Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

Travel Notes: Sub-Space Recreation is a Namecard obtained by purchasing the Gnostic Chorus for the Realm of Diversion Battle Pass.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTravel Notes: Sub-Space Recreation
Jìxíng - Ràochén
Travelogue - Dust-Revolving[• 1]
Jìxíng - Ràochén
Kikou - Kaichin‍[!][!]
Traveler's Journal - Moving Dust
Korean기행・얽힌 속세
Gihaeng - Eolkin Soksse
Travel - Tangled World
SpanishPB - Creación dimensionalBP - Dimensional Creation
FrenchPB - Autre mondeBP - Other World
RussianДругая реальность
Drugaya real'nost'
Another Reality
Thaiบันทึก - ท่องพิภพ
Note - World Travel
VietnameseNhật KýNhật Ký Hành TrìnhHành Trình - Dạo Bước Cõi TrầnTrầnJourney Diary - Walking in the Mortal World
GermanErlebnispass – Ein anderes ReichBattle PassBattle PassBattle PassBattle PassTooltip for Battle PassBattle Pass - Another Realm
IndonesianCatatan Perjalanan: Penciptaan AlamTravel Notes: Nature Creation
PortuguesePasse de Batalha: Outro ReinoBattle Pass: Other Realm
TurkishGezi Notları: Alt Uzay YaratmaTravel Notes: Sub-Space Creation
ItalianAppunti di viaggio - Mondi alternativiTravel Notes - Alternative Worlds
  1. Chinese: Alternately, / chén can also refer to mortal life, or the mundane world. The name was also used in the full Chinese title of Version 1.5.

Change History[]

