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Genshin Impact Wiki

"The Adventurer's Burdens" is a creatable Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for "The Adventurer's Burdens" is purchasable from Master Lu for Mora Mora ×50,000.


Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 14 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
"The Adventurer's Burdens" 1 "The Adventurer's Burdens"

Furnishing Sets[]

There are 2 Furnishing Sets that use "The Adventurer's Burdens" as a component:

ItemCraft TypeComponents
Gift SetDeadwood Road Sign Deadwood Road Sign ×1
Simple Single-Person Tent Simple Single-Person Tent ×1
Lightning Protective Tent Lightning Protective Tent ×1
"The Adventurer's Burdens" "The Adventurer's Burdens" ×1
"Brightcrown Plumebush" "Brightcrown Plumebush" ×1
"Scholar's Weariness" "Scholar's Weariness" ×1
Tianheng Red Maple: Branches Aflame Tianheng Red Maple: Branches Aflame ×1
Hazel Wildvest Hazel Wildvest ×2
"Dainty Fists" "Dainty Fists" ×2
"The Adventurer's Treasures" "The Adventurer's Treasures" ×1
Furnishing SetDeadwood Road Sign Deadwood Road Sign ×1
Simple Single-Person Tent Simple Single-Person Tent ×1
"The Adventurer's Burdens" "The Adventurer's Burdens" ×1

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
English"The Adventurer's Burdens"
"Màoxiǎn-jiā Nántáo zhī Zhòng"
"Màoxiǎn-jiā Nántáo zhī Zhòng"
"Boukensha no Seou-beki Omomi"
"Weight Which Adventurer Should Be Burdened With"
Korean「모험가의 숙명」
"Moheomga-ui Sukmyeong"
"Adventurer's Fate"
SpanishLa carga del aventureroThe Burden of the Adventurer
French« Poids de l'aventure »"Weights of the Adventure"
RussianБремя искателя приключений
Bremya iskatelya priklyucheniy
Adventurer's Burden
"Phankit Thi Lik Liang Mai Dai khong Nak Photya Phai"
VietnameseTai Họa Khó Tránh Của Nhà Mạo Hiểm
GermanUnausweichliche Bürde eines Abenteurers"Adventurer's Inescapable Hurdle"
Indonesian"Beban Sang Petualang""The Adventurer's Burdens"
Portuguese"Os Fardos do Aventureiro"
TurkishMaceracının Yükü
ItalianIl Fardello dell'avventuriereThe Adventurer's Burden

Change History[]

Version 4.4
  • Updated subcategory from Item to Small Object.

Version 1.5

  • "The Adventurer's Burdens" was released.

