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The game that passes down Mondstadt's history, Windtrace, is open once more in a new form! Play as the resisting Rebels and evade capture by the Hunter sent by the aristocracy by competing against one another in the Contested Zones until the hour of the hunt ends and obtain Windtrace Coins during the game to earn various rewards.

Windtrace: Seekers and Strategy is an Event in Version 4.6.

Event Details[]


  • 2024/05/14 10:00 - 2024/05/27 03:59



  • During the event, Travelers can participate in the Windtrace game to obtain Primogems, Hero's Wit, Weapon Ascension Materials, and other rewards.
  • On each of the 6 days of the event after it has begun, the maximum number of Windtrace Coins you can collect is increased by 1,000. Travelers can obtain Windtrace Coins or complete Strategic Challenges to claim the corresponding rewards.
  • A new mechanism "Signaling Device" has been added to this edition of Windtrace. Rebels must repair these devices while avoiding the Hunter's pursuit, while the Hunter must stop the Rebels from repairing these devices, or simply eliminate all the Rebels.
  • The first time each Rebel is captured by a Hunter, they will be detained within a "Surveillance Zone" for a while. They will be released automatically once the time of imprisonment ends. Other Rebels can also approach the Surveillance Zone and help their imprisoned comrade escape. When a Rebel who has been imprisoned before is once again captured, that Rebel will be eliminated from the match.
  • The Rebels will win if they repair 4 Signaling Devices within the time limit. If they fail to do so, the Hunter will be victorious. If no Rebels on the field can operate freely, e.g. all the Rebels have been captured or eliminated, the Hunter will be earn an early victory.
  • In "Windtrace: Seekers and Strategy," you can earn Windtrace Coins in Solo Mode and matchmade games alongside up to 2 friends. When forming a custom Co-Op party with 3 other friends to play this game or when your Windtrace Coins have reached the current maximum, you will not obtain any Windtrace Coins.


Tutorial Windtrace 2024-05-14 1
During "Windtrace: Seekers and Strategy," you can play as either a Rebel or a Hunter. The Hunter not only possesses faster Movement SPD and greatly decreased Stamina consumption, but can also use extremely powerful Windward Arts to seek out the opposition, expose disguises, and more.
As for the Rebels, they can use their Windward Arts to disguise themselves as specific objects on the map, place bait, or temporarily enter a concealed state.

Tutorial Windtrace 2024-05-14 2
The first time each Rebel is captured by a Hunter, they will be detained within a "Surveillance Zone" for a while.
Other Rebels can also approach the Surveillance Zone and help their imprisoned comrade escape.
When a Rebel who has been imprisoned before is once again captured, that Rebel will be eliminated from the match.

Tutorial Windtrace 2024-05-14 3
There will be 6 Signaling Devices in each Contested zone.
Rebels cannot be disguised or concealed when close to a Signaling Device's repair zone. Rebels must repair these devices while avoiding the Hunter's pursuit.
The Hunter must stop the Rebels from repairing these devices, or simply eliminate all the Rebels.

Tutorial Windtrace 2024-05-14 4
When a Rebel is repairing a Signaling Device, the device being repaired will enter the High-Speed Signaling state at regular times. In this state, the device will give off a light that everyone can see, which will be marked on the minimap.
A Signaling Device can be repaired by more than one Rebel.

Tutorial Windtrace 2024-05-14 5
The Rebels will win if they repair 4 Signaling Devices within the time limit.
If the Signaling Devices are not repaired in time, the Hunter will be victorious.
If no Rebels on the field can operate freely, e.g. all the Rebels have been captured or eliminated, the Hunter will be earn [sic] an early victory.

Tutorial Windtrace 2024-05-14 6
In this wave of "Windtrace: Seekers and Strategy," you can play alone or matchmake with other friends to obtain Windtrace Coins. If you play a matchmade game with up to 2 other friends, you will all placed [sic] on the Rebel team.
Once you have obtained a certain amount of these coins, you can unlock various rewards.
If you have a match using a pre-made group of four players or have reached the current coin limit, playing will not net you any more Windtrace Coins.

Contested Zones[]

When you participate in Windtrace, the Contested Zone will be randomly chosen from among the areas that have already been selected.

