Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

White Heron Hairpin is a furnishing item obtainable as a gift from Kamisato Ayaka as part of the Grus Nivis Chapter Act I: The Whispers of the Crane and the White Rabbit.


It is a hairpin representative of a white heron in a black box decorated with gold pieces and some gray embossing. It is gifted to the Traveler by Kamisato Ayaka after collecting the kimono made as a greeting gift for Tsubaki.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWhite Heron Hairpin
Báilù Liúguāng zhī Zān
Hairpin of the White Heron's Flittering Light[• 1]
Báilù Liúguāng zhī Zān
Shirasagi Ryuukou Kanzashi‍[!][!]
White Heron Flowing Light Ornate Hairpin
Korean백로 유광 비녀
Baekro Yugwang Binyeo
White Heron Flowing Light Binyeo
SpanishHorquilla de la garza luminosaHairpin of the Luminous Heron
FrenchÉpingle à cheveux héronHeron Hairpin
RussianЗаколка в форме белой цапли
Zakolka v forme beloy tsapli
Hairpin in the Shape of a White Heron
VietnameseTrâm Bạch Lộc Lưu Quang
GermanWeißer-Reiher-HaarnadelWhite Heron Hairpin
IndonesianJepit Rambut Bangau PutihWhite Heron Hairpin
PortugueseGrampo de Garça Branca
TurkishBeyaz Balıkçıl Tokası
ItalianFermaglio con airone bianco
  1. Chinese: 流光 Liúguāng is also used to describe the inexorable flow of time.

Change History[]

Version 4.4
  • Updated subcategory from Utensil to Memento.

Version 2.0

  • White Heron Hairpin was released.

