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Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter is the third part of the World Quest Series Vimana Agama.


  1. Open the Ruin Golem seal
  2. Enter the Ruin Golem
  3. Activate the relays
  4. Link the lower power system
  5. Talk to Jazari
  6. Connect all four relays in the middle
    1. Get all 3 Energy Blocks
    2. Power relay with door that requires 3 Energy Blocks.
    3. Power relay with door that requires 2 Energy Blocks.
    4. Power relay with door that requires 1 Energy Block.
    5. Power relay without door.
  7. Defeat the Black Serpent Knight
  8. Talk to Jazari
  9. Connect to the pilot cabin power system
  10. Enter the pilot cabin
  11. Activate the Ruin Golem
    • Press Activate, then attack three times)
  12. Talk to Jazari


UI Quest Quest Description

You were finally able to get inside the Ruin Golem. If it can be activated, gaining access to the underground ruins should be a simple matter...
(Open the cabin door)
(Jazari and the Traveler watch as the cabin opens to reveal a large overgrown space)
(If the player has not completed Afratu's Dilemma)
Paimon: It's so much bigger in here than Paimon thought!
Jazari: Of course it is! Wait, this is a moment for that famous phrase, is it not?
Jazari: "Behold. Thousands of years of ancient Khaenri'ah history lie before us!"
Jazari: Oops, got carried away there. This is a famous quote by Iskandar, a VahumanaAetiology sage. Wait. Haven't you read his biography?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Icon Dialogue Talk Aren't you a Kshahrewar researcher?
Jazari: Well, knowledge is boundless. I do not intend to have my learning shackled.
Jazari: I've read about it countless times in books, but this is the first time I've seen it in person, and that's why I can't contain my excitement.
Paimon: Look at all these vines. It must have been a really long time since anyone last came here.
Jazari: According to the text named "The Review of Research on Issues Related to the Ruin Golem in Ancient Khaenri'ah," the last scholar who managed to get inside a Ruin Golem for systematic research was Pir Kavikavus.
Jazari: I'm sure you don't know this, but Pir Kavikavus was one of the greatest scholars in Kshahrewar's history. Kavikavus earned the rank of Herbad before hitting thirty — a genuine academic genius.
Jazari: With his achievements, he would have become a sage sooner or later. But he met with an accident during an expedition, and his research results were lost.
Jazari: Ever since then, Kshahrewar has gone downhill. If he had lived longer, perhaps I wouldn't be worrying about expenses day and night like this.
Jazari: By the way, it's my academic ambition to follow in Pir Kavikavus' footsteps.
Paimon: Well, forget your academic ambition for now. Our next step is to...
Icon Dialogue Talk Smash open the entrance.
Paimon: Uh-huh, then we need to activate this big guy first.
Icon Dialogue Talk Conduct academic research.
Paimon: Umm, did you forget that we're here to investigate the underground ruins? Academic research is important, sure, but we need to figure out how to get this big guy started first.
Jazari: Right. By activating the Ruin Golem, I can get valuable experimental data, which will then serve as the basis for a breakthrough in my research.
Jazari: One has to make some waves to outdo one's predecessors, after all.
Paimon: So let's get this thing working, then! There's got to be some mechanism here... You know, the kind of thing that lights up when pressed?
Jazari: Hmm... I do recall there being one. According to our records, once the Separation Valve in the steering cabin is turned on, the Ruin Golem will be activated.
Jazari: But as I told you before, all ruin machines are driven by the dark power of their cores. And the cores of the Ruin Golem have been sealed underground.
Jazari: Even if we got into the steering cabin, the conventional method will not work.
Jazari: In fact, we can't even start this lift right before us, so how will we get to the steering cabin at the top?
Paimon: Hmm, you're right... So what do we do now?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's try hitting it.
Jazari: Wait! I do have the most authoritative research permit granted by the Akademiya, but that doesn't mean we can damage this machine as we please.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're implying that there's an unconventional route.
Jazari: As the saying goes, "when one door closes, another opens." And in any case, I'm positive that the people of Khaenri'ah surely took this scenario into consideration.
Jazari: The Akademiya's research shows that the early ruin machines also had a backup power system, perhaps because the techniques that allowed them to utilize this dark power were still in their infancy.
Icon Dialogue Talk Power system?
Jazari: Unlike the cores that supply almost unlimited energy, this power system comprises a series of small power relays.