Name Description
Windtrace 2024-05-14 Canyon ConfrontationWindtrace 2024-05-14 Canyon Confrontation Signaling Devices 1
Windtrace 2024-05-14 Canyon Confrontation DisguisesWindtrace 2024-05-14 Canyon Confrontation Signaling Devices 2
Canyon Confrontation
Dadaupa Gorge, Mondstadt
The current disguises in this Contested Zone are: wooden barrels, wooden boxes, and wooden stumps.
This canyon is bounded on three sides by mountains, and its opening is narrow, making it hard for the Rebels to maneuver.
On the other hand, however, the Hunters' movements are also made predictable.
Victory or defeat — all rests upon a razor's edge.
Windtrace 2024-05-14 Winery ConfrontationWindtrace 2024-05-14 Winery Confrontation Signaling Devices 1
Windtrace 2024-05-14 Winery Confrontation DisguisesWindtrace 2024-05-14 Winery Confrontation Signaling Devices 2
Winery Confrontation
Dawn Winery, Mondstadt
The current disguises in this Contested Zone are: wine kegs, chairs, and street lights.
The contention between Rebels and Hunter plays out by the countryside manor.
The tall structure and the dense vineyard rows are excellent places for the Rebels to cover their tracks.
The nondescript wine kegs and streetlights will also aid the Rebels in concealing themselves.
Windtrace 2024-05-14 Rumble in the RuinsWindtrace 2024-05-14 Rumble in the Ruins Signaling Devices 1
Windtrace 2024-05-14 Rumble in the Ruins DisguisesWindtrace 2024-05-14 Rumble in the Ruins Signaling Devices 2
Rumble in the Ruins
Guili Plains, Liyue
The current disguises in this Contested Zone are: wooden boxes and braziers.
The low ruins provide little in the way of effective cover.
Perhaps courageous confrontation shall instead be the key to victory.
Windtrace 2024-05-14 Ritou RunaroundWindtrace 2024-05-14 Ritou Runaround Signaling Devices 1
Windtrace 2024-05-14 Ritou Runaround DisguisesWindtrace 2024-05-14 Ritou Runaround Signaling Devices 2
Ritou Runaround
Ritou, Inazuma
The current disguises in this Contested Zone are: wine barrels, Otogi Wood boxes, storage sacks, and short stools.
The resistance would often have to meet with their contacts to keep abreast of the situation.
The wily Hunters would also switch tacks to tail these informants, thus exposing the Rebels' refuges.
As such, even the busy, prosperous harbor could become a contested area.
These pedestrian streets were good for concealing oneself, but they also greatly shortened distances and the reaction times required. Danger lay in wait around every corner...

Icon Windtrace 2024-05-14 Windward Arts[]

All original Combat Talents will be replaced with "Windward Arts." Travelers can select the Windward Arts they want to use before the game starts.

Secret Favors are Windward Arts that can be picked up that replace the Elemental Burst.

Windtrace 2024-05-14 Hunter Hunter[]

  • If you play as a Hunter in the game, after the game starts, your task is to either stop the Rebels from repairing the Signaling Devices or eliminate all Rebels within the stipulated time. The various Arts of the Hunter can be used to detect the location of the opposing side and leave them shorn of their disguises.
  • If the Hunter captures all the Rebels or the Rebels did not complete their task at the end of the stipulated time, victory goes to the Hunter.
  • After the activity starts, the Stamina consumed by the Hunter in sprinting, climbing, and gliding will be greatly reduced.
  • The Hunter's usage of the "Sensor Aura," "Mysterious Hunch," and "Capture!" Windward Arts is visible to all Rebels who have the "Co-Op Teammate Effects" graphics setting set to "On" (not "Partially Off" or "Off").
Image Name Talent Cooldown
Windward Art 2024-05-14 Mysterious Hunch Preview Windward Art 2024-05-14 Mysterious Hunch Mysterious Hunch Normal Attack 40s
Briefly show the directions where all the Rebels are located. 40s CD.
Windward Art Shadecatcher Beacon Preview Windward Art Shadecatcher Beacon Shadecatcher Beacon Normal Attack 30s
Places a Shadecatcher Beacon on the ground that lasts for 30s. It will activate when a Rebel steps into its effect radius and give the Hunter an alert.
The Rebel who activates this Beacon cannot Disguise for a while. Up to two Shadecatcher Beacons can exist simultaneously. This skill has a 30s CD.
Windward Art 2024-05-14 Sensor Aura Preview Windward Art 2024-05-14 Sensor Aura Sensor Aura Normal Attack 4s
Scout a fixed area around yourself. You will be notified if the area contains a Rebel. If a scouted Rebel moves, sprints, jumps, or glides within the next 5s, a marking pillar of light will be left at their current position. The skill has a 4s CD and can be used 3 times.
Windward Art 2024-05-14 Capture Preview Windward Art 2024-05-14 Capture Capture! Elemental Skill 5s
Dispel the disguise of a nearby Rebel and capture them.

