogg Neuvillette: I've come up with two plans. On one hand, I could start with Kiara and track down the group behind all this, step by step.
Media:vo sllq001 16 neuvillette 05.ogg Neuvillette: On the other... I could also analyze the conflicting interests of these major cases and confirm my suspicions if there is indeed a mysterious group that bears a grudge against me.
Media:vo sllq001 16 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Hmm, they both sound like pretty solid plans! But can you really finish browsing through all these documents? That's a lot of reading... even for Paimon.
Media:vo sllq001 16 neuvillette 06.ogg Neuvillette: Don't worry, I'm a fast reader when it comes to official documents. After all, I have several hundred years of reviewing under my belt.
Media:vo sllq001 16 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: We'll help you read through them! We have nothing else to do.
Media:vo sllq001 16 neuvillette 07.ogg Neuvillette: Thank you. I will continue looking through the ones piled up on the desk, but feel free to browse through anything else in this room.
(Talk to Neuvillette again, optional)
Media:vo dialog sllq001 neuvillette 01.ogg Neuvillette: ...You're done reading already? Please wait a moment, I still need some time.

Icon Quest Step Step Description

Neuvillette is focused on reviewing the official documents. Help him find points of suspicion
(Read "About the smuggling case...")
About the smuggling case...: "The smuggling case was solved by the joint forces of the Gardes and Marechaussee Phantom."
About the smuggling case...: "The principal offenders have received judgment based on the severity of their crimes."
About the smuggling case...: "Please refer to the appendix for the list of names."
(Read "About the Representative Council's proposal...")
About the Representative Council's proposal...: "The Representative Council has filed a request to collaborate with the Marechaussee Phantom on certain public events."
About the Representative Council's proposal...: "Based on research, they believe that Melusines can enhance the popularity of these events."
About the Representative Council's proposal...: "The Marechaussee Phantom has yet to respond. However, it has not prohibited the Melusines from participating in such activities."
(Read "About Wriothesley...")
About Wriothesley...: "The defendant, Wriothesley, has confessed to his crimes, and was declared guilty by Iudex Neuvillette."
About Wriothesley...: "Wriothesley will be exiled to the Fortress of Meropide, where he will be serving his sentence."
About Wriothesley...: "During the trial, Neuvillette remained silent for a long time."
(Read "About the bribery case...")
About the bribery case...: "There has been a severe bribery scandal within the Gardes."
About the bribery case...: "The Special Security and Surveillance Patrol has investigated the case. All suspects involved have been arrested."
About the bribery case...: "The suspects have confessed to their crimes."
(Read "About the Spina di Rosula...")
About the Spina di Rosula...: "Callas, boss of the Spina di Rosula, was defeated in the duel and died of serious injuries."
About the Spina di Rosula...: "The defense of his honor has now come to a close. The defendant did not raise any objections throughout the trial."
About the Spina di Rosula...: "Iudex Neuvillette reserved judgment in this case. Its details are still under investigation."