Jazari: The power sources of these devices are energy blocks that store pure energy extracted from the Ley Lines.
Jazari: According to VahumanaAetiology researchers, this power system most likely had been in widespread use long before the first ruin machine was ever built in ancient Khaenri'ah.
Jazari: As I stated earlier, the Ruin Golem is an early model, so it must have one of those backup power systems.
Jazari: The core power cabin is at the bottom. Let's get down there first.
Icon Dialogue Talk Just tell me what to do next.
Jazari: Well, the core power cabin is at the bottom. Let's get down there first.
(If the player has completed Afratu's Dilemma)
Paimon: Looks just like the big robot Paimon once visited!
Jazari: Oh? You have been inside another Ruin Golem?
Paimon: Yes! In the desert, someone named Afratu asked us to look into machines just like this one.
Jazari: Afratu? Darn it, don't tell me he has also got his eyes on the title of "Well-known Ruin Golem Researcher."
Icon Dialogue Talk No, I don't think that's the case...
Jazari: I remember that guy to be a Vahumana Researcher, and this shouldn't interest him.
Jazari: That's not totally impossible, though.
Jazari: After all, that's where Iskandar, the sage saying "Behold. The thousand-year history of ancient Khaenri'ah lies before us!", comes from.
Paimon: Enough about the "well-known researcher" thing. Compared to the one we saw, this seems really deserted.
Jazari: Of course.
Jazari: According to the text named "The Review of Research on Issues Related to the Ruin Golem in Ancient Khaenri'ah," the last scholar who managed to get inside a Ruin Golem for systematic research was Pir Kavikavus.
Jazari: I'm sure you don't know this, but Pir Kavikavus was one of the greatest scholars in Kshahrewar's history. Kavikavus earned the rank of Herbad before hitting thirty — a genuine academic genius.
Jazari: With his achievements, he would have become a sage sooner or later. But he met with an accident during an expedition, and his research results were lost.
Jazari: Ever since then, Kshahrewar has gone downhill. If he had lived longer, perhaps I wouldn't be worrying about expenses day and night like this.
Jazari: By the way, it's my academic ambition to follow in Pir Kavikavus' footsteps.
Paimon: Well, so the next step should be...
Icon Dialogue Talk Smash open the entrance.
Paimon: Uh-huh, then we need to activate this big guy first.
Icon Dialogue Talk Conduct academic research.
Paimon: Umm, did you forget that we're here to investigate the underground ruins? Academic research is important, sure, but we need to figure out how to get this big guy started first.
Jazari: Right. By activating the Ruin Golem, I can get valuable experimental data, which will then serve as the basis for a breakthrough in my research.
Jazari: One has to make some waves to outdo one's predecessors, after all.
Paimon: So we'll start this big guy from the steering cabin, right?
Jazari: Well... generally, once the "separation valve" in the steering cabin is turned on, the Ruin Golem should be activated.
Jazari: But as I told you before, all ruin machines are driven by the dark power of their cores. And the cores of the Ruin Golem have been sealed underground.
Jazari: Even if we got into the steering cabin, the conventional method will not work.
Jazari: In fact, we can't even start this lift right before us, so how will we get to the steering cabin at the top?
Paimon: Hmm, you're right... So what do we do now?
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's try hitting it.
Jazari: Wait! I do have the most authoritative research permit granted by the Akademiya, but that doesn't mean we can damage this machine as we please.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're implying that there's an unconventional route.
Jazari: As the saying goes, "when one door closes, another opens." And in any case, I'm positive that the people of Khaenri'ah surely took this scenario into consideration.
Jazari: The Akademiya's research shows that the early ruin machines also had a backup power system, perhaps because the techniques that allowed them to utilize this dark power were still in their infancy.
Icon Dialogue Talk Power system?
Jazari: Unlike the cores that supply almost unlimited energy, this power system comprises a series of small power relays.
Jazari: The power sources of these devices are energy blocks that store pure energy extracted from the Ley Lines.
Jazari: According to VahumanaAetiology researchers, this power system most likely had been in widespread use long before the first ruin machine was ever built in ancient Khaenri'ah.
Jazari: As I stated earlier, the Ruin Golem is an early model, so it must have one of those backup power systems.
Jazari: The core power cabin is at the bottom. Let's get down there first.
Icon Dialogue Talk Just tell me what to do next.
Jazari: Well, the core power cabin is at the bottom. Let's get down there first.

