Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Treasure Compasses are reusable gadgets that can be used to find nearby chests and are obtained through forging. There is currently one compass for each of the following regions: Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine, and Natlan. Their diagrams are all obtainable from Reputation rewards in their respective nations: at reputation level 6 for Mondstadt and Liyue, at reputation level 9 for Inazuma, Sumeru, and Fontaine, and at max reputation level with 3 different tribes for Natlan.

Treasure compasses can be equipped through the Inventory and can be used after pressing the appropriate control. After using a treasure compass, light that streams toward the nearest chest, Time Trial Challenge, Seelie, or Monetoo in the vicinity will briefly appear, and said chest will be marked on the Map with an icon Icon Chest, or Icon Flag for the others. Only one thing can be marked at a time. The gadget then goes on cooldown for 30 seconds if something was detected, or 5 seconds if not. This cooldown is shared among all treasure compasses, and if something was detected, will be reset upon opening the marked chest or approaching the challenge/Seelie/Monetoo. If the compass is unequipped, the mark on the Map will be removed.

Unlike Oculus Resonance Stones, treasure chest compasses have unlimited uses.


Gameplay Notes[]


Tutorial Treasure Compass 1
A device that can detect nearby treasure. After using it, the location of nearby treasure chests will be indicated and marked out on the map.

Tutorial Treasure Compass 2
Aside from directly fighting treasure, the Treasure Compass can also find some places or clues that might lead to treasure...


  • Treasure Compass needles spin according to the energy of Ley Lines rather than the world's magnetic field.[1]

Change History[]

Version 5.2
  • Added a Quick Swap feature that changes the currently equipped Treasure Compass to the one corresponding with the region the player is currently in.
  • Updated to mark nearby Time Trial Challenges, Seelie, and Monetoo with the Icon Flag icon on the map.
  • Updated message upon use when there are no chests, Time Trial Challenges, Seelie, or Monetoo nearby:
    • Old: The Treasure Compass did not detect any chest(s) nearby
    • New: The Treasure Compass did not detect any chest(s) or relevant clues nearby

Version 5.0

Version 4.6

  • Updated to mark Chests with the Icon Chest icon on the map and reset the Cooldown upon opening the marked chest.

Version 4.0

Version 3.0

Version 2.0

Version 1.4

  • Added sound effect upon use.

Version 1.1


  1. Gadget: Anemo Treasure Compass (Description)