(After reading all five documents)
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 01.ogg Neuvillette: Have you made any progress?
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: We skimmed through some of them, but there wasn't anything useful.
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: There's so many documents lying around! Just how many cases have you handled!?
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 02.ogg Neuvillette: I would love to answer that question, but the truth is, I've never made a precise calculation myself.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 03.ogg Neuvillette: If memory serves me right, there should be at least one hundred thousand cases. The documents you see are just a small fraction of what is really there.
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Whoa... that's a lot! Looks like the work of a Chief Justice isn't easy at all.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 04.ogg Neuvillette: That might be how it seems like from another's perspective, but trials and official duties are, to me, simply routine.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 05.ogg Neuvillette: There are many documents here. Take a break if you're tired.
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Whew, you read Paimon's mind!
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 06.ogg Neuvillette: Alright, let us take a break then.
(Everyone takes a seat)
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 07.ogg Neuvillette: ...
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: ...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Uh... Even though resting is a part of taking a break, shouldn't we at least talk about something?
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: All this silence is making Paimon feel really awkward...
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 08.ogg Neuvillette: Please pardon my lack of consideration. People rarely come to the Palais Mermonia for matters outside of work. To be quite honest, I'm not sure what we should do.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 09.ogg Neuvillette: Would you like to have some drinks, perhaps? You must be thirsty after all that work.
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Ooh, drinks! Thank you!
After Neuvillette leaves, Paimon discusses with you quietly.
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Paimon wonders what Neuvillette likes to drink... Oh! Maybe he's a fan of really fancy wines!
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: He seems like the type of person who'd own an entire winery... Y'know, like Diluc!
Neuvillette momentarily leaves and brings back several exquisite wine glasses...
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Uh... What's inside these glasses? It looks just like water...
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 10.ogg Neuvillette: An astute observation. It is indeed water.
(The Traveler and Paimon look at Neuvillette, and then each other)
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: So it's just plain old water!?
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 11.ogg Neuvillette: What did you think it was?
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Um... Since you're the Chief Justice and all, Paimon thought you'd prefer something more sophisticated.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 12.ogg Neuvillette: This water is indeed very special. It would not be an overstatement to call it "sophisticated."
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Huh?
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 13.ogg Neuvillette: I believe you've already tried Fonta. In fact, there are many other drink factories in Fontaine, including those that specialize in packaging pure drinking water.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 14.ogg Neuvillette: Said water is sourced from all across Teyvat, including Mondstadt's Cider Lake, Liyue's Qingce Village, and Inazuma's Konda Village...
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 15.ogg Neuvillette: Here's one of their latest products: water from Sumeru's Apam Woods.
Icon Dialogue Talk Is there any difference?
Icon Dialogue Talk They're all just water, aren't they?
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 16.ogg Neuvillette: If I were to comment on their mouthfeel... The waters of Cider Lake warm the heart, the waters of Qingce Village have a poignant touch, while one might call the waters of Konda Village placid.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 17.ogg Neuvillette: Distinct differences exist between the waters of each area. You'll appreciate their intricacies once you taste them carefully.
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Really? Let Paimon try...
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 18.ogg Neuvillette: What do you think?
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Nope, Paimon couldn't taste any difference at all! Isn't this just normal water?
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 19.ogg Neuvillette: How regrettable. It seems like you still have a long way to go in refining your tastes.
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Hey, this doesn't have to do with refining our tastes! Paimon's pretty sure most ordinary people can't tell the difference... How'd you do it anyway?
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Oh! Could it be because you're the Hydro Dragon?
Icon Dialogue Talk That could be the case.
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Uh, we are allowed to bring that up, right? Since there's no one else around...
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: Oh, Paimon's been wanting to ask this for ages! If you're the Hydro Dragon, why would you become Chief Justice in human society?
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 20.ogg Neuvillette: ...
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: Uh, sorry, Paimon was just curious. You don't have to answer!
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 21.ogg Neuvillette: There's nothing to hide. I was simply organizing my thoughts.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 22.ogg Neuvillette: I accepted this position because I wanted to seek out answers to questions that have perplexed me.
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 22.ogg Paimon: Questions? Are there really things you can't figure out?
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 23.ogg Neuvillette: Many, in fact. But the one question that puzzles me the most concerns my own existence.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 24.ogg Neuvillette: In essence... I neither know why I was born in this form, nor do I understand where my long life should take me.
(Before completing Masquerade of the Guilty)
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 25.ogg Neuvillette: I lost many memories from the moment I was born. The Primordial Sea, for example. I can only vaguely recall its connection to me, but I am unaware of what that connection is exactly.
(After completing Masquerade of the Guilty)
Media:vo sllq001 5 neuvillette 25.ogg Neuvillette: For a long time, my memory was rather incomplete. With regard to the Primordial Sea, for example. I used to only be able to vaguely recall its connection to me, but I was unaware of what that connection was exactly.
Icon Dialogue Talk Is there anyone who can answer those questions?
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 26.ogg Neuvillette: Perhaps the elemental dragons of other nations may have some form of an answer. However, they are scattered across all of Teyvat. Abruptly visiting could very well pose an unpredictable risk.
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 23.ogg Paimon: True... Some of them have very... unique personalities too.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 27.ogg Neuvillette: I have been holding on to these unanswered questions for a long time...
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 28.ogg Neuvillette: But there's one thing I've discovered along the way: My emotions easily resonate with those of others... even I don't have the slightest idea what they mean.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 29.ogg Neuvillette: My guess would be that there are at least some similarities between humans and myself. By observing their behavior, perhaps I could one day understand the meaning of my existence.
Icon Dialogue Talk I see.
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 24.ogg Paimon: Have you made any progress then?
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 30.ogg Neuvillette: Perhaps, but I find such progress difficult to describe. As an outsider, chances to engage in meaningful interactions with others are few and far between.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 31.ogg Neuvillette: That's why I'm quite thankful for this chat — such opportunities are rare. Alas, time is limited. We should move on with our investigation.
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 25.ogg Paimon: Are we gonna continue reading these documents? Ugh, Paimon's getting dizzy already.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 32.ogg Neuvillette: I wasn't able to find any leads even after browsing through most of the documents, but while we were on the topic of "water" a moment ago, another idea came to me.
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 26.ogg Paimon: Water? Do you mean...
Icon Dialogue Talk The Fountain of Lucine?
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 33.ogg Neuvillette: That's right.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 34.ogg Neuvillette: The Fountain of Lucine is where all of Fontaine's waters converge. It is the vessel of countless memories and emotions.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 35.ogg Neuvillette: If there really were an organization attempting to use Melusines against me, they should also hold an intense resentment towards me.
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 36.ogg Neuvillette: Perhaps we'll be able to find some new leads by sensing the Hydro element within the fountain.
Media:vo sllq001 23 paimon 27.ogg Paimon: Huh. Why didn't Paimon think of that? C'mon, let's go take a look!
Media:vo sllq001 23 neuvillette 37.ogg Neuvillette: Perhaps we should go, there shouldn't be too many people near the Fountain of Lucine during the evening.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishA Familiar Threat
Sìcéngxiāngshí de Wēixié
A Familiar Threat
Sìcéngxiāngshí de Wēixié
Itsuka Mita Kyoui
Korean어딘가 익숙한 협박
Eodin'ga Iksukhan Hyeopbak
Somewhat Familiar Threat
SpanishUna amenaza muy familiarA Very Familiar Threat
FrenchUne menace familièreA Familiar Threat
RussianЗнакомая угроза
Znakomaya ugroza
A Familiar Threat
VietnameseMối Đe Dọa Quen Thuộc
GermanDas Risiko eines Déjà-vusThe Risk of a Déjà Vu
IndonesianAncaman yang Tidak AsingA Familiar Threat
PortugueseUma Ameaça Familiar
TurkishTanıdık Bir TehditA Familiar Threat
ItalianUna minaccia familiareA Familiar Threat

Change History[]