Note: This skill has three charges and can be used while gliding, climbing, and swimming.
Windward Art Unseen Pursuit Preview Windward Art Unseen Pursuit Unseen Pursuit Elemental Burst 30s
Causes one's position to disappear from all Rebels' minimaps and marks out the location of the closest free Rebel.
The "Unseen Pursuit" effect lasts for 30s, and while this ability is active, the Hunter gains a Movement SPD boost, and the CD of "Capture!" is greatly decreased.
Windward Art 2024-05-14 Imprisoning Curse Preview Windward Art 2024-05-14 Imprisoning Curse Imprisoning Curse Elemental Burst 40s
Randomly dispels the disguise of one Rebel and restrains them for 40s.
During this time, the target will be unable to leave the restraining area.
The Rebels will be warned of this action.
Windward Art 2024-05-14 Insight Preview Windward Art 2024-05-14 Insight Insight Elemental Burst 20s
Dispels the disguises of all Rebels and briefly marks their location on the minimap while showing the position of nearby Rebels on the scene with a pillar of light.
This effect lasts for 20s, and during this time, the Rebels will be unable to disguise themselves.
The Rebels will be warned of this action.

Note: This skill highlights all Rebels with a blue pillar of light which moves with the player.

Windtrace 2024-05-14 Rebel Rebel[]

  • If you play as a Rebel in the game, after the game starts, your team must fix 4 out of the 6 Signaling Devices on the map within the time limit while hiding to avoid the Hunter. The faster the Rebel can fix the Signaling Devices, the more Windtrace Coins obtained.
Image Name Talent Cooldown
Windward Art 2024-05-14 Concealing Beacon Preview Windward Art 2024-05-14 Concealing Beacon Concealing Beacon Normal Attack 45s
Place a Concealing Beacon. While close to this Beacon, the Rebels will be invisible and cannot be discovered by the Hunter until the Beacon is destroyed or until the Rebel gets close enough to a Signaling Device to repair it.
If the Hunter uses "Capture!" on the Concealing Beacon, they will have their vision obscured for a short time. 45s CD.
Windward Art 2024-05-14 Transparency Preview Windward Art 2024-05-14 Transparency Transparency Normal Attack 30s
Enter hidden mode for 5s. During this time, you cannot be discovered by the Hunter.
Entering this mode will dispel your current disguise.
The Hunter's Windward Arts "Capture!," "Mysterious Hunch," and "Sensor Aura" will all still take effect against a hidden Rebel.
When a Rebel gets close enough to a Signaling Device to repair it, their hidden state will lose effect. 30s CD.
Windward Art 2024-05-14 Disguise Preview Windward Art 2024-05-14 Disguise Disguise Elemental Skill 0.5s
(TapTap/ClickClick/PressPress): Randomly disguise as one of the specialized objects in the area.
Hold: Removes the disguise.
The disguise will be removed when you glide or swim.
Windward Art 2024-05-14 Starstep Preview Windward Art 2024-05-14 Starstep Starstep Elemental Burst 10s
Movement SPD is greatly increased for the next 30s.


