Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

"Resourceful Residence in the Musicmaking Town" is a creatable Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

The blueprint for "Resourceful Residence in the Musicmaking Town" is obtainable from Bertin's House of Curiosities for 10 Hydro Sigil.


First time creation grants Trust Trust ×60.

Icon_Creation_SmallCreation for 14 hours
Icon Creation Recipe
"Resourceful Residence in the Musicmaking Town" 1 "Resourceful Residence in the Musicmaking Town"

Furnishing Sets[]

No Furnishing Sets use "Resourceful Residence in the Musicmaking Town" as a component.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
English"Resourceful Residence in the Musicmaking Town"
"Ongaku no Machi no Kouchi-na Suimai"
"Exquisite Residence in the Music Town"
Korean「작곡 마을의 정교한 거처」
"Jakgok Ma'eurui Jeonggyohan Geocheo"
SpanishCasa ingeniosa del pueblo de la músicaIngenious House of the Music Village
French« Résidence ingénieuse de la Cité mélomane »"Ingenious Residence of the Musicmaking City"
RussianУютный дом в Музыкальном городе
Uyutnyy dom v Muzykal'nom gorode
Vietnamese"Nhà Ở Của Thị Trấn Âm Nhạc"
GermanOriginelles Wohnhaus in der Stadt des Musizierens"Original Residence in the Town of Musicmaking"
Indonesian"Hunian Cerdas Kota Kelahiran Musik""Ingenious Residence of the Hometown of Music"
Portuguese"Casa Engenhosa da Cidade das Alegria"
Turkish"Müzik Şehrinin Varlıklı Konutu"
ItalianResidenza creativa della città musicale

Change History[]