(Pick up an energy cube)
Jazari: I'm not entirely sure why these energy cubes were left all over the place in here, but theoretically, if you put the cubes into this, you can activate the device.
(Activate the relay)
Paimon: Wow! It's starting up!
Jazari: What do you think? The machinery in the Ruin Golem, whether it's a relay or a trap door, can be powered by this Energy Block.
Paimon: But nothing seems to have changed at all...
Jazari: Well, because this backup system comprises a series of small power relays.
Jazari: In other words, we have to work all our way up from the bottom, and the system can only function when all the relays have been connected.
Icon Dialogue Talk All of them...
Jazari: Given the damage to the Ruin Golem, it will be quite difficult for it to run at full power.
Jazari: But just as you were activating this relay, I found this in the power room.
Jazari: It seems to be the blueprint for the Ruin Golem. Perhaps its maintenance crew left it here.
Jazari: According to this blueprint, we only need to connect several key relays to start this machine...
Jazari: At the very least, we'll be able to start this lift and go up to the steering cabin.
Paimon: That sounds questionable...
Jazari: Well, there's nothing else we can do, so we might as well try activating the lift first, yes?
Paimon: Wait, aren't you coming with us?
Jazari: I'll stay here and take pic— no, study the internal structure of the Ruin Golem. That's also important work.
Jazari: Besides, I'm a scholar. There's little I could do to assist you directly in your task. But if you have any technical problems, I'll be here for you.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Jazari, optional)
Jazari: (What a monumental work! And yet it is so intricately made...)
(Talk to Jazari again, optional)
Jazari: Look at the ingenious machinery all around. What a masterpiece of human civilization!
Jazari: This is valuable information for research. I've gotta record all it down.

(Activate the relays on the bottom level)
(Lights flicker on throughout the chamber)
(Talk to Jazari)
Jazari: Back so soon? Well, I'm still studying the load-bearing structure of these components here. But it's impressive that you got the lift started!
Icon Dialogue Talk You were just guessing about the activation thing, weren't you?
Jazari: Well... Come on, I've only read about it in books.
Jazari: Just so you know, there are no more than three people in the entire Akademiya who can read this blueprint. So guessing it right does mean something!
Jazari: Anyway, now that the lift is working, we should be able to access the steering room above by activating the relays on the middle level.
Jazari: I see... The mid-level gear should be in the power room. We need to activate all four relay units.
Jazari: If we can't find an Energy Block that works, it is also possible to temporarily remove them from the device. It's fine as long as they're all connected in the end.
Jazari: I'll keep waiting for you here then.

(After activating the four relays, Ynghildr spawns)
Paimon: Look, there's someone over there!
Paimon: Could it really be the pilot?

(Talk to Jazari at the bottom level)
Jazari: Huh? What were you guys doing up there? I thought I heard a truly incredible racket while I was studying this inductive circuit.
Jazari: Well, whatever you're doing, please keep it down. If there's any trouble with the machine here, it'll be hard for me to explain it away in my report to the Akademiya.
Icon Dialogue Talk We met the pilot.
Jazari: Pilot? Are you joking?
Jazari: Even people of Khaenri'ah couldn't live for hundreds of years.
Icon Dialogue Talk We met an old friend.
Jazari: Umm, are you and this child both... Alright, okay. You know what? I'll write two recommendation letters to the Akademiya. This way, the two of you can get along in future as well.
Paimon: Uh, that's not what's happening here at all!
Jazari: Anyway, I assume you've got the relays in the middle connected, yes?
Jazari: I'm almost done here as well. Come. Let's go up to the steering cabin at the top.
Jazari: Just like before, we simply need to connect the power system to the steering cabin to activate the Ruin Golem's control systems.
(Activate both relays on either side of the top floor)
(The door to the pilot cabin activates and opens)