Windtrace Coin Rewards[]

Windtrace Coin (Seekers and Strategy) Windtrace Coins Rewards
Primogem 60
Mora 20,000
Debris of Decarabian's City 4
Primogem 60
Mora 20,000
Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth 4
Primogem 60
Mora 20,000
Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator 4
Primogem 40
Mora 20,000
Guide to Freedom 2
Primogem 40
Mora 20,000
Guide to Resistance 2
Primogem 40
Mora 20,000
Guide to Ballad 2
Primogem 40
Mora 20,000
Debris of Decarabian's City 4
Primogem 40
Mora 20,000
Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth 4
Primogem 40
Mora 20,000
Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator 4
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Guide to Freedom 2
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Guide to Resistance 2
Mora 20,000
Hero's Wit 2
Guide to Ballad 2

Strategic Challenge Rewards[]

Note: Strategic Challenge Rewards can be obtained in custom Co-op parties.

Challenge Rewards
Obtained "Favor" once in one match
Hero's Wit 2
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4
Obtained 150 repair value in one match
Hero's Wit 2
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4
Completely repaired the first Signaling Device during one match
Hero's Wit 2
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4
Captured a Rebel in one match
Hero's Wit 2
Mystic Enhancement Ore 4

Windtrace Coin Bonuses[]


Description Windtrace Coin (Seekers and Strategy) Reward
Achieved victory 100
For each Rebel captured while playing as the Hunter 100[Note 1]
For each Rebel eliminated while playing as the Hunter 50
Attain "Final Countdown" as the Hunter: Achieve victory within 120 seconds 100
Attain "Hunter's Intuition": Captured a Rebel using Transparency 50
Attain "One Step Ahead": Capture a Rebel who is using Starstep 50
Attain "No Escape": Capture a Rebel in disguise 100
Attain "All Comes to Light": Destroy 3 or more Concealing Beacons 150
Attain "Round 'Em Up": Capture more than one Rebel with a single "Capture!" 100
Attain "Occasional Mistake": Fail to capture any Rebels 100
Attain "No Salvation": Achieved victory before any Signaling Devices can be repaired 100
Attain "Final Victor": Achieved victory with 3 Signaling Devices having been repaired 50
Attain "So Close!" while playing as the Hunter: Obtain a Favor, yet allow victory to slip from your grasp 100
Attain "The Hunter's Defeat": Captured 3 Rebels, yet have victory elude you 150
Attain "Zero Point Hunter": Captured a Rebel who was repairing a Signaling Device 100
Attain "Shadowcatcher": Had Rebels activate your Shadecatcher Beacons 3 times 100
Each time the Rebels were prevented from repairing a Signaling Device 75


Description Windtrace Coin (Seekers and Strategy) Reward
Achieved victory 100
Attained "Last Spark": Grasp victory while being the last Rebel not yet eliminated 100
Attained "Fastest Fingers First": Repair the first Signaling Device in this match 150
Attained "Perfect Finale": Repair the final Signaling Device in this match 100
Attained "Mechanical Genius" while playing as a Rebel: Obtained Favor and drink the sweet wine of victory 100
Attained "Technically Disadvantaged" while playing as a Rebel: Obtained Favor, yet have victory slip from your grasp 75
Attained "Show-Stopping Star": Obtain Favor and claim victory while being the last Rebel not yet eliminated 100
Attained "A Dab Hand": Emerge victorious without ever having been sent to the Surveillance Zone 100
Attained "Fight to the Finish": Be sent to the Surveillance Zone once, yet emerge victorious 100
Attained "Self-Preservation": Avoid being sent to the Surveillance Zone the whole match yet fail to be victorious 50
Attained "One Shall Come After Me": Have the Rebels triumph despite your elimination 50
Reached a repair value of 200 while repairing Signaling Devices 100
Attained "Come On Out!": Rescue a Rebel from the Surveillance Zone 100[Note 2]
Attained "Concealment Tactics": Was not captured while marked by Insight 250
Attained "Survival Strategies": Was not captured while imprisoned by the Imprisoning Curse 250
Attained "Mistimed": Got caught while repairing the final Signaling Device 50
Repaired a Signaling Device alongside other Rebels 100
Repaired a Signaling Device while marked by Insight 150
Bonus for repairing Signaling Devices 75[Note 3]
Windtrace Coin bonus for contest time 1[Note 4]
Windtrace Coin bonus for Signaling Device Repair 25[Note 5]
  1. If all rebels get captured twice, 500 Windtrace Coins is obtained rather than 600, presumably because the final capture is not registered.
  2. For each Rebel rescued.
  3. For each Signaling Device repaired.
  4. For each second while not eliminated.
  5. For every 25% repair progress made.

End-of-Game Titles[]

At the end of each match, each player is given one of the following titles that is displayed to all players in the match (if multiple conditions are met, higher conditions are prioritized):


Title Description
Final Countdown Achieved victory within 120s
Hunter's Intuition Caught a Rebel who was using Transparency
One Step Ahead Captured a Rebel who was using Starstep
No Escape Caught a Disguised Rebel
Round 'Em Up Capture multiple Rebels with a single "Capture!"
Occasional Mistake Failed to capture any Rebels
No Salvation Achieved victory without any Signaling Devices repaired
Final Victor Achieved victory even after 3 Signaling Devices have been repaired
So Close! Obtained a Favor but did not win
The Hunter's Defeat Captured Rebels three times, but did not win
Zero Point Hunter Captured a Rebel who was repairing a Signaling Device while playing as the Hunter
Shadowcatcher Had Rebels activate your Shadecatcher Beacons 3 times as the Hunter
Born to Hunt Obtained a Favor and won
Old Hand Number of Rebels captured as the Hunter (number is shown)


Title Description
Last Spark Be the only Rebel not eliminated and win
Fastest Fingers First Repaired the first Signaling Device
Perfect Finale Repaired the last Signaling Device
Mechanical Genius Obtained a Favor and won
Show-Stopping Star Was the only one not eliminated, gained a Favor, and won
A Dab Hand Was never thrown into the Surveillance Zone and won this match
Fight to the Finish Won this match despite spending a stint in the Surveillance Zone
Self-Preservation Was never thrown into the Surveillance Zone, but did not win this match
One Shall Come After Me Got eliminated, but the Rebels won
Concealment Tactics Evaded capture as a Rebel while marked by Insight
Survival Strategies Evaded capture as a Rebel while affected by the Imprisoning Curse
Mistimed Got captured by the Hunter as a Rebel while repairing the final Signaling Device
No Bars Will Hold Us Number of times you rescued teammates from the Surveillance Zone as a Rebel (number is shown)
Super Swift Signaller Reached a total repair value of 200 when repairing Signaling Devices
Do You Even Scout Be the first to be eliminated during this match
One For All Contended with the Hunter together with your party mates

Battle Pass Missions[]

This event added additional "This BP Period" Battle Pass missions to the The Realms Rocked Battle Pass. The Battle Pass EXP (BP EXP) obtained from these missions do not count towards the weekly experience limit of 10,000 BP EXP.

MissionsBattle Pass EXP BP EXP
[Event] Gain 4,000 Windtrace Coins in Windtrace: Seekers and Strategy1,500

Total Rewards[]

Mora 240,000 Mora
Event Items that expire at the end of the Event:

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWindtrace: Seekers and Strategy
Fēngxíng Mízōng - Móucè zhī Jú
Fēngxíng Mízōng - Móucè zhī Jú
Kaze no Yukue - Myousaku no Jin
Korean바람의 행방・전략 승부
Baram-ui Haengbang - Jeollyak Seungbu
SpanishCazadores y rebeldes: Estrategias y complotsHunters and Rebels: Strategies and Plots
FrenchPoursuite du vent : Jeu de stratagèmesWind Pursuit: Stratagem Game
RussianПо следам ветра: Стратегия
Po sledam vetra: Strategiya
WindtraceWindtraceWindtraceWindtraceTooltip for WindtraceWindtrace: Strategy
Thaiเส้นทางแห่งสายลม - เวทีกลยุทธ์
VietnameseCơn Gió Lạc Lối - Mưu Lược
GermanWindflucht – Sucher und StrategieWind Escape – Seeker and Strategy
IndonesianJejak Sang Angin: Permainan Adu StrategiThe Wind's Trace: A Game of Strategy Battle
PortugueseLabirinto de Vento: Caçadores e EstratégiaWind Maze: Hunters and Strategy
TurkishRüzgar Labirenti: Avcılar ve Stratejiler
ItalianCacciavento: Cercatori e strategie

Change History[]