(Enter the pilot cabin)
Paimon: Ugh... Besides this dark stone slate, nothing else here seems to be of value.
Jazari: Stone slate? Don't underestimate it. If we can get the control system running, then we can see the outside world through it.
Jazari: The control system here looks like it can still work. Ancient Khaenri'ah's creations really are amazing.
Jazari: I never thought I would have this chance in this lifetime. But now it seems that once I complete this research report, winning the Pir Kavikavus Prize is only a matter of time now...
Paimon: Then let's try and start this machine. Paimon can't wait!
Icon Dialogue Talk A capital notion.
Icon Dialogue Talk Yes, time's a-wastin'.
Jazari: Now, now, we shouldn't rush anything. We need to follow the instructions!
(Talk to Jazari again, optional)
Jazari: Let me see. According to these specifications, I should first press... Huh, which one is it...

Icon Quest Step Step Description

Take control of the Ruin Golem, smash open the blockage, and the passageway to the underground ruins will be revealed...
(Activate the golem)
(A view of the surrounding area appears on the screen)
(Attack with the golem once)
Jazari: Hey wait! Calm down!
(Attack with the golem again)
Jazari: You must preheat to attack!
(Attack with the golem for a third time)
(The screen turns black. Outside, the golem begins activating and lifts its left arm, causing the pilot cabin to shake. Before anything can happen, however, the arm crashes into the ground.)
(Talk to Jazari)
Jazari: And what did I say about following the instructions...?
Icon Dialogue Talk We didn't really get it to do anything...
Paimon: Its arm just, y'know, fell off! Paimon's pretty sure the machine itself is to blame!
Jazari: Fine, I'll record it as an experimental accident, then. Ugh... I do hope that this won't diminish my report in any way.
Jazari: Anyway, it seems like we won't be able to start the Ruin Golem again, so there's no point in me keeping you here.
Jazari: I know you're here to investigate the contamination of the underground ruins, but I'm afraid that the Ruin Golem won't be of much use to you now.
Jazari: Even so, you may see some unexpected progress as a result of what you did.
Jazari: Well, I shall not keep you any longer. I have my research to get done here, in any case.
Jazari: You can come and look for me once your work is done... if I haven't been disciplined for destroying the Ruin Golem yet.
Jazari: Once that happens, I can help you apply for the research project on the Chaos Cores.
Jazari: I'll be the one in charge of the project, of course. But don't worry, I'll give you half the funds.
Jazari: Anyone can embark on an academic career as long as they have the desire to learn, so go for it!
(Quest completes)
Paimon: Jazari keeps saying things we don't understand, but he seems like a nice guy.
Paimon: Anyway, let's leave this place through this big guy's arm.
Paimon: Paimon's not sure if the arm hit anything, though...
(Talk to Jazari again, optional)
Jazari: The gates to scholarship will open to whoever has a seeking heart.
Jazari: Now go for it with that in mind!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishVimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter
Jíxiáng Jùshū - Jiāzhālǐ-piān
Jíxiáng Jùshū - Jiāzhālǐ-piān
Vimana Seiten - Jazarii Hen
Vimana Sacred Scripture - Jazari Chapter
Korean비마나 경전・쟈자리
Bimana Gyeongjeon - Jyajari Pyeon
Vimana Scriptures - Jazari Chapter
Spanish«Vimana Agama»: Jazari"Vimana Agama": Jazari
FrenchVimana Agama : JazariVimana Agama: Jazari
RussianВимана-агама: глава «Джазари»
Vimana-agama: glava "Dzhazari"
Vimana-Agama: Jazari Chapter
Thaiตำราวิมานาคมะ - บทแห่ง Jazari
VietnameseA-HàmA-Hàm Vimana - Chương JazariVimana Agama - Jazari Chapter
GermanVimana-Agama Jazaris KapitelVimana Agama - Jazari's Chapter
IndonesianBuku Keberuntungan - Bab JazariBook of Fortune - Jazari Chapter
PortugueseVimana Agama: Capítulo Jazari
TurkishVimana Agama: Jazari'nin Bölümü
ItalianVimana Agama: Capitolo di Jazari

Change History[]

Version 3.1
  • Added additional dialogue branch when first entering the golem if Afratu's Dilemma was completed beforehand.

Version 3.0

  • Vimana Agama: Jazari's Chapter was released.